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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

: -'--' POST ftaWS which visions AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army

... AMfweffions dccla- 'to GOU H S D A Y Sw tJttaW£ yoonseft with army of 16000 of Stock-it their arrival before Stockholm nrincelv riehts which revoke ef King to letters received very till army before walk defifttl of which we £udoMfuofufrlfi JH'Hpcn n M ...

MONDAYS POST LONDON GAZETTE DrefJen September 30 the hilt accounts the inft the greateit part Pruflian Majefty ..

... Majefty s army was encamped behind Schatzlar in Kohe-mia near Frontiers His Serene High-nei's the Prince of Bruniwick Liebau Landfliut the Majefty’s rear guard was attacked men 35 farther received His Highnels Prince Henry has retired of whole army His head ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... paticn of Mr. Edward Stillman ; containing about 180 acres of meadow, paftisre, and arable land. Alfo, a Grirt-Mill, near the fame, with about 7 acres of meadow land adjoining. For furthtr particulars, apply to Mr. Jofeph Smith, attorney at lsw, Bradford ...

M ND A Y's POST Arrived Mailt from HoUemJ Franco larder i Par'u March 18 if that famous Madentoi continually

... fortune of by rapid in the font hern provinces unat-tempted Generals and Admirals! Let hope army will not deferted and facriflced of Burgoync's army of war or by land or complicated affair of St Lieu now and confirmed by authority records trumpeted the latelt ...

O A POST HOUSE COMMONS having rrfolved itfelf com-mittce on American papers Gen Bur oyne which him an hour and

... contained narrative of proceeding the time he to command the army to Saratoga points be dwelt moil on were the peremptory tenor of orders train of artillery he took with him proceeding to Ed ward by land inftead of by water the co-opera-tious he expefted the ...


... rivtr, when it it frozen over. But if that flioultt not be the cafe, the army will be in motion a* early aa pof- fible ; at which tune Gtntral Burgoyne will march with hit army from Canada, which will cut ot all communica- tion between the North and South ...

i>l U M L> A f'S POST..LONDON, Satvuday, Avo. ir

... Sir |etttry igainlt Martinicn and t.e Havannah; then- is not an invalid nor a im-l • non-tllrctivc n our army; we etpect orders to land the army beyond King'lj Bridgr, and make *ur approach to the city on the rear of the In which cift Mr. Waihington ...

LONDOfy, Satu«day, Oct. ts

... our orders of attack, and at eleven the whole army wis in motion. The rel'trve, commanded hy Lord Cornwallis, the firlt brigade of which our irgi- iiirrnt makes a part, and the light infantry of the army, t'.ie whole under the command of Oenrral Clinton ...

THURSDAY'S POST. [By Kxprefs.]. LONDON, Tuesday. j»ly tj

... foon after his arrival, was appointed Brigadier-general in the American army. On the i)d of May, a detachment Irom Gen. Par- fon's army in Connecticut crolfed the Sound, and landed near Sage- Harbour on Long-llland, where Gen. Howe bad fixeii a confiderable ...

M O N D A Y’s T Sept under Lieut Gen Count Wurm- near being his inten-rJ' cut oft flu-communication

... inten-rJ' cut oft flu-communication between Pruflia's army and Lieut Gen de VVunfch to prevent The army Hohen-Eihe Waldfchuz Kezelidorlf Drefden Sept 6 Royal Highnefs Prince Henry are dill atNimes The army is fame polition as his head continuing at lauterwafler ...

MVO P O S A' M I C HEkEA8 printer Allocution has lately nablifhed hand -bill declaring rigidly idhtre pardon

... Before rile General Gage's whole army landed was left guard The facility with Regulars their landing teems to have encou-faced them march towards Cant-bridge with the of falling the wing pofleilibn of that' important The our army put in motion ' Four thoufind ...

1' Vol XVI SATURDAY'S POST yArrinti nib frm Hollas rmritt fa the entirely in fcarcbinc £ fcrr and of Aide

... made his 1 4d another little army of nearly ffaonvmher men his quarters ffled th Landinr miles oil of feat invitation Dunmore h'm number in near the challenge it day marines company foldiers were lent thrm arrived the Landing there rcAing refrefhing their ...