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East, England


Suffolk, England

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ISUFF O L X, WOODI3RIDOE I'ii',l Suljfcriptian f\b3EM- ?? i.'.ey it 1 753, will be at the Crown, on Mummy

... tbe 17th in.'t, Non fubferibers 5 .. each, Ted I and Cuds Includctl. ry I'lie CARD ASiEMBLV iii I day tollowlnj; us ,1. ?? .At Iv lit X V V nen Loweltoit in Suffolk. To be LX I j' auti Entered upon ininicdiatelyj Or, .'■ 1 MiciiAsi m\i next, A Neat Cottar,.-, with a Jim-: and Stable, about Nine, at -. ol le land, and Six of ?? ground.) with 1 uilies, &c, to be m Enquire of Mr. Obed ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7484 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F O L K. IPS W I C I!. . To be SOLD, and entered upon immediately^

... A Freehold Mefluage ?? Klri* rtrctt, laic in the occupation ol Mrs. COLLINS, For particula s Miq li ?? , :nj niiin Catt, carpenter ah^ At I. A X i; N HI: ,\ T 11 in St-rroric. To be LE I r and Kn'erM imrtetliate'y, A V'ci) coiillderal'lc Farib, chiefly Arable, with a J.. ii'^i .■'•':' ?? 'oto clt' khi rhe'toicuoon. o ?? the vicltnd .1 the cltate and t-ffeib nt tii nI i, •, ;ru : • ...

Published: Saturday 11 January 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9128 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U P F Q L K. FINBC^ROUGH MARROW HONE CLUB. ALL the Members are requefted to attend the annual

... MEETlNO,onT«itso*Tthejml)lnn. on fpecial affairs. The Rev.VvM.HL'U.N, in the chair. Finbcrsugb, Dtc. 1, 1783. WANTED, A Young Gentleman, Huiy qua* lilied, for an apprentices a furgeon and apo ihe cary in good praclice, in a market town in Suftolk. Enqu'rc the particular of Mifs Fox and Co. Dedliani- Mr, Clubbe, attorney at l-'ramlinglunij or tf Mr. Parfooi of Hadlelgh, furgeon. STRAYED on to ...

Published: Saturday 13 December 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10891 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F 0 I, X. N 0 rf C E to CREDITOR s. 1 % HE Crtditorsof'ROßEß I

... COOK of feedcllijg. held in the county,! Suffolk, aie d lirtd iq liieet at tlie- li^n ofthe On 1 viiou nnat 1 a, ?? S/. tusmv flic jidol this mit February, at Two o'cioti*, In oidtr re receive fuch dividend fo far ai his effects amount t,,. Byoidiioi W. BURCIi. To be S 0 L D, 'pWOdelirahle FARMS, one iii Little, I Earl Stonham and Mend'elh'am, the other in Willi- l'm in the county ...

Published: Saturday 15 February 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9188 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFF 0 L X fllE nut General^arttr.y Mtcting f ,h, - -: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? \f

... ?? ■ ■ . . , , Augi ?? ISy Oicti , jo ?? ?? IH3 . Clem . ?? ?? ?? a Hal 1, ivernni . .1 iie (.1 mii ■, I.ji 1 .1 !•• 7 til I' 1)1 V, ?? .:„! 0i.M1.1 ?? „l Ili. a ia at tht lillli 'il ill 11 d .111. a , . 01 ' - I' ni ■ cccl li.ili't ,1 I 1 ifite „i en dci v .■'■ n 1 cell i-a in Sl liblk 01 - n in „ ■! I evall c n I '.alii k nil: htil' 1 I r i' U 1 ?? ii II b.i wllai I ci, on I lit ...

Published: Saturday 23 August 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10308 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFF 0 L X, To be SOL D, A Good Family COACH, of f,i_iional)lc make, tn l \ ?? repair,

... fpring blinds, lined wi. 1 white cloth, a box which takes off. Enqtiiie of the ilev. beiincur Leekeof Yaxley-hsll, near Eje, Uuifolk. &' To prevent troublu, the pi ice ?? Twenty Guineas. To'lia. S O ?? or., L,EZT~TJ A Genteel and commodious ?? wit!, convenient offices, yaid and garden, well plantcU ami Walled round, (Ituated in limy St. Edmund's, For pirtia-.i; irs apply to John Oliver and ...

