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Suffolk, England


Ipswich, Suffolk, England

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SUFFOLK. ?? ' , Turnpike from SCOLF. to BURY. T UF next Meeting tftbt Trufttti will be held by adjournment

... at the trown tn Botefdele, en Thurfday the i yh day of t! i, in,.ant Januay ac Eleven o'clnk, al which time and place, the trufteei are requejled lo attend. THO. SLAPP, Clcik. ALL Perfonswho (land indebted to Mr. JAMES DOYLY, are dcfired to take notice, That Mr. John t.riggs, grocer and draper is duly authorized to receive the fame. Hedlelgb, Dec. 30, 1779. ATo be LETT and entered upon ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8524 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

N 011F O L X, &c. MAKSINGHAM, An; nil To be LE T T, aid Knteied upon immediately, Ur at

... Michael ma » n ?? \ Genteel Mefluageoi Tenement, wtth an exceed- ing ?? iniilt-lioiife adjoining, row ii lell iinslc, ■v.ih J ho,.t, i acre.o: land avd .vailed garden, as the (.nuc ?? reb:e in rlie occupation uf Mr, l.c vi Cooper, Alio, tj >c Sold oa ihe air.V; pier, il'e.. Several L.i.t ef very fine e.ali it uf- 1» ?? I ft, to any perfon purclialmg nor a lei's iu.i,iti,y than a ijit. Any ...

Published: Saturday 12 August 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11804 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. HUNDREDS of HARTSMERE, HOXNE and THREDLING in the County of Suffolk. THE next Quarterly Meeting of the ..

... the poor, within the laid hundreds, is appointed to be held at the White Lion in Eye on Tuesbav the 26th day of December Inft. precifely at Ten o'clock in the fore- noon, at which meeting the attendance of the f.iid dirciloi s is particularly rcquellcd on fpecial affairs, By order of the Director!. DAN. NEGUS, Clk. To he S0 L D by AUC T I 0 n7 In Smaii. Lots, at the Ctiftoni-boufe In ...

Published: Saturday 16 December 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12060 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. BECCLES FAIR. Notice is hereby given, That Becclea Fair will be kept this year on the 4th of May

... 111x1 ; and that on the 12th of that month, cattle will be taken and agiftcd on Beccles Fen, at i?s. per head, as ufual. The money to be then paid to Mr. T. Carter, the prefent portreeve. ' f 0 be S O L D be A U C T I O H By WILLIAM B A R L 0 W, (Auctioneer ano Swcsrn Ai-i-R/siser) On Monday, April 24, at Stowmauscet, THREE Road Waggons (two narrow •n-liccl'd, and one broad ditto). Tliefe ...

Published: Saturday 22 April 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12832 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F 0 L K. Turnpike Road from SUDBURY to FilR 1 -. if HE next Meeting ef

... the'lrufietl for ibe fetid Read id he ai the Role and Crown inn in Sud-mry u,i Monday tbt 1 sr/j i'fl,vit,at Swelve tf tittle a: noon MONEY. Wanted immediately, oi at Michael. mas next, 1 he fum ol Four Hundred Founds up.m land fecurity at 5 Letters di eel d (poll-paid) lor P. D. to be left at the poll-office in Netellsam-niaiket, Suffolk, will bei .Inly anfwcitd. THE Governors of ...

Published: Saturday 09 September 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12823 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F 0 L K. To he LETT at a Very Lo w Re n t And Entered

... upon immidi ati* i v, ANeat and commodious Liick'd DWELLING- HOUSE, with a fafh'd nont, meft eligibly situated In Stoke next Nayland in Suffolk) containing a hall, t parlours, a dining-room with a bow-window, command- ing a moll delightful and extenflve profpect j acommodi- -0111 kitchen, pantry, fcullery, and good cellais* five quod bed -chambers and i;ood garrets; good (tabling and con- ...

Published: Saturday 18 November 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10924 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

N ORFO L X, 6cc. KINC's LYNN, Noitroi ' . WA NTED, A Pavionr to do between two ; ml

... three ilun find yards 0) new cobble pavement. A po:.d workm.m willing to undertake the fame is defireri ;» icr.d l.ispii'i efals to V.ilii.un 'iu^k, cluml erlaln of Kind's Lynnafoiefald. SJ'IOLIiN on satunluy Night of auiutay h'tornmg ) the ijth and ?? inflant, outof a liable near die ?? inihe p.nilhol Methwold in the county 01 Noriolk, A it Ro W N MAX E, of il.» liding hind, 4 years ol J, ...

Published: Saturday 29 July 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12321 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F 0 L X, kct ' ?? STONE SCH( Of, ?? EETINO, npHE Anniiil ?? iigoftlieG ntlemcn

... c.i ca- ll ted it -A ?? uloiifS In i.v II bs 1 tin V.i w ?? ln.towv.ii>' ?? 1 ?? c.; I'u day 1 .erllol Augtft, where tbe coinparyoi then 1 liool. fellows will he efte«n,ed ii 1 1 our, liy lOHI li'.l.i , / c . 'fr !; : ?? -i. ; hree o'Cloilt. To he Disros-'Dofupon vcr) Kcafonable Fern I rij'MJK itotkol the late Mr. JOHN ?? 0 .■•jr. ?? deceafed) confill'ng of 1 large quantity of medicinal ...

Published: Saturday 22 July 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7778 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. (THE Meeting of ibe NM/ity, Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholder 1 and Land Ownei sof iht county of Suffolk, ..

... held at Stowmarket, is adjoui ned to Monday tin: z^th day ef April next, to receive tbe report of the rrprtf •itatities oftbefueeefs of their application to parliament, By order of the Chairman, otls March 17S0. CHARLES SQUIRE. For the BEN EFT T „f Mr. FRENCH^ Organist of Stow m a r k r. T, ON Montlav the 24th of this inltant April, will be A CONCERT itt the White Hart. Fust Violin and a Solo, ...

Published: Saturday 15 April 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12101 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFOLK. For the BENEFIT of SARAH JEFFRYS. ON Thursday Evening, March the 16th, will be An ASH M B 1,

... V at the Th«ls TtfNf in Halefworth. Ticlwts to be had at the Kinit's in Bungay; Kind's Head, Beccle.-,* Tuns, Yoxfonl* and at the Tuns, Halefworth, at Three Shillings each. (£?• Tei and ColTc- included. WAN i ED, A Journeyman BAKER j a fober, fteady man, with a good charicler Horn hs laft place, may have conflant emi.*|jy, ffi Enquire of viie printers of this paper. WANTED immediately ...

Published: Saturday 11 March 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8348 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

R. STOWMARKET, April ao, 17R0. OBERT ROBINSON, Carpenter and Joiner, takes '.his opportunity of returning his ..

... who have hitherto favoured liim with their Commands, while engaged in parmerihip witli Mrs. Bald- win Likewife begs leave to inform his friends and the publicum heintends carrying on the abovt branches upon thebeft plan snd by eftimation if required, and hopes by a con'flasit attention to his bufinefis to merit their future commands, which will he- gratefully acknowledged, by iheii mofl ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1780
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14960 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds