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SILK MANUFACTORY, As th, P.acocc la Unam-Poffigi, leading t, the (rtfi-Balh. ROE PALMER, Wiavii and Miacia, in- ..

... 1*01(1, tbit he hi, tins D.y received hi* coiuulc-at Affuitiuertt of Rich and lilhiouibtc WINTER SILKS, Chofen, he prcfueici, with peculsat Talte ; but that being a Point depending fo much upon liner, he leavct ll for ihc ' Ladici to dticrimnt l ...

THE Next BRADFORD ASSEMBLY will be on TUESDAY the sqth Inftant, at the NEW BEAR INN. LOST, laft Monday fe'ennighl,

... a Red Morot/> POCKET-BOOK, with a Silver Lock, contiining a Miniature Picture of a Gentleman, fel for a Bracelet, (the ramie. -. Namt on the Front Sekmler.) with fome ?? aad foveral Bills, Receipt., Mcmorandumi, Ac. of no Ufe lo Ihe Owner. Whoever brings tha abovt to Mr. Crutt- wtll L Primer, lhall receive One Guinea Reward. if No greater Reward will be offered, nor will ii be advtrliftd ...