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... AMERICA. Boston, July 17. The Ren refcntatives of this Province have, in large Houle of upwards of an hundred Members, unamoufly rerron rated againft the adminillration of the Governor of this Province, as having been corrupt and arbitrary j and humbly ...


... other, as we have now no other Tl )e - , an y ence. America fccretly rejoice at the 111 ‘ell . we « vc met with in theEatMndies, as the fu- vcrinr* y deciding our differences and re,nS our trade with America, •11 * jCormeil that the tine* gentlemen vlin Ale ...


... AMERICA. Boston, Neuu-Engiand, June 16. HitMajefty’s Council having, at the requell of the Houfe of Keprelentativcs, in the prefent leffions, laid before them copies of divers letters received from London, very interelling to this colony, together with ...


... AMERICA. New-Yokk, Dec. i. On Thurfday laft a great number of freeholders and freemen of this city and county delivered inftrudions to Philip Livingfton, James Jauncey, James de Lancy, and Jacob Walton, Efqrs. their reprefentatives in the General Aflembly ...


... AMERICA. rmR!.BS-ToWN, Nov. tt. The General Af, lv of this Province met at the State Houfe on lad. On Wednefday they unanimoufly chofe -1 “Vpanigault, Efq; (who was Speaker to the lad to be their Speaker. On Thurfday they i-eftnted him to his Excellency ...


... AMERICA. Williausburgh, in Virginia, April 17. Yefterosy the Honfe of Burgefles came to (everal relblutions, *m, an. at follows, vi*. That the foie right of impofing the inhabitant, hi. h&j.liy'. m 11 now and ever hath been legally and conftitutioiully ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, (New -England) Nov. 3. This morning Mr. Arodi Thayer, Marlhal of the court admiralty for three provinces, with a hanger at his fide, came to thehoufe of John Hancock, Efq; to ferve him with a precept for 90001. fterling, and having arretted ...


... AMERICA. Boston, (New-England) Ntv. j. This mor- ning Mr. Arodi Thayer, Marlhal of the court of ad- miralty for three provinces, with a hanger at his fide, came to the houfe of John Hancock, Efq; to ferve him with a precept for 90001. ftcrling, and having ...


... AMERICA. WILLIAMSBURGH, in Virginia, April 17. Yefterday the Houfe of Burgefles came to feveral refolutions, con. as follows, viz. That the fole right of impeding taxes on the inhabitants thin his lony is now and ever hath been legally and conftitutionally ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, July 17. The Reprefcntatives of this Province have, in large Houfe of upwards of an hundred Members, unamonffy rerr.onftrated againft the adminiftration of the Governor of this Province, as having been corrupt and arbitrary ; and humbly ...


... AMERICA. Sew-England, March Being a fpe&ator at the fitting of the aflembiv Providence, I had an opportunity of henrug the public letters read; Among others, the following in particular excited my curiofity. No. XI. Circular. Duplicate. Gentlemen, Whitehall ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, June 15. Tuefday laft a Committee f the honourable houfe Reprefentatives waited his Excellency the Governor with a mcfihge, in which are the following paffages: The Houfe ot Reprefentatives have duly confideretl your Excellency's mefl'age ...