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Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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GEN ERAL HUE AND„ : G RX. I %*boouoo***ft©*QMw I cou nty of isr 6 r ?? : > ??

... l COMMITTED to the &OUBE of CORRECTION * at . ilOrjj'eth, jj» . ..• S XTTILLIAM DOUGLASS, about 60 years ot^age, a middle fized itian, abottt fiye feet five ,Ac ?. es r W high, of a fwarthy complexion, wears i round Juried wig, hail on a coartp browii clom wide if Coat, ap Old ftriped, cotton waiftcoatj and a pair .tff ham cloth breedhes; calls bimftlf an Americap, * g, and fays he fcanie ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10689 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Fcrlbni to who,a Daniel Harle, of Weft Hatlc, in the couniy of Nonhumhcrland, Gentle* man, flands ed, not only cn his own account, but (uiety for any oilier whomfoever, ate dcfired attend thcmfelves agtnt«, at the heufe Hugh Urndie, kno-vn the Sign the Turk’s Head, ihe Oat Market, upon Tyne, the leventh day February nt it, eleven o'clock in the forenoon, wah account or their retpetSive claims, ...

Published: Saturday 26 January 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1686 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

VV D. To be SO L D, Wtir.tfiay the 6te diy of March mxt, at the koufe of Mr Swariey,

... in the Groat market, in Sevcade upon Tyne, Jutjttt to juch at jhall be then and Here proluced, I WO Hundred and fifty large Oak Trees, -with about rot cypher* thereto annexed, now tnatkcd and numbered, lad landing and growing *ithin the manor of three miles Morpeth, Noiiiutmbell, nd —John Mackay of I'igdon will fhew the Wood: and for further particulars, apply to Mr Chriilopher Fryer, ...

Published: Saturday 02 February 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 92 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... STAY-MAKER. New Elvet. Durham, TJ Eturns his fmcere Thanks to the Ladies of 1* Durham, Newcaftle, Sunderland, and their Environs, who have honoured him with their Favours, and beg* leave to acquaint them and others, that carries on the Stay-making bulinefs in the ncwefl taflc, as ulual. Several Ladies in Ncwcaftle and Sunderland, having exprelftii their withes that lie was more univerfally ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 121 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

To h LLT and entered upon at May-day next, THF following Farms of good arable, meadow, and Land, with proper

... and Copveaitnets tlie fame, li uate within a few,-miles Sunderlind-by the Sea, in the county of Durham. fji.l rrinfion Fiirm, now tenanted John Paiton, cout.iamg one hundred and forty acris, more or left. Alfo, yi'it. ■-hi!! Fjrm. now tenanted bv Cnthbert Patti fon, contairuiioonchuiHiredaiidlhirty-threc acres,more left. tilt Farm, now teoamed by William Lawfon, one and twenty-two acres, morr ...

Published: Saturday 09 March 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 244 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Printed and Said by T. SAINT and Co. I GEN ER A L HUE AND C R If* | |,o300oo3oooooooa»»ao«ooooo»o©oo©wo

... « COUNTY of NORTHUMBERLAND. ,- r, »;£,»”/, Si. •■^-' ,, d » r' u , °“ 0,n r ESCAPED from the CONSTABLE at HEXHAM. a,,1, cp.u.,,r.,f,^j^. l, *' ICHARD YOUNG, late fervent Capiam Groves, of the Regiment of Foot, at Ncvcaftlc BOUT 1330 lions foreign Geneva, New Type* »nJ O lx up.>n Tvne, who charged upm oath with having afTaullcd Mr James Aracry, Steward 10 John ~ ,;i oVVortijn Brandy, js ...

Published: Saturday 23 March 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3061 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Printed and Sold i. SAIN and Co. PiAgrun-itreet, Newcaftle upon * ( Price Three-pence. , > Ncwcaftle, Alarch ..

... DESERTED, r the POLICE —Public Office, Bow-Street, London, March 22, 1782. »T» E* from tie Durham Mnitia, e» tke C A U T N. TINE N ALLAN, inrollcd at Stockton, the 75 --rrT’FREASa r« f fo » anfwering the following defeription, and has gone the names of George TT requefted for the cofivenicnce the Pub- J o February Uft, a SublUtutc for i* .i., Maxwell. George Willis Hector Price, William Willis ...

Published: Saturday 30 March 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3353 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Printed and Sold by SAINT and Co. m Pilgnm-liject. NewcatUe upon g (Pfiee 1 hree-pencc. S»S5°5 R D A

... l GENERAL HU. E A. £ K.Y. |sa(>000u000»0»00000*0000000000©000«00tt , * , «0®* 000j ~ '~ 7 ww R a way j •»* • _ . Ncwcaftle, March 21JI, 1782. 0* March nd, -a From the POLlCE—Public Office, Bow-Street, London, March 22, 1 7 pofn Robert stAtr, now at Biyibifit. fa*, S> —IIOKF. out of the prifon Bifing‘lake, in the county of Hunts, on Taefday night, the inftant, IJN * ITT ILLIAM SAN PERSON ...

Published: Saturday 06 April 1782
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 3901 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds