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Leeds Intelligencer

BRUSH - MANUFACTURERS. M ALFORD and FE^N, acquaint their FRIENDS and the PVBLIC, That they havi taken top and ..

... late Mr Joftn Auth inctoii's, an Briggate, Leeds, where they purfofe cariying on the above Bufinefs. They flitter themfelves, from the Experience they have hnl of their Tntde, and from the able Workmen they have engaged, they fhall be able tofcll ?? on thelowtA Terms, and heft Quality! . ** * Thofe who pleafe, to favour them with tlieir Com- tnandl, may depend oil. hiving them executed with ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10512 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LINEN- DRAPERY, &c. \ Thomas Thompfon, At Ms PRINT-POSTS, and CHEAP -SHOP, near I ?? the Cross, IE EDS, \

... DRESENTS his moft refpeaful Compliments I Jl to his Friends mid the Public ; Anel bee,, Lca-ve to inform j' J them, That he is return'd from London and other principal I IV^arkets in the Kingdom, with an elegant Aflbrtment of 1 FANCY ARTICLES in the LINEN, HABER- DASHERY, and LACE BRANCHES, ■ Which he this Day, along with a Number of other Articles, begins to fell at Low Prices, ' «*, The ...

Published: Tuesday 11 May 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9901 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

KIRKSTALL BRIDGE. i Weft- Rifing > rpo be LETT, at the Houfe of H nfrtrtjbsri, J § Mr. Wißiam Day,

... the White-Hart, In Wakefield, on Friday the 15th Day of January Inft. at Two I o'clock of the fame Day, I The Widening and Repairing of KIRKSTALL- I \ BRIDGE, over the River Air«, near Leeds.— All Workmen Willing to undertake the fame, are deftrcd to fend Eltimates i\ I of I'arilculars, fealed Up and direfted to Mr. John Gott, of or* I* Woodhall, rtcir Bradford, Surveyor of the Bridges for tbe ...

Published: Tuesday 05 January 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10732 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WAR-OFFICE,. 27th JVL V, 1779. TfJIS Majejly doth hereby dirt-el and require, That all tbe OUT-PENSIONERS ..

... ?? s pital, rejiding in tbe Countiii tf Bedford, Huntingdon, Derby, Sucks, Leiceller, Lincoln, Herts, Rutland. York, Northampton, Nottingham, ( tbe Letter Men, Mm at Nine-Pence a Day, nnd 'thefe rejiding in London, and -within Tvtiinty-fivi Milts tberitf, •rnrho bave already appeared at Chelfea, excepted) do per- fonal/y appear at the Places, end on tbt Days undermention- ed, before Sur gton 1 ...

Published: Tuesday 10 August 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12366 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

George Armfield, Stay-Maker, Hatter, and Hosier, Back op the Shambles, LEEDS, RETURNS his grateful ..

... him with their Commands, and begs Leave to inform them and the Public in general, That tie is juft returned trom London, with an elegant Assortmint of the molt Faihionable Articles, in the HAT and HOSIERY WAY,, which he intends to fell upon the lowed Terms ; the Prices fixed without Abatement. Alfo doubts not, from Practice and the Correfpondence he has in London, to furnilh all his Friends, ...

Published: Tuesday 30 March 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11842 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JAMES MARSHALL and SON, UPHOLDERS, TAKE this Method to inform the Public, They have opened a SHOP, oppofite the OLD

... KING'i. ARMS, in BKIGCATE, LEEDS, wbere the Bufinefs will be carried forward in its full Extent | snd the Nobility, Gentry, and Otheri, who pltife to honor them ••with their Commands, may depend upon their Furniture being well finilhed, in Taite, and at the moll reafonable Prices. They have laid in a neat Affottment cl Goods, and make and fell Beds of dowered Till'ues, Silk Damalk, flow. ...

Published: Tuesday 26 October 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11917 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LIN EN -DRAPERY, &c. Thomas Thompfon, At his PRINT-POSTS, and CHEAP -SHOP, near the Cll oss, LEEDS, PRESENTS ..

... refpe£ful Compliments to his Friends and the Public ; And beg, Leave 1, inform tbtm. That he is return'd from London and other principal Markets in the Kingdom, with an elegant Affortment of FANCY ARTICLES in the LINEN, HABER- DASHERY, and LACE BRANCHES, Which he this Day, along with a Number of oflier Articles, ?? MLtl fell at Low Prices. V- ' •*« The Trade in- ; ...

Published: Tuesday 13 April 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11391 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DANCING. MR. HAD WEN purpofes attending Mrs. DAWSON'S Young Ladles at the opening of her School, on Monday, ..

... 19th; likewife tlic Young Gentlemen at Mr Hodgfon's Academy, the fame Day. (9* Mr.HADW£N picfents his refpeftful Compliments to his Friends in Leeds and its Neighbourhood, and wifhes to return his grateful Acknowledgments for paft Favours ; and humbly hopes a Continuance of that kind Indulgence and Encouragement he has fo long experienced, and which he will always make his conftant Study and ...

Published: Tuesday 13 July 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7285 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co - Partnerfhip Diffolved. XTOTICE is hereby given, That the Part- I>i netlhip betwixt MARY BAKEWELL and JABEZ ..

... is, by mutual Agreement, entirely diirolved; and each carries on the fame Bufindfs upon their own Accounts,— Mary Bakewell, at their former Warehoule in Fryer-Yard, and Jabez Thorpe, at their ufual l'lace upon the Long-Row. Nottingham, ) MARY BAK.EWELL. July a, JABEZ THORPE. N. B. All Perfons who are indebted to the above Pirt- nerfhip, ate defired to pay the fame to Mary Bakcwell, wbo ...

Published: Tuesday 05 October 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11444 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

I County Court Office for Yorkfliire, Under THOMAS DUNCOMBE, Efq; Sheriff. r T >, HE Execution ofthis Office, ..

... at- X tended with great Trouble, has bf late Years become not very deniable, by Reafon of the Lofi which has arifen, from the Fees not being paid down as at the Offices of Under Sheriff and Seal-Keeper. Though many Gentlemen prattife in this Court with great fcredit, aad pay thiir Bills In dne Time, yet there are too many who require much fending to, and fiveral others who never pay at all; ...

Published: Tuesday 23 February 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7364 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BARNSLEY SGHOOL. I^HE FREE - GRAMMAR - SCHOOL of BARNSLEY. being now vacant, by the Rcfigna- tionof Mr WHITLEY, the

... late Scliool-Ma_er there.— The JKUSTEES for the faid School, have appointed a Meeting *- «he Hbufe of Mr Francis Roper, the White - Bear, in flarnfley, on Monday the Thirty.firrt Day of this I__ant May, in order to cleft a New School - Mailer, who muft he pro- . P=rly IJutlifitd lo teach Classics, -.nglish, WaiTinc, 1 and Accompts. ¦' '' ' ' , l-3r- There is belonging ?? School, a good ...

Published: Tuesday 04 May 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10704 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TOLLS to be LETT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Tolls arifing at the Toll Gates upon the Turnpike-Road from

... LEEDS to HARROOATE, called or known by the Name of Shipfcar-Bridge and Harwied-BtnkTurnp',kt,~'\\l be Lett by Audion to the Beft Bidder, at the Houre of Jofeph Atkinfon, Innholder in Potter-Newton, commonly called the Bowling-Green lloufe at Chaptl-Tewn, on the Nineteenth Day of July next, betwixt the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, in the Manner directed by the Aft paffed in the ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8277 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds