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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

WARMINS TER and WILTSHIRE BANK WAS opened in the town of VVarminfter, on Saturdiy the loth of May, by Mt-ll'rs

... menfe, by America'i total redu-tlon. After a moll mature, deliberate confideration, and diverted af ?? prejudice, I And it to be, the diminution of America 11 the Increaie of Europe's common Intersil ; and that the milhoni now poit'elle-l by America il really ...

A other rc-ae-nt .aid very ?? t URE ri ?? KHEU- MAI 1-vM, hy Hammtrd't A NTI. MOM. A L

... countrymen. Hut in America not a finttle aft of rebellion has been com- mitted. Let Ihe Crown Law oflicers, -who lit by the noble I ord, declare, if they can ( that there is upon your table a lin. git tvidi-nee of tieafun or rebellion in America. They itiftiw ...

WANTED, a HUNTSMAN of light weight, to hunt a Tack of Harriers ; he mult have a food charat^er from

... prophecy to Sir Tho. Brown, as may be lern in his works. •* When America fhall ceafe to fend forth its tre.ifuie, ?? Iltt employ it at home in Amttic.i 1 pleafure. That is, when America lliall be better civilised, new pnlit :t-il, and divided between ...

B A TH. FITZWATKR, air. KUHFFs Partner CON FECI 1 ONER, their Shop, Hoy-Market. London, in aosii-Siiur, ..

... aaSaSaCnlumbus'i Difcos-eiyof America. Cortrs's Cosso.ieix of Mexico The Difcovery of Golden Caftile. Pi- taiio'a ConqiKil of Peiu. Thr Settlement ol Bunl by the Poituguefe. Difroveriei of the Fnglifls, Ftench, md Dutch in America. Drtkr'., Schuvten and Le ...

The following Genuine MEDICINES are fold hy Me. I. .ttt melt tt hath, Ca Icii and Brown in Brif el,

... \Y. Taylor, Cutir, ai d ;. Cibbon,, Groced at lead one reputable, in a'l citi* ; afl Crcat-Britaln, Ireland, and America, and -.fl Aljo. under SanOion of tlit h I Nf.'t MM Vie. Hooper's Ktiu.Uc Pills, 4- in .1 hox, ifl Li. I'raunce'kFeinaleSt ...

CRESCENT, BATH. TO be LETT, or SOLD, and entered upon immediately, — An Elegant HOUSE, late in the pof- ??

... country ; and thi. iv the- find. im winch thc^iatiiotv wifh thtm togain. The palii.-t. complain that we h.fe the trade with America, yet they want to place lhat trade hey ond the toniroul of the Itritiih Legiflafure. But fuch ahfurdill.s cany tlitir own ...

11 A 1 if MR. DF.NKU VILLE, Dancing-, be-lng in* lorm.-abi la, (iii ?? ,tl.itart f oii prcsail. -.1

... contain:.! double the nnmber of inhabitants that America has contained of Britilh fab- ?? in th >t periosl, tt will follow, Ibc has contained more of rhe imnof i.'tures of England than America has done, if it lhall that each Ci noil in ...

Mr. F. i«. from the benefit of that glorious ?? the lI ?? Corpus, rcltorcd to his family and bulinefs,

... portraits, of rematkablc and dtftinguilhed navigators and commanders.) Number 1. to becontinued weekly, of THE HISTORY of AMERICA, from its Difco- very by Columbus to the conclufion of the late war. Wirh an Appeiidiia'containing in account ofthe rift and ...

For the BATH CHR O N I V. 1* R, ?? A S a Petition bas been prefented to the*;

... LANDED INTER RMT of Great-Britain and Ireland, rrij-t-cting our prcfent Dilpuws with the rct-t-llioni Colonicl of North- America I In whkh the rlhil ili.y and merits of each fcheirtc ivliitli hath been propoffd tor termina- ting thefe ilifpnte?, „:■• ...

Ftr the Bath md Biiirm Ckiohicli. Oat tbe Mastir ifi the Ceremonies al Ball/ •tIirADE fill. hi. poll wi(h dignity

... Copper-plate. md Cuti. Hy WILLIAM WOOLCAR, A.romptant. ttaproved, enlarge ,1, and corrected, by J« ?? Cent. ef Ihe America* lte m miottyr . London I F'i inted lor Hiwei. Clnrke md Collini, S. CrowdcT, Johnfon and Payne, Robsafoit and Roberts, tn ...

Ztiia Wit -* lPublit

... tat publifltd at iht ctmminiement if tbt lon war in America. iwatjouud by til iff. en ard (erv anti if tte trewn to have %fh-,t drgreeofprtcifion, tbtt it was ujcdhy itat loth It England audit America, and ferved tveiy ?? pnrpofi during iht war. to any ...