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Bath, Somerset, England

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WANBORJUGH, Wins Oct. 13, i*?B. THP. Proprietors of Land lying in the Parilh of Watiberottgh, in the coi.nly 0' ..

... »rt defired lo mtti at the Crown Inn at W^nborou^h afortlald, on Wednefday the ?? ir.ltant, in order to confidrr ni thr Hrtds of* Bill i-iteiided to br fiillicllel ihe net! SeiTnn ol Parl'i-nnent, lor dividing, il- loling, and ineloling th* Common Field., Common Meadow!, Wade Land*, md Coniii.on.thie I'lace-i etithifi the laid pari'h. BATH. THB Creditors (if any) of Charlc« Miller, Kfq; ...


... LMER and Co. Weaver*, from Bedford- Street, Covrnt -Girden, beg Leive to ml m t'e Li- oiii, that ihey have opened fot Sail, it the 0 Watrhoulc in Union-Pilfage, Bith, ? cotnplcit a ...

SILK MANUFACTORY, As th, P.acocc la Unam-Poffigi, leading t, the (rtfi-Balh. ROE PALMER, Wiavii and Miacia, in- ..

... 1*01(1, tbit he hi, tins D.y received hi* coiuulc-at Affuitiuertt of Rich and lilhiouibtc WINTER SILKS, Chofen, he prcfueici, with peculsat Talte ; but that being a Point depending fo much upon liner, he leavct ll for ihc ' Ladici to dticrimnt l ...

H A I !. TfO be LETT

... , a Iloufe and Shop in Northgatc- J. ilireti All.', a Mnufr in Waltot li.-l. Fur firticuiars, rnq.ite of Mciii,. Uoivlon and Atkinfn. goldlmiths and jewellers. I) R N *M I NVA I. AKCHTH'fI'R I - A \ I'RY Curious AlTirtmrnt of FritM, Pilall^r.--, 1 ihlets, .1: . lot chin. ?? ?? . * -slch Kll ?? rlr- dance, 111 ir.hilily, are e^ til ti ,i.i is 10.1 calving, md hot ,-ir ?? I Ihr p. is, . ,i*r ...