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North West, England


Cumberland, England


Whitehaven, Cumberland, England

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—'l hey arc

... political charartcr., may divided into the five following clafles 1. Rank Tories.-—a. Moderate Men. —3. l im'd Whigs.—Furious Whigs.—;. Staunch Whigs. I. The Rank Toriet are advocates for unconditional fubmiilion to Great ilritain. hey rejoice in everv misfortune ...

dangerous fituation of affairs, the neceffity vigorous and prudent mcafures being purfued, and the ..

... he was himfelf a Whig in principle, and that he had held uniform language ever fince he came into Parliament, and his condudt had been liridlly conformable to Whiggifm, ex cepting only the American in which he had differed from the Whigs. That moll, if ...

of ihis Hoafe for his gracious meflage ; and to tXprd's the fenfe of his gooilnefs, and the perpetual care

... noble Lords conneiled with him, his Majefty would find, in cafe of a war with France, that he mull look for fupport in the Whigs, vihertof he one. The Earl of Dartmouth rofe in fupport Lord Sandwich, and declared he was fo much an advocate for order, that ...

I’ UL M N’s PILL S, &c

... that would not be prefent at church to-morrow. For his part, he always chofc to be abfent on that day. Whig, and thoroughly convinced oflhe rc»Slitudc whig principles, he was determined never to attend divine fervice the 30th of January. The anniverfary^ ...