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CHARITY-SCHOOL, BATH. WANTED, A Miftrefs to fuperintend the Edu- cation of Twenty Girls. The falary 241. ptr ..

... Inn, Bread-ftreet, and Golden-Crofs inn, Charing-Crofs, London, precifely at two o'clock, for Bath and Briftol; — aad every morning (Sundays ex- cepted) from the Bolt in Tun inn, Fleet-ftreet, and every Sunday morning from the Golden Crofs, Charing -Crofs ...

I TX7HEREAS a Commiflion of Bankrupt is -XrS L awarded andillued againft WILLIAM MORTI- I MtR the Younger, ..

... Burley, near Leeds aforefaid. By the King's Royal Letters Patent, CAKES for making of SHINING LIQUID BLACKING, for Shoes, Boots, tec. Thefe Cake, make with the utmoft cafe by the Addition of Wateronly, a fnoft excel- lent Shining Liquid Blacking, fupeiior ...

Published: Tuesday 16 May 1780
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10217 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WILLIAM HETLING, Wine and Brandv- h.EecuAKT, Hctliog -Court, Wellgate- Building*, Bath, beg-i leave to inform ..

... plain muflins ; black and white thread laces and edgings ; bail ansl. Scotch linens ; filk trimming and thread gauze; muilin, kent- ing, leooa and gauze handkerchiefs; printed linen aad cotton ditto } marleilles quiltings, corded and plain dimities, India ...

To BE GINS ELLING On Monday next, the 17th of this Inftant July, at BRETBY-HALL, in the County of Derby,

... Chief Juftice Mansfield, and Baron Eyre. Hertferdjhire. Monday, July 31, at Hertford* Effex. Wednefday, Aug. 2, at Chelmsford. Kent. Monday, 7, at Maidftone. Suffix. Friday, 11, at Horfham. Surrey. Monday, 14, at Guildford. NORFOLK CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Baron ...

Published: Friday 07 July 1780
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6527 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

M AINWARING, JEWELLER, GOLDSMITH, and TOYMAN, Oppofite Mr. Gyde's Kooms, oa the Lower Walks, Bath, BEGS leave ..

... diftributor* oi this paper. Of vjb-eirt may bt bad, by tit King'i Pattnt, CAKES for making Shining Liquid BLACKING for Shoes, Boots, tec. which make with the utmoft cafe, with the addition of Water only, a moft excellent Shining Li* quid Blacking, much fuperior ...

To the Gentlemen, Clebot, antl Fkeeuolbeks of the County of G I. O U C F. ST E R. GENTLLMt.I,

... Pens,Q;iil!s, black-lead Pencils, Cake ink, liquid Ink black and red, and black atid red Ink Powders. SHOP BOOKS, and Paper Boot's, of all Kinds and Sizes, ruled and plain ; Slates, and Slate Pencils ; Paper (.ales, Copy and Memorandum Books, Di-iie.r ...

Published: Saturday 30 December 1780
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13466 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CHIPPENH A M. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to a Miliner. For particulars, appl) to MefT. Humphry* and Man felt. ..

... an old green fat- tin waiflcoat tamboured with gold round the edges and pockets, black breeches in general, and lometimes boots aimoft new, with a round plain hat ; alfo a Bath-beaver coat and waiflcoat plain, and when drefll-d a new blue cloth coat ...

No. 9, Vineyard*., oppofite Paragon-Buildings, Bath. MISS LEE, and Sillers, ?? addrefs their terms to P-ient*- ..

... kinds; tenon gauze- ftriped, checked, fpotted, and plain clear lawns ; long lawns- muflin cravats-, mullin, lenon, foofee, kenting, gauze and printed handkerchiefs ; black modes and co- loured perfian - rufll-h, camblets, tammies, red tickings ; checked ...

S U F F O L K. SUFFOLK. TIIE Gem A Quarter Scffons of tbc Peace cf Cur Sovereign Lird

... Suffolk, ts'or- folk,orany country thai road. Enquire' ofl ihc premiles, Hi* ol Mr, Martindale, upholder, lirewer-ilreet, Golden* fqua'e, London, To be S C) L D, A Convenient liiick'd Dwelling- houfe, with a back-hour*, ftable, malt-Office, and about ...

Published: Saturday 17 March 1781
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13154 | Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DEVIZES ASSEMBLY WILL be at the Tm-T.-Hall on Monday the 26th of March. To begin at fix o'clock. ?? A

... drawing of mine intended for a frontiipiece of Emma Cmbctt, is execated entirely to my futis- faction. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. Golden -Square, Feb. 13, 1781. Proof imprelhons of the drawings may be had at R. Rieards's, in Bond-ftreet, Bath ; and at Ryland ...

Hnrfts, Cows, Shet-p, Wheat, and Farming Uteniils. T -1 O be SO L D by AUCTIO N, -L By Mr

... fituatcd in the OU Butclur Row, and nou in the Occupation ot Mr. Luniliert, Grocer, and Mr. Roberts, Plaiftcrer, at the yeaily Kent of 111. 14 s. The Premises are in go.. J Repair, and may be Viewed at any Fime by applying on the Piemiffes; or to the Auctioneer ...

Published: Saturday 26 May 1781
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13732 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Tbii D.y is Publifhed, In Royal (^arto, l'r.ce in B.aru» Ois Guinea, A TOUR tnrough MONMOUTHSHIRE and WAI.Ei. ..

... ufing it at 3s. per. quart, or is. 6J. per pint, by J. Brooke only in Brif- tol ; Mr. Cruttwcll, printer, in Bath ; Mefl'rs. Kent and Mow- bray, printers, in Portfmouth j and no where elfe; and the money will be retfcrned if not found to anfwer this ad ...