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Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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... ted, Ct danc'd the Sr aita* Dame, Anff faett, lee, in worrier, caoght the fltmt. Pn OLOG c * nvrttten for tit tftmng tf Drury -Lane The - atrc, and introduced in the Prelude tf New Brooms. [Spoken by Mr. KING.] C CRIBI.ERS ne feeetfitien ; tnd as fportfmen ...

C O U N T R V N F. W t>

... theatre in this town, in which tiie part id Alexander was well fupported by Mr. Lacy, (joint patentee with Mr. Ganick in Drury- lane play-houfe,) and Statira by Mis. Yates, who acquitted hcri'elfwith her cafe, judgement, and reputation. Lee.ii, ...

LONDON, I uts»av, AVv. i

... I-'ieliliiig'a people, in confe- ?? of tlieii giving lome jeviel-l'etttngs to a Jew ; tlity vscre traced to 1 lunik in Drury lane, where they vine taken yeltrrday .ilien.oon. On one of them were tound two diamond rings, 1 5 guineas in a purfe, and five ...

LONDON, Saturday, Ftb. 3

... j'lilhes bis defign of carry ing off his mitlrefs Julia. Captain H came latt night a little elevated into the front boxes of Drury- lane Theatre, during the repr .icntation of The Black -a-intor wajhed white, and was rather loud in ex pi effing hi* diiapprobation ...

~~ LONDON. Tuesday.

... there, he is then to be tried at Glocefler for a burglary at Fairford. The Trip to Scarborough, performed laft night at Drury- lane, is a altered with great ingenuity and judgment by Mr. Sheridan, fii.m Sir John Vanbrugh '» Relapfe, which contain* ...

LONDON, Saturday, Oil. 11

... valued at 165,000!. fterling. A new tragedy, by Mr. Cumberland, called The Battle of Hefting*, is foon to be brought out at Drury- lane . Mr. Henderfon is to be the hero, and Mrs. Yates and Mils Young* to aA tbe two women's chara Qtrs. A gentleman the other ...

LONDON, Satwiidav, March i*

... tbe poor 1, and ttbet rattt.'] A new Comedy in three acts, called Bon Ten, was performed this night for the firrt time at Drury- lane theatre. And the Tragedy of Edward and Eleenora, new adapted to the llage from Thomfon, was performed the fame night at ...


... hii reception, that he intends to fell his eftate ut I irn.v. aul end his days in Paris. Wednelday night the audience of Drury lane were agr. .ably Airpii.vd by the prefence ofhis Koyal High- nil the Prime of Wales, and Hilltop of Ol'naburgh. They had ...

L O N D ON, March

... with a thin plate of lilver. Tburlday night a new comedy of two acts, called The Spl'en, or fftington Sfa, was performed at Drury lane theatre, with universal applaufe. Monday the ?? begn'n at Reading, when Willi- am Clitlbrd, for a burglary, was capitally ...

BATH, Wtfinfibay, Auru/t\\

... friends, and whert he met with fuch favour and encouragement. Mr. Grill, who appeared in feveral diflinguilhed charaftert at Drury- lane theatre lift ftlfon, It engaged to perform at our theatre, In tht place of Mr. Henderfon. Friday a poor boy wll run ovtr ...