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Cumberland, England

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wcreJeS, a.i 3 tTTelty was enveloped very clouds. The 19th announced a perfeft tempeft, with conftant hail, and ..

... hurt by the difrefpeft which has been fliewn to it by the Americans, and the Queen jocularly obferves, that the was always Whig her heart, the United Stales, in their rage for appointing Envoys and Ambalfadors, might have favoured her with a vilit. Perhaps ...


... left tli* place. . M The income of the Deanery Durham i moft valuable of any in England, not excepting St. Paul’s. , . , . The Whig Club are properly to take the lead in the celebration of the century of the glorious Revol ition in this country. A fplcndid ...

For the Cumbtrlanß Racquet. E P G R A Af.—From French. SOME Author (but who 1 ciu't tell for my

... centenary of the Revolution will be very fplcndid, for tefolutions arc making this effctl in every part of the kingdom, and the whig* are laudably dillinguiffiing themfelvcs by their exertions in this great and national object. ...

HirOLVTtO*. The flame of gratitude, for the labour* our ancellor*, feem* to pervade the whole kingdom, and a ..

... ng John, on ' he of Tune, I*ls.—The preparation, for celebrating thi. centenary of the gloriou. revolution are umverfal; the whig-club f/it the advertifements) have forward on thi. memorable occafion, and {sprefumcd no contratted of party wil obtrude if ...

London, O Sober 17th, 1788. AT a numerous and rcfpeftable Me ting of the Member, the Whig Club, holdcn thia

... Member, the Whig Club, holdcn thia Day at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, the Strand, RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, Efq. in the Chair. RitoLVio, That Mr. Hall, the Secretary, be defired to fend a fpccial Summons to the feveral Members of the WHIG CLUB, earneflly ...

Tht RIVOLtmOIf. WHIG CLUB, INSTITUTED 1784. THE next Meeting of the Wmo Cut* win oo TUESDAY, the Fourth ..

... Tht RIVOLtmOIf. WHIG CLUB, INSTITUTED 1784. THE next Meeting of the Wmo Cut* win oo TUESDAY, the Fourth Novimixi, *t the Crows and Anchor Tavern in the Strand; Hit Grace the Duke of PORTLAND the Chair. STEWARDS, * Earl of DERBY, Earl of STAMFORD. Lord ...

LONDON, November 8

... public thankfgiving; and requelling the concurrence and fupport of the Whig Club. In anfwer to utis letter, a copy the above refolutions was fen(, with this addition, that the Whig Club rejo'ce and approve of the co-operation every fociely that adopts ...

LONDON, DtctMßtk 4

... properly fitted up, (hall be ready by the latter end of March next carry eonvifl* to America. The fubfeription opened by the Whig Club, for the purpofc of erefting pillar on Runnytnede, commemoration of the Revolution, goes on with great fpirit. A very ...