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A T U R AY ’s POST. LONDON, Thursday, September ig. morning dii'patches were re- A r-eived from Lord Howe,

... Secretary to Monf. Vergennes, the French premier. According an article fiom Philadelphia, of the ot June, which appeared in the Independent Chronicle of Ballon, ot July the 4th, Captain Lippencot, who cauled -not Captain tiuddy, had been lent, on the June, from ...

fo I Fmlument ' i tXILLIAM ti BntHh enter- half “ whofc win ic could Conrant I followed of I

... eftablifhed Irifli free trade I fervency till very laft moment I A coWcymouth every Monday Wednefday from condition my im- I independence on Iegiflature Great-Britain and I refpite during pleafure was I fcs-en jflibilitv executing my I conlequendy the Author ...

LIST GAME-KEEPERS COUNTY OF GLOCESTER William John Minder Gent Nicotls Thomas Niblett Parker William Pertrin ..

... CHINA ASH and the Entire-Leafed ASH as as Spanifli chefnut The new CANADA ELM for its quicknefs of growth hardnefs fix years they four feet and to from 5I to per new CANADA LYME the new CANADA POPLARS quantity of beautiful plant new fcarlet FLOWERING THORN ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1786
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2963 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

I the inftant Lady Caroline Lady of TJvedale Price Foxley in county -was fafely delivered a daughter Dover ..

... is retain Minorca and to have the two Florjaas to her We are keep Canada Nova Scotia but the karbour Penobfcot the Arne are to be declared the fub-Iciibittg powers free ’and independent to Holland France is to up arid the Cape j upon the Dutch them expehces ...

Published: Monday 27 January 1783
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3059 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Coghlan and Mr.Widmore or, and recommended them to their friends, the independent in the borough. Auer which the Candidates made excellent fpceches, exhorting them to maintain their independence, being their moft valuable franchife, and the true chamber of ...

by nation by fixation in which it flood Mr it (mall pie the Hon prevented fentiments becaufe information had given

... poffef-fions for what confequence will the remainder Canada be to us fince we have almoft the whole the fur trade ? Certainly can be none and the Minifter might equal propriety have ceded all Canada as what he has granted to America It has been faid that ...

Published: Monday 24 February 1783
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2797 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Vol LX I MONDAY 9 THURSDAY’S POST FOREIGN AFFAIRS Vienna 27 N Saturday current Sovereign Pontiff paid firlt ..

... immediate truce and aft of oblivion 2 Britain hold Canada Nova Scotia Newfoundland New-York Georgia and Floridas Congrefs the remaining belonging to the crown The American States acknowledged independent but an alliance commercial offenfive and to be formed ...

Published: Monday 22 April 1782
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3120 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

NEWS March 5 The Mr B Trinity college is pi eiented that fociety the Farnhnm in Eflex Thurfday night the

... their characters ot our city and truly alarming thofe independent freemen who are jealous of their and and ready to fupport them Refolded That thofe queHions may that it will be inconfiHcnt independent and with freeman the intereH who by fuch unwarrantable ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1785
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3222 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Printed AndR Mead-Street where Advertisements &fc are taken And PRINTING in General executed the Ncatel ..

... Thurfday and Friday’s Foils April Graves’s CommodoreWalfingham Juadron not fail fingham the former reinforcement is getting for Canada Col Holroyd’s regiment light dragoons Stanton’s and remaining fix companies 75 th are part troops under orders for embarkation ...

Published: Monday 24 April 1780
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1483 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

I H>N DON, Tuesday, Sep. 27

... is clifmembered— America, by iuc- rrfsfill rebellion, is independent, and inimical i..Br.t.iin—, iii the hour of diftrefs, took (he opportunity of laying the fame rum. to independence by ?? alone I, ■ gained lovM ami attached— has fupplied the ...

Price Three-Pence H U S D Pccimber 20 1781 1105 - SATURDAfs POST Dk full Sirjamtt (17 enquired Bench whether

... rot furprifing contrary extremely their their mu A cafe who them for the friends admi titration in he reckon gentlemen of independent ftrturcs in kingdom cn principles they continued to the adminiAration to it from their abilities whole American war fr ne ...

Vol LXVIIi Nq 3529 MONDAY 30 1789 Ready Money witJi Advertifements' - THURSDAY’S POST foreign affairs From ..

... confequence of this persecution that the Seven which form Dutch efts independence 1579 is a commercial Ghent canal of burthen Bruges tho’ at the-diftance to on foreign than the Worthy Independent Electors Borough of EVESHAM Gentlemen BEING joint Candidates for ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1789
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2679 | Page: 1 | Tags: none