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Whitehaven, Cumberland, England

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wcreJeS, a.i 3 tTTelty was enveloped very clouds. The 19th announced a perfeft tempeft, with conftant hail, and ..

... hurt by the difrefpeft which has been fliewn to it by the Americans, and the Queen jocularly obferves, that the was always Whig her heart, the United Stales, in their rage for appointing Envoys and Ambalfadors, might have favoured her with a vilit. Perhaps ...

L O M D O N, March 21,

... prefent year, amount! to near A MILLION. The average furplm it ftited to be abont Niks Thoviand Poonds a year. The character! of whig and tory are now fo and confounded croft breeding, that it ii •rapoflihle to fay which which. So they wandrr through the political ...


... left tli* place. . M The income of the Deanery Durham i moft valuable of any in England, not excepting St. Paul’s. , . , . The Whig Club are properly to take the lead in the celebration of the century of the glorious Revol ition in this country. A fplcndid ...

LONDON, February 16

... fom of waa .hcladed, which l ad beta voted year, .ad ohicb it donbf.dirrA whether it «o e* net to the adeaacenmai ,ha. dela«« whig* bad bean judged aacetory, l, which fe many diftremt amaiaa* bad been eatertatacd. Tba footlea which » make related entirely ...


... rentonllratcd to Don Carlos, prince Spain, when they were lliangling him, and he attempted to refill. Though born and bred Whig, I hope without crime, 1 may alfcrt, that the King makes part of the conllitution ; that has rights, pre-eminences privileges ...

&aturfcap’s and launtiap's Pods. LON DON, November tg. country pcopltt in Aufi«n Flanders are divided rentiment ..

... convincing proof this, that the Gallic nation, who are impartial judges of the matter, hold in due admiration conditulional and whig principles. So great been the fcarcity of water at Antigua, that Government were expcnccof 401, derling per diem, for the fupply ...


... taken tliis junflute, as will be the means of relloriug his lorJßtip’s popularity, will be a very great (Lengthening to the Whig party, and will enfure them for feme years .the adminidration of this country, an event ‘much wiflied for by the public. ...


... the meeting fine die* A Chemical Correfpondent who has lately analyfcd Parliament, allures us, that itconlills of two Parts Whig, one of Tory, and one of a cafutmortuum, fo that any thoughts oldiffolaiing fuch a mafs mull be given over. In the courfe of ...

T I C E. TO all aid every Rcifon and Perfons claim-* inf to Heitac (.aw* ntkl Hamnau Ciaab, Jcceafcd,

... themfelves verv ouvioufly in theftyle and tenor of hi» language and principles in parliament. It the fundamental tenet the Whig, creed, that parliament have undoubted right interfere far the appointment of mmiders, that the King ought not to be permitted ...


... Mr. Pitt, and other friends to parliamentary reform, were in power. We are now governed an odious coalition, formed between Whigs, and the conductors of the late war, gratify ambition anu parly rage by cenfuring the peace. Thefe united parlies are in general ...

ana Pott?, Frtm the LONDON AZET T E. Whitehall, March? 4» 1783 pg has been pleafed to grant the -j,

... having uniformly proved himfelf, in the Cabinet, a decided enemy to that fyilem of meafures which is known characterize the Whig interell. E. C. Jtt-The coalition on Sunday evening had filled ihe following employments; fince which time -their operations ...


... Foreign Allies; 10th, The Governor and State of New Jerfcy 11th, Count d’Eltaing and Gen. Rochambc.iu; teth, The perfevering Whigs in America; 13th, The Continental Army. The remainder of the evening was (pent in mirth and harmony fuituble the occafion. ...