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Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

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'lo the worthy Electors of the Borough o/'Shaftelfaury. rfHE iervice my country immediately demanding my * ah ..

... ailing to tee bejt oj judgment, uninfluenced ana independently, 1 ha’ve the honor to be. with great Gentlemen, Your devoted and moft faithfulfervant. GEORGE COLLIER. From hoard hit Majcfty jhip Canada, in Plymouth Sound, April 17, ...


... which is added an Appendix, containing new Theory of the Catoptric Seflant, and its ufe in taking heights and dif tances, independent of Trigonometry : Alfo inrt.udlioos for meafuring of Standing Timber. With feveral plain and ufeful Tables. B. TALBOT, Teacher ...

MONDAY’ ? POS T: (By Exprefs frtm London.) . . ; prom the LONDON QA/JETTE, Augufi 3. • the Court

... bufinefs is this; that Congrefs finding that General Governor of Canada, hid attempted profit by the difpute, and was the add of forming a league with that extenfive diftriid, which bounded by Canada one fide, and the North River on the other, thought to relax ...


... ailing to the bejl of my judgment, uninfuencea ana independently, I have the honor he, with greet refold. Gentlemen, Tour devoted and moft faithfulforvant, GEORGE COLLIER. From hoard his Majeflf Jhip Canada, Plymouth Sound, April 17, FROME, May 15. 1780. ...

• , ' K • Tv'/jR. WICK, having deiircd to dec):tie 'J’*' iVI attendance »s the U ikma» v. I

... fittce,■its, Gentlemen, m-fi faithful and 1 1 KtaLij* April |AMES LUTTKRLL. Shaflcflurj, April T\, 1730. To the free and independent Eleftors of the Borough of Shaftefiitiry. TUB great encouragement I have been honored with ott m late canvafs for your fuffr ...

[Numb. 2300. —Vo i,. XL\ Ready Money for Advertifements THURSDAY’S POST. From the LONDON GAZETTE. July 2. St. ..

... confcquences If the bill was calculated for Nova Scotia, Ball Florida, and Canada, only, the omiffion of the reft of America amounted to virtual acknowledgment of the independence of the thirteen Colonies; iff on the other hand, it wa, meant to extend to ...

A T U R AY ’s POST. LONDON, Thursday, September ig. morning dii'patches were re- A r-eived from Lord Howe,

... Secretary to Monf. Vergennes, the French premier. According an article fiom Philadelphia, of the ot June, which appeared in the Independent Chronicle of Ballon, ot July the 4th, Captain Lippencot, who cauled -not Captain tiuddy, had been lent, on the June, from ...


... Coghlan and Mr.Widmore or, and recommended them to their friends, the independent in the borough. Auer which the Candidates made excellent fpceches, exhorting them to maintain their independence, being their moft valuable franchife, and the true chamber of ...

for the ifm, any >ut and -fex, ant), lings itirn. hnfon, ace, in 'A leaves, nej A, ivvbolt. mi ]

... They offer to reftorc all our Well-India iflands, and they demand Canada in return; Spain afks Gibraltar, and offers in return Porto Rico and Minorca ; the requeft of America is independence ; the Dutch afk a reftoration all places, and fame compenfation ...

LONDON, Thursday, 'July 17

... thirty-fix. Yeilerday arrived the Hotel, in King-fireet, St. Jamcs'j-fquare, Brigadier-General Hope, Lieutenant- Governor of Canada, having landed from the ihip, Carlton, off Plymouth, after a voyage of days from Quebec. We hear that all was very quiet inthofe ...