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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


... America. Ntw-Yoak. Jan. ta,; By Cant Dobfon, from New-Orleans, .we have advice, that though a Spapifh governor, with about toa men, had arrived there fome time; ago, yet that the garrifon and ifland were ftill in-tho poflcflion of the French ; who were ...


... much of an Act made in the fame Seflion, a* relate* to the free Importation of Rice from hii Ma- jefty. Colonic* in North- America*, and to allow the Importation of Wheat and Wheat Flour, from Africa, for a limited Time, free of Duty. , \Thes far the ? ...

JUti&oit, jft-buiatp 2:

... Spanifh fervice. It is now faid that General Monckton goes to North America as governor of the pro- vinces of New-York and Quebec, and com- mander in chief Of the troops in North- America. The contradiction of the fhip* now fitting being deftined on fome ...

loiiDoii, i^ebrunrp io

... London. According to letters from Lifbon, the arrears of taxes due by the Jeiuits in the Portuguese do- minions in South America, were computed to ex- ceed three millions of erufaJott. They wiiit from Hamburgh, that feveral (tout fhipj wrrt to be fent ...

ILontmti, Hfnttf) 28,

... private letters from Paris, a negotiation was faid to be on foot for ce- ding the French colony and fettletnent of Capenne, in America, to the court o_f Denmark. It is faid an annuity, of eight thoufand pounds each, will be fettled on three great perfonages ...

ILotltJon, November 26

... Millions Five Hundred and Twenty Thoufand Gallon,. By Letters from New-England, New-York, and moft of the Provinces in North-America, we team that they have had a moft plentiful Harveft in thofe Place,; and (hat they had begun to threlh out their Wheat a* ...

HonDoi., December 8

... Merchants intend to apply for obtain- ing a Bounty on the Importation of Corn from North America. W# hear a Stop will be put. to the Exportation of Corn from North America, 10 France, Spain, Poitu- gal, ;-t the Mediterranean Markets, except to Gibraltar and ...

LoitDon, ftepttmbtr 29

... of quickGUer, and had proved the fame by feveral experiments, to the fatitfaclion of the court. Private letfert fiom North-America inform, that fome Spanifh Jefuiti had found means to make their eicape from Mexico, to a neighbour- ing Engiifh colony, with ...

Briftol. Julu 4,

... New. York, the Olive Bn-%1, Tingley, tu.Bufton, ibe M.. ry*, Moret, and the Brtftol Packet, Harriett • - at New- York, the America* Peteit ; at Dominica, the K,i»g George, Ayret, all ftoni tint poit ■ at Dominica, the. Prince, of Waiet, Bothwicke, from ...

%• Arriv'd fhe Mail)•from Holla ho,.Francs, and Fla_ds*s

... write fromSpain, that they were preparing at C*dia iblne Hups of war and .tranfports, for cartying over Spanilh troops to America ; and that 1 they were fitting out at Gibraltar, fist veffels ;of war, defigned for the tranfport of Eng- iifh forces to the ...