Leominfler Affembly WILL BEGIN THURSDAY, the g.h Day NOVEMBER next, » , at THE KING'S -ARMS GREAT-ROOM) and ..

... Leominfler Affembly WILL BEGIN THURSDAY, the g.h Day NOVEMBER next, » , at THE KING'S -ARMS GREAT-ROOM) and continue to held tbeie, on ihe Thttrfday every fourth week, duiing the fealon. Oil. 23, 786. _^ LOS T, in the neighbourhood of Allenfmorc, A SILVLR ...

Published: Thursday 26 October 1786
Newspaper: Hereford Journal
County: Herefordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1081 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... n, The fame day, at Carmai Friday at weft. '.Town and Count) HavcrjordwrJi, The day, at. Rhr*crf»>rd«*lr, ' April 13, at Cardigan. trie3l? ulr. married* at Sr. drews-Church, Samuel Moody, to M.is Patcrfm, of Margain, G-iamoigan- I(hire. The Bflfober thole ...

Published: Thursday 02 March 1786
Newspaper: Hereford Journal
County: Herefordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 358 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

MONDAY, March 20, 17

... body of John Duncat), the perfon killed near this town in the feuffle between the revenue officers and a number of others, as related in a former account, when the Jury brought in their verdidl in the following terms: We find that the decea'ed John Duncan ...

Published: Monday 20 March 1786
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2523 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

County the of Carmarthen. MESSRS. and Co. retain Thank., to the Public fir pan Favors, *«d bee leave to acquaint

... Carman hen. conceive, ill Object to the Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan ; they will unit' in carriage, at well have Liquois timdttftfrtttd RADNORSHIRE TO be Sold by AuSion, at the Duke'j-Arms tin, the Knighton, !d»y full day June, i the hour* two and the ...

Published: Thursday 25 May 1786
Newspaper: Hereford Journal
County: Herefordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 670 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

THEREFOR D. Let, and Entered upon immediately, . a HOUSE and GARDEN, fiiuate in Broad Capu. Lane, laic in

... Mr. Hams, Aitoi..:y at Law, . ' 1 Notice creditors. Creditors of the late Thomas Griffith, dec Pcn-pont-prcn, in county of Cardigan, a C ' cr, d an account their re- t -a- lV , e dfmaiuis, and the nature ihe fame lo Chai ,'> Elq; Pen pont-pren aforcLid ...

Published: Thursday 16 March 1786
Newspaper: Hereford Journal
County: Herefordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 877 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... be feigned, and to come fiom Spot, to, wui too dark lee any Peribn. Mr. cante Home a tew Minutes alter with a Servant, both armed with Piftols, who were informed from the Windows of the Attempt, and of one Fellow being fhot ; wiiich Mr. Mafon and his Servant ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1786
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 657 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

HOME NEWS. Portfmout

... left arm was The Surgeons who attended her ladylhlp are under apprehenfiou that (he will never recover it. The following murder, attended with circumftances moft (hocking to human nature, was lately committed near Lampeter, in the county of Cardigan, on ...

Published: Monday 04 December 1786
Newspaper: Hampshire Chronicle
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 934 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

CHARLES WILLIAMS. T F Char William, late of the parifh or ■*• Dilwyn, the county of Hereford, labourer, left that

... early 178:, will apply to the rirt- this paji'er, will hear of fomething hit adyan;age. HEIR S at LAW. F the Heirs at Law of John Whittington, late ; Hnkir, in the county of Ifia.L late of the borough : rijt(T, in ' 'he fame county, deceafed; or either ...

Published: Thursday 09 November 1786
Newspaper: Hereford Journal
County: Herefordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 953 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Irifp Parliamentary Regifter

... it is folely a minifterial eftablithmen;—, }nillcrial patronage, [ Right hon. Mr. Grattan. The risht Member profefies to Rate the expence of the ‘tablithment of this armed Patronage in one {; and has ftated the whole of that expence ip ther, and his laft ...

Published: Friday 31 March 1786
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 6734 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... information, That on the Moruing of thé 13th inftant Mareh, about the houfs o6f unc or two o'Clock, a tumultuous and daring armed Muls, affembled on the road leading from Belfaft to Antrim, called Loag Cauleway Road, to the number of near one hundred perfons ...

Published: Tuesday 04 April 1786
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3236 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

WANTED MAKER A workman can his laft con-ftant encouragement by and clock-maker Chepftow H R EFORDSH1RE be by ..

... fhort Any giving intelligence of that may again (hall Guinea exclusive reafonable Hurford John Dr Embury William Dowdefwell Hopewell Hayward William Buckle John Niblett Rev Parfons Rev Francis Welles Rev Benjamin GLOCESTER LAD about or years age who has ...

Published: Monday 07 August 1786
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3635 | Page: 2 | Tags: none