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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

To the LADIES. JAMF.S and PETER FERRY, at the Comer of Galiawav'i BuiioiMOi, Bath, (tbimi ./ Tridi) Gi* I Noi

... fevrral lageniom peßticll Stric - ture* ea lb* Chtiadtri and Virwi of different King* tod M.nifttrt, Ac ; IrueCbtraAer of the Whigs botb m A.fmi- mftr it ton inri Oppofit .on ; Confideration* oa th* Liberty af the Pref.; with fevcral curiou* Letlcrt to th* ...

LONDON, April 6

... favour of tht man whom the m— r approved ; infomuih, that during the toiy m— — — y of Q^ Am, there wa* not one inftance of a whig member, being admitted upon petition ; ml dining the mii.iltrv ef Sir K. Wilpole, it il weli known, that the lofi ol tie Chippenham ...

LON DON, Tuiioat, December a]

... are fome diftinAioni, which ire inherent in the nature of thing!. There ie a dillinition between right and wtong •-between Whig and Tory. In the I'pecch of Lord Chatham-, publilhed yeftenlay, it the following all'-ilion of the Duke of k— «-nd, in a great ...

SI LK-WE AVER'i WARE-HOUSE, (Corner oj Gallaiuay'iHu.l./ingi, Sorth-Parade.) B A TII, Drc. 16, 1770. VAN SOMMER ..

... at cvoy Atheilt is a Whig.' Now a Whig cont-iids for civil and r,l. fiia, l.lsctty, tlit forial right, wt human. ly, which imp 1. 1 the Kli.-f of .ri ?? sml moral ohligsikms, ssd hrnre of a 1 .is 1 ?? oo Aifo*.ft ran be s Whig -, fat Athr.un est lu ...

/'» hi, C,a„ tht Duke of GRAFTON

... ot the Soveieij;n. Mad thrrt cs-r heen an honcft mm i.ii,, is. the Sluarl,, h,« Majtlty'i prefeiit fjieruli would hast been whig! n|-on piincplc. Bi,t the con»ci« lion of the bett of Pi meet l,ai removed their Icrupia. Tliry hate forgivtn him the finl ...


... Here He tW remaine of Pinion Tonneoar, What seat neither Have, a«r frurmin. aae asWrtier, sier Cnittea, nar retmtryioan, nee* whig, net* lory, aer aCbstrcheaan, aac difttatirr, tui All. _. . Who haritigend inuheir far love, nee money , n»r liberty. nor bondage ...


... This was fupported by T. Townfhend, Efqj who ex- pofed the doctrines in that fermon, as contrary to the principles of the Whigs ; but at the fame time obte r- ved, that fuch doctrines, and thofe who avowed ai.d preached them, were, and had been, during ...


... dcfpiltd ; and pa- triot! 1 i ighcd to I corn ' Votes ot credit are as cafily obi .iiie! :ts votes fur an ad dre Is !— Old whigs are be- com .i II . inch to, ics j and confirmed Jacobites the b*. it t: ifiulf to government I — Thclearc thy triumphs, ihy ...


... what do 1 talk of three millions of peo- ple, (lay his Lordilsip) many more; Ireland js with ihem to a man ; and as for every Whig in thii country, the rights of America are fo con netted with hit own, that his hand and heart mult co-ope- mn* wirh their ...

I, U M) U N, February X

... entered into v clear inveftigation of the queltion, took notice of the ?? made by the great conliitu- whigs immediately after the revolution, to obtain the triennial law: ofthegreat benefits deri- ved from that law, during a courle ...

For the BATH CHR O N I V. 1* R, ?? A S a Petition bas been prefented to the*;

... him with as little ceremony as thty hast doit* fomt other*, and look oat fer a new Kader. '■ adly, Tliat fpeciei among thf Whig* which ia piaptily repvAiican, It violently ftr t change of government, fuitahie to fuch principle* * tnd theft men art nosy ...