Published: Saturday 09 August 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9377 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Com Exchange, London, RETURNS of CORN and GRAIN, ; From June g. to June 14, 178^. ' ■«!-, M_l ??

... _ M ?? _ „.,„ , ' , .. „ , A veragc Qi'nr- p Price ters. per Quarter. 1. 8, d. 1, s. d. Barleyj 437 657 7 1,1 10 1 Beans, 705 .300 7 4 1 ij n Malt, 1769 3844 19 7 ;. 35 Outs, 44 1 9 5164 { 1 1 34. Peas, 15 j 263 ,3 3 , I+ 5 Rye, 176 307 12 61 14 11 Wheat, 2J82 5570 14 10 2 \ \ o Beer, [ Jlanlnipts. Henry Parry, of Clcneney, Carnarvondiire, dealer, 1-ichartl Purnell, Abergavenny, Monmoutdfliire ...

Published: Saturday 28 June 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11362 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F 0 L K. f\ O N E Y. RLADV 10 be- advanced on Land Security, any

... fum from j f. to loco^, Wanted now, or TwcJ months hence, ioco£ on land ie,-uiity. f;)- Ineiuire of the piinters, Mr, Ridley or Mr. Loder, bookfeilers in Woodbridge, \Perf(in eluiy qualified to Undertake the tare of a SCHOOL, I*o teach tnglifh grammatically, wri- ling and arithmetic, may of a place hy applying to the printer of the Cambridge Chronicle. Propei teftimo* nlal. as to ...

Published: Saturday 18 October 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8065 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ISVVV O L K. T I.: i' N I'l K I- ;• ?? SCOLIi it MUItY. \ flir. r-,-t ycirg

... >f tie irujictsttesilbt I 1.1 et tb, Vifr. en 1. ?? ;: ?? ,1 , r .tb day tj'D, code, n- ?? b., . ?? ?? it ?? ?? ins: and ?? neiv trujliv vi't ?? fei, it: tits ■. Isi 1 wboaredte\.t ,1 , fs,., ■ ail. THO SLA ?? Cieii. \J\7 ?? ?? leave to in orni hit friends nntj TV c tin publi, in general, Thai he lias laid in 4 hi..;c.i|oiimeiit ,1 .-.TON L .-,nd MARBLE it h ...

Published: Saturday 20 December 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9284 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F O L K. ACOOIC wanted, iii a private Gentleman's ?amily,, who under (lat'-fis drefiing all forts

... ol liffi, foupf, and niade-diffies • muit have an unexceptionable 1 ?? in relpcft to neatnefs and ifood-t'emper. T.hetfl is no helfi al- lowed in the kitchen, .inleisthere is company (ivhich hap- pens but feldom), Ths lamily liven in a plain regular manner ;— it Is hoped that /it, cue will oiler unlcfs likely to fuit. Cf Enquire ot tht printers. ROVAI. EXCHANGE INSURANCE* OFFICE, rYE. W'M. ...

Published: Saturday 25 October 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9380 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUFFO L K. WANTED, A SHOOTING IIORSK or HOBBY. Any p;,f.n hav,ng f__h to difpofecl may iicai of a purcliafcr

... by applying 10 the printei ,, 01 v Mr. John Hllngfworth, at the Spiead Fagle, Wrentli.m, nen Beccles, .Suffolk, f? Agoo'lp'icc will be given for oretbrct Is llcadytothe gun, crhas temper enough ?? be- madefe, atrd i: a good _ ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8625 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F F O L K. MONEY. READY to be advanced on Lanel Security, any fum irom ?? 10

... ioih/. Inquire of the primers, -N.i. Ri.iley, or Mr LOdeY, bockfelle sin W6odbrid,;e. \T .lie Three Tuns,, on Ibtirftlny the 6-h of Novj.i.bcr, wi.l be an ASSEMI.LY. Cf' 1 icke.s 10 be lud at tin Tltreei'uns, Hale/wor hj Kind's Head Brccles; and 'IhreeTuns, Yoxtoid, at is, each, Tel and Coffee included A COOK wanted, in a private Gentleman's Family, who underflands ?? ail forts ...

Published: Saturday 01 November 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10629 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds