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Midlothian, Scotland

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A li A J; T„ MUSSELBURG H, Wednesday the nth of May, . In the TO W N-H AL L

... _ _ - To begin at Six o'ei el:. Tickets to be had of Mr David M irtin treafurer to the Ciianty VV ork-houfc, or at the d,or. T,> be SUNK immediately, on sn ANN -TIT Y for Lll-Mi, PIVE i-UXUIis-ltJ POUNDS Sterling. -L Apply fo ?? Walker, Byre's e-L. , .Edinburgh. This advertifeinent not to ' c rtp_ate_. > T tl B E 8 O L D , At the fhop lately pofieifc-ci by Mr William M'Ghie, fecond abovt the ...

Published: Saturday 07 May 1774
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5594 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EXCISE OFFICE, Edinburgh, 17th Auguft: t77J. By Order of the Honourable , M! SSIOSERS of EXCISE, C „V«iil be ..

... to public S.VLE, in the Excife Biefio«& at LEITII > on FRIDAY the 4 -S th of Au 3 aft I v,a Uvt!ve o'clock noon, ff Si PARCELS of Foreign GENEVA, ,nY RUM. TEA SPRUCE BEER, and SOAP, JR' VN .j'pmned in the Court of Exchequer. V-M cm Z and conditions of fale to be feen at the Excife ff g e in Leith, on the day before, and on the morning of i Wtf a? We- •^TTTruftee for the Creditors of GEO. ...

Published: Monday 21 August 1775
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4991 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THEATRE ROYAL. By his Majesty's Servants, Oa MCNDAV Evening will be prefented, A Comedy (not .-ided this fcafor ..

... SUSPICIOUS HUSIiA. N D. Mr Strwaiand, Mr DIGGES. Anel Cb.iirida, Mrs LEE, Being her ?? appearance in that characler. To which vvill be added, the laft new Pantomime, called HARLEQUIN FROM THE MOON. V/iih Alterations. In which will be introduced, The .iftor.lfliing Feats of SIGNIOK FERZI and his Pupils, With his ELASTIC EXERCISE on the TIGHT ROPE.- ?? wiil leap over a Garter SIX FEET HIGH, Sec. ...

Published: Saturday 17 February 1776
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9617 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? ———■' '' ' ' THEATRE ROYAL. Ey his Majesty's Servants, On MONDAY Next will be prefeuted, the Comedy of

... LOVE FOR LOVE. Valentine, MrDIGGES. Inftead of a FARCE, SIGNIOR. FERZI, and his Pupils, '{Who hsve had the honour of performing before their Maje- flies of Great Britain, France, Spain, Sardinia, and all the Wa'l perform feveral fqrprifing FEA.TS of ACTIVITY ' and ELASTIC EXERCISE. His Pupils will go through all the various exertions of TLIP-f LAPS, SOMMERSETS, the TABLE TRICK, &c. And in Part ...

Published: Saturday 10 February 1776
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9605 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Fof ANTIGUA and 'ft X I T T S, yf-— — THE Ship B.ARRIN'croX, Jams Btet tr Master, : ~

... commodation for paflt-ngers. j if Apply to Thomas Armftrong merchant in ( .If ex, c. J-fci^^* '■ .\jH-nfiiong and Co. merchants in Gic. ?? - Cfcenoik, -tuMte., I 7 r . s . ACAUT 10 X U tie PV B L I C. AxtraVxed from tbe Fifty-fifth Article of the ML'TINY ACT, f led this Seffion r.f rcrr-iment. PROVIDED ahvavs.'l'hat if any pcrfon fhall TTAP. 801 r R, a. CONCEAL, or ASSUT any Deserter fiom Us ...

Published: Wednesday 05 May 1779
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4752 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

GARI) E a and CRASS SEEDS. JOHN PIC H M O N D ane! Company, S-A and Nurlei-fur.en, at tleic

... Shop near the feut of the VVtft Bow, ?? bde, libiab.aeh, « 1.1. Kinds of C.ATt*D*6S, GRA:-S~ YBfES., and FLOWIiit /\ SleilUS, viz. tiiban, CrAot, l.etl-:, &c. linghlh and tots Ryt- ?1t Mbi; 'hibgrab, . r i i.atal,,, Lucera, Puck-uhtat. Stlobie; ail to* of Oar-b.11 aid bit-it', 'lurnip .Seed, limiiner and tvintti* 1 ares, notch and Scoti Lintfttd ; Kentilh Hops; Englbli and Scots Spades 7\ ...

