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Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

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... AMERICA. Newport, Rhode-ljland, June 3. There is this town, a fam- P*. e cloth, made by a young lady here, which is equal in width, finenefs, and goodnefs, to Englilh plain of 6s. llcrling per yard, but coll, with every charge upon it, not quite 3s. gd ...

An aft for farther encouraging the growth and culture of iw ftlk, his Majefty’s colonies or plantations in ..

... and culture of iw ftlk, his Majefty’s colonies or plantations in America. An to permit the free importation of certain raw hides and tins from Ireland, and the llritifh plantations in America, for a united time ; and for taking off the duties upon feal (kins ...

‘This Day is publifljedy Price 6d

... Containing particular ami citcuinflantial account of all the countries, kingdoms and dates of Europe, Afia, Africa, and America; their fituation, climate, mountains, feas, rivers, lakes &c. religion, manners, cuftoms, manufaaflures, trade, and buildings ...

Mciilh mil fulltfieJ, llluftrjted copper-p'ues of new-invented httfbandry a» J'l'nve be generally known, and ..

... A curious Colleflion of VOYAGES and TRAVELS, from the Writers of all Nrtlons. Contair.inj, C«>luni!>u»'s Jilcovcry of America. —Cortex’s conqaeft of Mexico. —The clilcovery of Caftile —Piearro's conquefl of Peru rile Icttlcmcnt Brazil the ...

[N U M From the p:r„, (a large . r bilit y ing there | t morning prel Loffl y

... meeting ant It is t azette, fee ihich God kn ver the counti rery where. i(h news-papei iternal ftamp•aordinary to America. or the Thame A letter fron lommoner, d irds great all of years ai nd profperous f his allies. nlp'iia'jlc com >ies, inftitute ...

Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. From the LONDON GAZETTE. TUESDAY, May 30. Pcterjbnrgh, May 2. ..

... Kincardine, the city of St. Andrew, and uni ter Jit y of Aberdeen all in Scotland. ends this Day's Gazette.) Nezviern, in America, Feb. 3. We have an account from Contentney, of a melancholy affair which lately happened there. A young lady of that place ...

foreign Mans amrea ron; LON DON, Thursdat, ti. . - . Botetoart, Governor of Virginia, in his to the general

... Maiclly’s prcfent adrainillration have at no time entertained a delign to propofe parliament to lag any further taxes upon America for the purpofe of ratling a revenue, and that it their intention to propofe in the next feffion of parliament, to takeoff ...

w / Twelves, Price ■ AR V- A New and accurate SPELLING DICI iOJNAK I, tMchins the Pitt Speech and

... in Poole. * »o, tyei. S A L S 'Ftir printing by weekly fubfeription, A New and complete Hiftory of the Britilh Empire in AMERICA. By Mr. WYNNE. (Jlluftrated and adorned with the latefl and moft ctortedl maps and plans, heads eminent men, and the mod curious ...


... the PUBLIC. There his been hitherto work publiflied in our language that fully comprizes what mean to fopply. Much of North America, which now aimed entirely poflefs, has not till of late become a part of our empire; and, confequently, has not hitherto been ...

ly happena in, au thout ih flrong i walk wii ealed, fores l

... dependant thereon in America. iDcfiT-r K' has alfo been to appoint TholieK;” a to be Lieutenant-Governor of the fame._ l)j has alfo been pleated to appoint Elias Durntord, Lfq; ii(j ! Cl,t ? nt-Governor of his Majefty’s province of \Veft America, in the room ...

. , „: v ed the Mails frori France, and Holland. er LON N GAZETTE. from SATURDAY, May zo. Florence,

... abortive intelligence. u,- • was rumoured on’Change yefterdav. that public fubfcr.p--o„s arc now aftually on foot in North America, for the etnoluicntof Mr. Wilkes. . , . , , , 1 »» We arc told that there have been futes employed by the M-.y attend every ...

That you exert all your abilities to fupport and extfyJ trade and of this nation in branch. hat w heartily

... colo•’and that you will be ftrenuoully aftive in obtaining a reof rhe laws, impofing duties on Britifli nwnutaftures ex- U to America, which has been found highly prejudicial to Cation in general, and this city in particular. We requell you to ufe all your ...