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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

BATH, Wednesday, Mar

... Fitzwilliam, Sir John Carr and Lady, Sir John Frederick and Lady, Sir John Lindsay , Sir Richard Jebb, Col. Owen and Lady, Capt. Thatcher, Capt. Fra- ser, Capt. Webb, Dr. Manningham, Dr. Marryatt, Rev. Mr. Churchill, Rev. Mr. Russell and Lady, Rev. Mr ...

D' O T LONDON GAZETTE jr kHtttfrtm Uri mm wm vm hmm Jnwr 10 cart Geptafa Gardaer Cim1 iafcm LoraSus

... ' Ma BATH LI GEORCB rpO 'bv SOLD— All mmI MU1VAOI ia M Mr la BATH V LETT If la at BATH LETT HOUSE HkVCoart i BATH WILLIAM RUSSELL 1 ftinoi SHOP af Mn TayMta m kit m im Mftt reMM Mt4KMrt M iMMlnaarial ELEVATION SECTION LAND' GLORY Ml CMfclVV BM A'm kAi'mi ...

PRINTER BATH CHRONICLE Nunncv Overfeers are at laft find tired of taylor By their it no the inclination fellow than

... Jofeph Chapman Bath Lawrence Devizes White Tho Hancock Marlborough Mellrs Halliwells Wm Clark John EJglcy Harris John Speenhamland Ann Banniller Reading John March Maidenhead-bridge The following GENUINE MEDICINES & c Wholefale Retale At CRUTTWELL’s P ...

CHRISTOPHER ANSTY Esq author a Poem Bath-Eafton Impromptu in a Boys their faces behind feen their legs and And ..

... Bridgwater the White-Hart in Taunton and the Dolphin in Honiton Pickwick Pack-Horfe Bath Thomas White-Hart Taunton John Barnes Dolphin Honiton John inn Exeter AT GREGG’s original Coffee and Chocolate Ware-houfesNo 301 High London three Doors above Three Tuns ...

A Y’s Arrived Mail from IVcirfi March l'EKS from Pruffia and Poland arc filled with accounts of purchafe of corn

... Dublin Journal April the following notice Whereas there been anunufual for fpe-cie on the of Meffrs Pinlay Co Dublin now’ we John Earl Buckinghamfliire the nobility gentry bankers merchants traders of this city whofe names are hereunto fubferibed thoroughly ...

Colli Thursday's Post fixprefsJ it Grrcnnrk Central owiajK8jihcH folate an advice importance January when the ..

... ft fuller fc Mr Mr ptaiaAift Korrk Eh aftaultiog Mrs in her at Jury a wiiault fur uli piilul at Francis tm Wro cloth Maiy bf John J'thu dweUing-hoote a in fiitrr Cillar far in -4r&) a di is kit caeatiu mc J with filvcr WKk!'i were Frederick filter fence ...

Caflle Inn ntar Michael' A ami Elegant HOST-COACH EXETER fen out from the inn four o'clock Irom Hotel time each

... night hour Carrfei paffenger l!6t 71b all to pay will not be for money or uniefs paid for N B Coach calls at the Green Park Mr John Munday’s in take Ac by W Black Lion Water-Line J WHITE Bulk at A White Hartford-Bridge S WARNER New Inn K STANFORD White Hart ...

price is 6d A HYSTERICAL and NERVOUS DISORDERS SMITH MD Carran Newbery St Church-yard London the booklellers ..

... BALSAM OF HONEY R JOHN HILL Now truly prepared Receipts H Hill and other Sir John Hill’s to whole (ale of proprietor in the of St London her R Cruttwell Bath and newfmen Of A containing the names virtues and ufes of all Medicines Sir John Hill from Britilh ...

CORN-EXCHANGE MARK-LANE a of Wheat and the quantity price Augult 17 1778 jj M Mealweightrs theCity 'iJoHsCHitn ..

... third informs that the lived but not that died i lies A flower in liv'd to his refl doubt beneath The th and old Jones 166L John Shore I was v-five-— r- its VICINAGE Half View on fpot craved Walker) Cox Heath and country a difpofition Army Delineation ...

NtMt Mnth n»iU ie fubli/htd. Elegantly printed in Quarto, ea a atw Type and fine Paper, The HISTORY of ENGLAND,

... fucb a mark vf yuur regard. I am. Ladies aad Geatlsaaea, • Your much obliged, aad moft obedient Servant, Bath, Jely tl, 1777. JOHN DONNILLAN. \r~y Should Capt. Donnellan be fo fortunate ss to fuccced to che office on the prsfent vacancy, it will afford him ...

SARATOGA A BALLAD Enmity bold and Old victory ttruggle thro rivers thro’ brakes: thunders they wield O'er the ..

... Jofiah’s dcllruftion Idolatry The annunciation to Shepherds The nativity Saviour The circumcilion men Herod’s maffacre of John Chril’r Chrift healing impotent Emmaus Chrill the Devil Chrill betrayed Chrill fcourged Chrift feeding multitude Chrift Demoniac ...

Brewery and Coal- Yard. AT MATTHEWS and Co's, in Avon-Street. Bath, the I'ublic miy be fupplicd, in the ..

... Bu-ges,; John Jetferis, Eiqj John Wiiichr iter, Efqj Mr. Robert Parlous. The Name, of tht Subfc.ibers, md the Sums lubferibed. I. I. I. I. John Chapmin, efqi tl o The Rev. John Chapman, Sir Robert Carr, barr. 50 o of Wellon, • 10 11 ...