Ki,T ACTED THESE TWO TEARS. Tor the Benefit of Mr WOODS, At the T H E A T R JE

... - R Q V A L, On SATCRD AY r.ext, »he -7th of Marck. v.lil be performed, T H E G™£ M E S T ER. nrrittcn i-y Mr MOORE, Anther- of Fables ./V tbe Fad*. Sex.) % ?? Mr WOODS ; Stukely. Mr TAYLOR; Jarvis, Mr WEl_«; z_tsx, tee HALL ION; Oa.fon. MrCIIARTERiS. An'Ltwn, . *«WK_ Chariot-- IViiis MOORE ; j7 C v. Mrs Ml I. Lb; And .Mrs Kcver.y, Mb- Mi'l-MOTH. To which nil! be ndileil, A NEW MCSICAI. ...

Published: Monday 22 March 1779
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4544 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ht CHADDESDEN, near Derby, On WEDNESDAY November io, 1779, At Robert Mead Wilmot' s, Efq; WILL be a SALE of

... COWS, STIRKS, CALVES, HOGS, SHEEP, WAGGONS, CARTS, PLOWS, HARROWS, GEERING, andother Implements of Husbandry. Alfo Two CART- HORSES. There is alfo to be Sold, upwards of Fifteen Thoufand of OAKS, from three to five Feet high j and a Quantity of ASH's, from five to twelve Feet. To Mr. PAGE, Of BREADSALL, near DERBY. Sir, THE Efficacy of your RESTORATIVE MEDICINE for CONSUMPTIONS, has been hap- ...

Published: Friday 29 October 1779
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10011 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Mr. DENBYs Annual CONCERT WILL BE On WEDNESDAY the 18th of August next, At the New Assembly-Room, DERBY. To begin

... at Eleven o'clock. Tickets to be had of Mr. ROOME, Mr. HARRISON, and Mr. ALMOND, Bookfellers j and of Mr. DENBY, in the St. Mary-Gate. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, TO all Perfons who have any Claim or De- mand upon the EfFefts of THOMAS LINTON, (Wood Carrier) late of Gareridon Park, in the County of Leicefter, to bring in their juft Bills bn or before the Firft Day of September next, to Mr. THOMAS ...

Published: Friday 06 August 1779
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10126 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOJL D by Private Contract, A Small convenient DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Garden and Appurtenances ..

... in Bonsall, inthe County of Derby, late in the Pofleflion of Adam Afhton. Apply to Mr. BOWER, Attorney at Law in Chefterfield, who will treat for the Sale thereof. txtb Oclober, 1779. To be JL E T T, A New COLLIERY, ready for working, at FELLY near Annefley, within 300 Yards of the Turnpike Road from Derby to Mansfield. Benjamin Smith, Tenant upon the Premifes, will fhew the Work and Situation ...

Published: Friday 15 October 1779
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9225 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Wirkfworth Wapentake

... . ALL Peifons who have had any Demand made upon them in ?? of an obfolete Claim, called PALFREY MONEY, are requefted to attend at the George in Derby, on Friday the 14th Day of January next, by 12 ?? at Noon, to confider of a proper Mode of Redrefs. 13/6 Dec. 1779. To be SOLD, ONE undivided third Share in the Inheritance of the ADVOWSON of a RECTORY near Tidefwell, in the County of Derby, of ...

Published: Friday 24 December 1779
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7086 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Cth A U G U ST, I9

... A U U ST, I9 Meeting fcveral of the Nobility and Gentry the County Oxford (in of an A.lvrrtidnient of tl.c 2ktU July this Day at the Star Jr>n in Oxlonl, N T, Lord Cadop in, l.hnxlair, Thomas Hi;.' hhall, John Caill.ind, Chi ill. Willniiahhy, John hat e, lidw. Witts, IT WAS UF.sOI.VE Schnt?:, William Drapti, Charles Perrs, Thomas Walker, Paul F.hrs, Peers, I K. I'iecman. I) AND AGRHKD, l ...

Published: Saturday 14 August 1779
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 718 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

NORFOL X, &c. * Turnpike Road f r om THETFORD to NEWMARKET. ?? ICE is lecreh gitlen, Tl at tl

... c next Meeting eft be Tmflces fer putting into exeeltthntbt alsof parliament made for- amending tie faid road will be k. ?? hy adjournment, at tbe Oeorgclnt) in Tlictford in tbe county ofNo,f(lk, on Moncla/' themhdey tf December ?? •jcno'cleck in tbe forenoon, -5; order tf. tbe Tnfleei, JAMES CO I.E. 'I'o be SOL D, A LL tliofe Three MefTu.iges or 'leu.nicnts, with / 1 the outhoufes, yards and ...

Published: Saturday 18 December 1779
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10561 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Suffolk and Norfolk. BRi\NDON TURNPIKE. f^OTICE is hereby given, that tie tills arifing at ibe Turnpiit gate ..

... leading fnn Brandon to Barton -milll in tbe ciunty of Suffdk, will be Let by AUCTION on liafi, fir one year, commencing from the it)tb day of September ntxt, to tbi beft bidder, m thi boufe of Willitm Malim, called tbi Cheque, in Brandon aforefaid, in S»l\litiaytbez_itbday of tbe jame month of September, between tbe hours of Tvaelvt and Two, in tbe manner diretled by net of parliament pafftd ...

Published: Saturday 25 September 1779
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13263 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TF WILLIAM HODGSON, formerly of X. Halifax, in the County of York, Carpenter, and who inlifled as a Soldier in

... or about the Year 1744, in a Regi- ment then HARRISON'S, and ii fuppofed to have been killed at Oftend in the Year following, be living, and apply to Mr Parker, Attorney in Halifax, he may hear of fome. thing to hit Advantage 1 or if he be dead, any Perfbn who can prove his Death, will, on applying as above, and mak- ing Proof thereof, be well rewarded ; and if the Regimental Book (hewing hia ...

Published: Tuesday 02 November 1779
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11881 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Higher Swan and Saracens- Head, Market-street-Lane, MANCHESTER. THOMAS ORMSON, (late Butler to J. Carrol ..

... RACHAEL SELLERS, heretofore Chambermaid at the Old Bath in Matlock) have entered on the above Inn; and take this Method of acquainting their Friends and the Pubiic, that the fame is neatly fitted up with good Beds, and every other Requifite for the Reception of Travellers ; and that they have laid in an AfTortment of excellent Wines, Liquors, Sec. — Nothing will be wanting to merit the Favours ...

Published: Friday 03 September 1779
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9236 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds