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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


... puhlick thankfgiving ; and requeuing the concurrence and fjipport ol the Whig Club. In anfwtr to tins letter, a copy of the al-ove rcfolutions was ftilt, with this addition, tlmt the Whig Club rejoice and ap- prove of the.o operalion of every fociety that ...

A S O N G,

... Ile vowi that things will quickly mend, Nu two futh men the State defend As Tory N — tth and his Hew friend. That ttprieti Whig, fwt-tt Clar.'.y. What worder-workings fhall we lea Atvllicv'd by thefe united Three, V, hu in fair pi mules agree To raife ...

iS^nday's and Tucfday's Polls

... Wiglcy, efqj in his addrefs to ihe freemen of Worceder, lays, that the report in a Morning Paper tlut h.- had ?? himfelf of ' whig principles,' is a majlclcusfalfehood ; and adds, he is warmly attached to the King and the prelcnt Minifkr ! What ! difavow ...

LONDON, Satukdav, Aug. 6

... their independente. The State of Connecticut has petitioned to be taken under the protection of Great-Britain. The fpirit of Whig and Tory prevails to the northward more than ever. The Boftonians ate attempting to drive away every Britifh ?? from their ...

Sunday's and Tue Pods Saturday flit's GAZETTE Vivkna 01 4 THE Itirora in Mch itVti fitch loads lyfi' mtnv fcaggape

... JOHN at Cbtaf-rtrtr Confiding new fi?!d piece of cotton cut fine Vhrr r Catalogue and Stafford cad at tho iling WHIG ij CO- lG “ THE next of whig be SOLD br AuAion fine in latter (uidrf private - -hick in Strand i His PORTLAND I JOHN I WI1JLLAM CAVENDISH ...

DIED, Mrs. Cox, niece to the late Right Hon. Lord Craven, and daughter of ihe Hon, George Craven, late gover-

... Glouccftcrftiirc ; daughter of John Oldmixon, efq; of Oldmixon in Somcrfct, tltc renowned Anugonift of Pope, and the great Whig Hiflorian of the lilt century.-— The Lady of Dr. John Prendergafl, of Richmond. ---Owen Owen, efq; of Tynjeved, in Montgomeryshire ...

ExtraS of a letter from Point-no-Point, near Phila-.delphia, dated Aprils, 1786,

... bankruptcies— heavy taxes— a fcarcity of hard money —murmurs againft the public— perplexity in the Con- grefs—many -launch whig, metamorphofed into rank lories — liberty and independence more infupportable than taxation and a Britilh government— and, ...

MARRIED. John Campbell, efaj'to the Right' Hon. Lady Caroline Howard, cldelt daughter of the Earl cfCitrJjfl- ..

... ofthe kingdom, by 'which he contributed to refine the manners and tafte. His patriotic cha- racter is equally known. He was a whig from pure conviction, and helupportcd the popular party with hearty zeal. The Ms which Wales has fultamed by his death will ...

j THURSDA June a6 1783 No SATURDAY’S POST LONDON Jrt to up the Houfc Pm nwmtl fijr-dwr Duty on inf’

... frun his not Minifttrs Piincc will aA hind perfectly with Whig Mtm-kn called mercy of Nonbrar bkfled d Coalman' moft union dcfance to everything N mafles ever afletnbird fee fatCsfefanis Whig HgjiCfafrb Church and no Church Conupteft and Game fas mlMifcn ...


... pittance, the i -hciie ot tl.e mdi pendent ?? ol Wclhnin- ll:i. By the Kill of till 'gham, The M.irquii of Rockingham, and the Whig i ; ten It throughout Entland. The Duke rf Ihv.inihin ; and may the re- pul'.ntt-.ivei of an ancient no dlity dtr ye tlitir ...