Published: Saturday 06 February 1779
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10552 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DAVID SMITH and CO. Tea and Spirit dealers, here- -1 yinfoin-. the public, that they l.aye laid in a large

... and frtfli ?? of exceeding FINE TEAS, which, they flutter themfelvcs, is of a fup^v ri r tjuality to ar.y that has been offered to fide for fome time jaft ; and which thry are now filling in wholcfale and retail, in the call coinc, (hop, Front of the Exchange, Edinburgh. Their prices as follow , viz.* BoSea tea from 2s. 6d. to 4s. per Jamaica Double Rum, Bs. per jal- lib. Pintle ditto, 6 s. ...

Published: Saturday 17 August 1776
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7252 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CALEDONIAN HUNT. rr-ilf. Annual Meeting ii fixed for Monday the llth of Ocichcr, a. X. the Town of Haddiuctcii, and

... tocont'nue for a fortnight. The DUKE of HAMILTON, Prefes. Si PETER VfARRENIIES, T.taii-rer'. Sir [OHN WHITEFORD, 1 Sir THOMAS WALLACE, v. CounfeGors. FRANCIS CHARTERIS, F.lq; S Wn.ia.vM HAfiAR-r, Stc. UNIVERSITY of St ANDREWS. r, HE enfuing Seffion of the United College will commence onWed- ' nefflay the zrfl of October, whvn the follow .ng C h'.li'es n ill be open- ed. Two OlnlTes fbr ...

Published: Saturday 15 August 1778
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7759 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

_rvr II E j^ il O I. II X R o. With CUO R v SSli S. The principal parts

... by Signior Puppo, Mr Reinagle, ar.d Mr Ccrii. 'To which ivili be added, T T :. iidiNf-'. FARCE, never ps»torraad bet* but one:, aui.non running with fuccefs ;it the Theatre Royal Ct-.-ei.t-G^.dcn, called the LIV EIIP 0 O L PRI Z E. Oebenrore, an old merchant, Mi Eallcv ; Midfinps, an old difitbh-d iha- iiian, Mr Miil.--: Old Bclford, Mr Williams; Captain WUraot, ci-.p- tain of a pmatcer, Mr ...

Published: Wednesday 21 April 1779
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7250 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THEATRE-ROYAL. By De-re- o! Her Gracfthe DUCHESS cf BUCCEEUGH, To-morrow Evening, UESDAY the 23a inft. ..

... favourite Comedy of ' SHE STO O P S T O CONQUER; OR, THE MISTAKES OF A NIGHT. Young Madam, Mr WOODS ; ?? Mr Webb; Haltings, Mr Hallion; Sir Charles MaT-ow, Mr Curtis ; Landlord, Mr Sparks; Disnjory, Mr Bailey; Drunken Servant, Mr Taylor; and Tony I.nmkin, Mr Mills. Mrs Hardcaftle, Mrs Webb; Mil's Neviil, -_o_ Woods ; Mifs Hardcat.fe, Mils MOOItE. To -iiich wii be ad.led, the iafl new ...

Published: Monday 22 February 1779
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4380 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... his Warchoufe oppo- J lite- the CrOft, Edhrgborgl,, returns bis irratcful aek. on fedgements to -V LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VERT FINE 'fj_ _ , ccioch lie- no-.v Bob. a T.-a, ' L. o - c I * ii ?? licit diito, o 3 6Il: a Double i'.um, L. oiS o i:r.. n .5 o j (— -d ditto , o fl o 1 ■'■».' *tto. c j 6 I Single cfcto, o 6 o Very :« :i ditto, c, 6 o ( Brandy, o f! o rlueShoalhc—s, o 7 o j Ditto,' „ f, ...

Published: Wednesday 18 November 1778
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4330 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds