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Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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JOHN KENDALL, at his China-Shop, the «- Golden -Caniftei in Pi I*l*ol nt-Sst*. it r, neat (lie South- ..

... JOHN KENDALL, at his China-Shop, the «- Golden -Caniftei in Pi I*l*ol nt-Sst*. it r, neat (lie South- -I'aiaeli', lUt/i, It. !. on llie molt rcafoiialilc Terms all Sous of Ul'.-iiil CHINA, both Foreign & Englijh ; Cti|,s and Sjjcci! of all I'liies; funic ...

wa HAIA-DRESSER PARIS) -Wells BriM all Sorts WIGS TETES CURLS TOCQJJES ORITES Likewife TOUPEES lie on natural ..

... reel London Merchant— Richard Baker of Rvcbejter in Kent brewer— William Browne Williams of Great Yarmouth Norfolk Corn-Merchant-EUis of Salford Lan-Jhire Woollen-dyer: Robert Bell of Gravefend in Kent Mercer and Draper Jeremiah Dicks of Warminfer Wilts ...

Published: Monday 14 September 1772
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2722 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

ST GRENADA of he mile S W Englifh var ther rafe and much l1 well watered i mountain in i

... POST-COACHES fet every afternoon from the Broad-ftrcet Briflol precifclv at two o'clock from White-Lion n at four o'clock from Golden Crof iua Cbaring-Crofc precifely at two o'clock for Bath Alfo POST-COACHES in Days fet every morning fiom White-Hart inn ...

Price Three-Pence THURSDAY April 30 1778 Vol XVIII No 915 S A T U A Y’s POST 24 of ACT

... Taurus Miser’s Prayer O Lord thou knoweft that I have Houfes and likewife that I lately a Concern at I thee pre- ferve the Kent from Fire and Earthquakes Money in Middlelex 1 beg thee like-wile have Companion that County and reft of the Counties with ...

Price Three-Pence THURSDAY April 23 1778 Vol XVIII No 914 SATURDAY’S POST COUNTRY NEWS Oxford April 18 HURSDAY ..

... the reCfoiy of Bhckmanfton Kent The Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland reforting to or refiding at Bath are earneftly re-quefted (to prevent impofition) to take notice that Warren Perfumer Mary-le-bone-ffreet Golden-fquare London hath removed ...

and entered upon Immediately All S E three Rooms on a Floor and every conveniency neceflary for Gentleman’s ..

... an eleven other houfes adjo ning together with five Hacks of hay and two horfes About five o’clock yefterday morning a man booted and fpurred and fplalhed with country dirt went to public-houfe in Hyatt’s Gardens Whitechapel and called for a pint of wine ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1773
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3572 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

M N D A Ys S T LONDON GAZETTE Admiralty -Office 4 1778 THE three letters from the Hon Keppel

... Leighlin The Rev Cooke A to in Bucks Rev Francis Wykeham Swantoti LL B to redtory Long-Stratton in Rev LL B valuable Ulcombe near Kent Rev Mr redlor Stalbiidge to Bene’i-tollege Cambridge Rev Mr Cremer rectories Fulmodefton Thurning in Norfolk The Rev A vicarage ...

NtMt Mnth n»iU ie fubli/htd. Elegantly printed in Quarto, ea a atw Type and fine Paper, The HISTORY of ENGLAND,

... prcventi in being made by any other in England, eicept Richard Wassi:., Perfumer, at the CoUm-l'leecey;, Golden-fquarc 1 alfo at hi. othet fhopi, N«„, 41, fronting Wood-firfet, Cheapfidc, London ; fronting the Nc» AflemMy Roomi, io Bath ...

i\,\t Tnrflei. v.llbt fwbliftrd, ?? is. C.I, LETTERS bitween Mrs. M— X— and Mrs M— W , htr Nitie, lublilhrl

... fold vtry cheap. The Houft and Shop to be Ittt for the remiindtr of a Itife. - MONEY SCRIVENER. MR. DUPRE, in Qtieen-ltrcet, Golden-fquare, London, who hit privately carried en thit bufinef* for miny yttr* with credit to himfelf and fiti, fiction to his ...

BRISTOL HOT WELLS L SHIRLEY beg* leave to inform the Nobility • and Gentry, that the Old 1.-ing-Room, Corrtt- ..

... it is my tndifpcnfible Duty to devote my meft earnefl Endeavours. That there fhould be a Majority againfl me upon the Poll- boots, and that my Opponent fhoutd be returned, can be no matter of wonder te thofe wht are appr fed of iht Means ufed It obtain ...

BATH, Feb. 18, 1773. ALL Perfons who ftand indebted to the Eltate of HENRY BIRCH, late of this City, Vintner,

... not return it, he (hall be profecuted, as it is fuppofed .0 be taken out of Wamonnef*. JOHN HARRIS, BOOT, SHOR, and CLOG MAKER, At the Sign of the Boot, between the White-Hait Inn and Union. Palfage, Sull-Street, Bath, RETURNS hi* molt grateful Thank* ...

*W F I I S THE L*s» ASSEMBLY and BALL of the prefent Stibfcription, will be on WEDNESDAY in the

... Months,— Two Guineas s Qiaiter. — Whole Pise, in the Gallery, the taiae Fries.* There aie Seat, I ikewife for Servants. fCj* Tht Kent to be piid nken tke Sen Jit faM. ■'■- In BROCK- STREET, BATH,. On that Side which rommandi the fine Profpett, nro be LETT by ...