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A Aboard sketch of the translation that led to the new regulations of commerce that have lately been agitated ..

... me* Jaftes imported into North America, be reduced to one pennv Sterling per gallon ; and that every method adopted to inforce the full and juft colle&ion that duty. Agreed, That the importation fo. reign rum to North America continue be prohibited. Agreed ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1766
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1934 | Page: 20 | Tags: none

'Sf ' MQN DAY* May 26, [Numb. 0 7 ' 'Printtd pits of Dibatts, in a ttrtam Houft, Janand fJ

... refutned bit difconrles ** When propofed to tax America, afked the any gentleman would objed to I r§, ratcdly afleed it, and no man attempt h. I’m, tedion and obedience are reciprocal. Great prortefts America; America is bound yield ehe® if not, tell where tbe ...

Published: Monday 26 May 1766
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2437 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

nr OfWnvcn Way not pick a man of fuflkiem knowledge and expeliencc to make governor of a colony there. Kut

... crying injuftice, I am one of thofe who will lift up hands again)! it. In fuch a canfe, your fucccfs would hatar* dons. —America, tell, would tall like the llrong man. She would embrace the pillars ol the ftatc, and pull down the conftitution along with ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 424 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

________ -_ —TTwouid every geotUman. to fell hit lands he Can, and . «mWk for that country. When twoncountriw are

... believe to true. • Tbc.gentleman mud not wonder he watTnot con* when, the roinider, he aflerted aright of . parliament to tax America. l'k now n how is, • but there is modedy in this honfe which does not Choofe to contradia rounder. I wilh gentlemen would: ...

Published: Monday 26 May 1766
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 385 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

POLITICAL ORATION. AS the affairs rica have lately been fo much the fubjerf of converfation, it is preliimetl ..

... to take I'uch part concerning America, as might afterwards fee fit. One word only cunli hot approve of ; an early is a word that dots not belong to the notice the minillry have given to parliament of the troubles in America. -a matter fnch importance, the ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 844 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

C O PEIiFiAGEN, (Denmark) April 22. It is affured that the Marriag e of the King with the Princefs of

... brought a Cork News Paper, n which was a P aragra ph, i n f or mi ng , Th at e ve r y Thi ng elatin g to t h e Affairs of America was fettled; that the StamptEl would be r epealed ; and Requifitions were to be made the refpeaive Colonies, for the Support ...

Published: Monday 12 May 1766
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 834 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

CJucßrap'o J?off*

... of which brought n Cork News-Paper, in which was a Paragraph, in- forming, • That every Thing relating to the Affairs of America was fettled ; and Rcquifitions were to be made to ...

Published: Friday 09 May 1766
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 135 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

??? ??? ???

... eftates fold then from fifteen to eighteen years purchafe; the fame may be now fold for thiire. You owe this to America. This is the price that America pays you for her protection. And lhall a miferable financier come with a boaft that he can fetch a pepper-corn ...

Published: Tuesday 20 May 1766
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2372 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

%• Arriv'd tbe Mails Jrom Holland,

... nance of the acth of laft Month, which prohibit,, under fevere Penalties, the carrying of any Slaves from his Settlements in America, without having exprefs Permiffion from the Go- vernor General. ...

cSficro, ftMhe grour, otlicri more woderote Abilitle*, haft takta the Lead tioTeinfflrnf.” ... HO »h«o went on ..

... Ticifntes. lam no Courtier Ameiica, i fta. dup lot bit Kingdom. main, that the Parti' ment hts a Right to bind, to reflrain America. Out Power over tlie Colonies forcrciKn and lupirme. When it ceafes to be lovettiga and ruprene. 1 would adrife erety Gentleman ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1324 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... with Lord Hope on board, who is going to make the tour of the Weft-India iflands ; trom whence his Lordihip defigns to vifit America, for the benefit of his health. Capr. Miller, from Jamaica adviles, that the fliip F.arl of Gilford, Capt. Martin, from the ...

Published: Monday 19 May 1766
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 226 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

tnuaiiy bound its laws, and Squally piftici- of the conllitution ui this tree country. (To continued.) LIST of ..

... concerning his Inconfißency with hinrfelf, 6d.—Sailor’s Letters, during his Voyages and Travels in F.urope, Afia, Africa, and America, from 1754, to 1759. Ed. Tliompfon.i Vois. ss. The Fcilnoii, a Colleetlon of Epigrams, &c. as. 6d. STOCKS clofed on Monday ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1766
Newspaper: Newcastle Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 221 | Page: 4 | Tags: none