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To the FREEMEN of CH

... IPPENHAM. GENTLEMEN ! MANY of you remember, and History will inform your Posterity, that in the Year 1741, the great Father of Corruption Sir Robert Walpole owed his Downfall, and the People of England their Deliver- ance from his detested Politics, by the Integrity of the Freemen of Chippenham. With the Court in his In- terest, and the Treasury in his Hands, (though it was his last convulsive ...

Zlwz O.ip io UnnJlii

... trtt, In a neat l'.-cket Volume, f.nall Oa*/o, Price 'Ftio Sl-i/li-trs cm.l S:x-Ftrtce in bii .- Covers, The REGISTER of FOLLY; Or, Cii ?? it ?? c 7 c X s and 1 n c i drs t s Ai B A T H and the H O T-W E L L 5, In a Scries of POETICAL E V I S T L E S, By the I N V A L I D. lIOM 5 OIT QUI MAL V PENSK. Printed for the Author, a::d fold by all the i'ookfcllerj in Katli, (.'.ideil and Feekct in ...

SILK MANUFACTORY. ROE PALMER, Weaver and Mine*-., at the Hi acock, in Union- Piijagt. begs Lcaae to inloim the L,

... iii is, tlut he has received hu full md temflile Alloii- nicnt ol the Newell and mott Itlh unable SPRING SILKS. fte embi ices this Opportunity of returning hi> moll giaieful 1 hauls, to thr Ladle, fa, the very _>rrat Ent „ , ,„rn, given him clurin-. ihc Wintei Scifon, in'd humbly folliciti a Con- tinuance ol Ihei, lav„„ra. sai,,ch he hopes lo in,i ,1 bvltrcp- in | the bt11,,/ Good,, and ...