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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal


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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal

16sig t&s tohifit dasetie, bee. is

... Indians tl lag in Confution at a Shot difcharged from a Ship 9. The Inhabitants of Huiva, on the Continent of America. to. A Map of North America. Printed for J Newbery. at No. 65, in St. Paul's Church-yard. g a ac re. to The price cf eon' in general in ...

tie addle, Whiteistb, jandaty I, +l7. te •mg has been pletfed to conftitute and appoint Da.; tie! Webb, ..

... Cbatbeetlen'iwirmader oopfideration e general plan for improving and increafing did Wu* dour potintiona and acquititiont in North America. Toth!' end * X.slit and Weft-Florida will be immediately cleared, co a$ ,Ind . zot fully peopled. The Wands of St. Lawrence ...

Day is publfAed, Price An ESSAIt Towards an INVESTIGATIOI4 0: the prefunt faccefsful, and molt General MET HOD ..

... Fifh-market, in Dovon L 0 N D 0 N, May so. We hear the journals kept on board the Prince Frederick ton& port, from South-America, were put on fhore at Portfmouth, for the infpeebon of the Admiralty-B°4rd. Five fail of Dutch fhips arrived on Sunday evening ...

.6isitie Osimite, M. it; &acidiclm, January 27. The violent Frail, viten afro* lifted above Six Weeks here and ..

... received at Mr. Secretary Conway's Office, from his Excellency General Gags, Commander in Chief of his land forces in North America. Letters from Lisbon, by the laft mail, mention, that the adjuftment of the commercial differences fubfifting between the ...

Nom tie Leittien I. St. James's, Pebrusry 1. I the following Addreft of the Houfe of Delegates of tfie Pro.

... Majefty's, and your Parliament's Wifdom Juftice, and Moderation. Convinced that the welfare of your ivlajefty's fubjeds of America is an objet of the molt tender confideration with your Ma jetty and your Parliament, we fhall ever cultivate the firmeft onion ...

By tile Xiite . Atithetat i YU: Pdy was Nccel'Ary fur all Faniilids, New tom, (being the aoth in (Maim)

... raceived to equip for fea, with all expedition, live men of war of the line, and feven frigates, faid to be intended for South America. Letters from Dunkirk of the toth and lath inflant, take notice of a violent fever raging there ; which, in a few days, had ...


... Madrid, that a partirion treaty has been pro. pored, and, fome fay, agreed on, for dividing the province cf Paraguay, in South America, between the Crowns of Spain and Portugal. War faw, Nov. t 6. The troubles of Poland increafe daily. A Nobleman of this kingdom ...

L 0 N Yefterday =min their Majefties let out for Richmond, where they dined, and returned to Sc. James's in

... the aoth of November laft, they having been obliged to put into that illand by ftrefi of weather, from different plrts of America and the Weft-Indies. It is added, that upwards of twenty new cedar-floops, pierced to mount twenty carriage guns, were bui ...

. : . Ile Citelie, Jan. to. Venice, December. 3trene Highnefs the Hereditary Prince of Brunrwick strive h:re in ..

... away; but it was not difcovered till h a lf an in Newgate, were conveyed on board the Trial, bound to Potow„ . ratter in America. hour after, that the had the addrefs to fecrete a parc e l o f l ace The Secret Committee of Sweden having found that the ...