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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal


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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal

From the LONDON GAZETTE. PROMOTIONS. WAR-OFFICE, Jnn. a*. THIRD regiment of DragoonJ, John Arden, gent, be ..

... DragoonJ, John Arden, gent, be cornet. 7th regiment of Light Dragdons, Cornet Peter John James lieutenant.' itth legiment of Light Dragoons, Fnfign David Reid Parker, from the Hertfordlhire militia, cornet, tft regiment Foot Guards, Enfign John Duff to ...


... attention. cabin paflengers wboftgnr.d the to the Captain arc, Mcflrs. William Hunt, Thomas Liw, John Ptage, David Hofiack, Jofeph Ellis W. M, Duncanfon, M'Kinr.en, John J. Troup, and George Barro* dale, &c. Tucfday a Court of of the E» ...


... Ireland, have been fo adjufled, as to afford a reafonalsle hope, they will be accommodating to all partiea in that kingdom. Mr. Grattan left town on Sunday evening lafl, after having aflilled at a Meeting which was held at the Lord Chancellor's on Saturday evening ...


... Richard Whitehead, Mary Wilkinfoo. WedneCdsy was married, Higham ebw^ 1 ■ear Rockeder, John Prcntis Henflow, Efq- m, f merchant of that city, (elded fon Sir John He* 1- low, Knight, Surveyor of hia Maiedy’s nary.) Mifs Stevens, elded daughter of Thomas ...


... not want any additional provi ; the Yefterday the commiffioners feut by the Sovereign ftanding army was confidesed the right arm of the people of Holland to this country, to dewand a re and it would be indeed invidious, that thofe.of. of theis hhipping ...

c APT Ai it PAutcaoa

... brongit up tothe Publick Office, to be examined, viz John Solomon, Simon Jacobs, and Birnet S lomon, alias Bowley, Jews—George biardwick, ohn Hanley, John Delancey, Janes vden, William Hanland, John Pullen, and Tilley, who had aéted as Tdiwcil’s defending ...


... Bachelors of Arts: John Holley Burgh efq. Fel- low-commoner of Trinity college; John Lloyd Salufbory, Lifq. Fellow-commoner of Pembroke hall; Meffrs James Harris of Emmanuel college, Jobn Morgan Rice of Trinity, Edward ‘To: of St. John’s, Samuel Wix of ...


... refpcdling the treatment of thofe iflands in the Well- Indies which lately fubmitted to our arms, in the expedition under the conduct of Sir Charles Grey and Sir John Jarvis. He had not yet made his mind as to the which bis motion fhould take, but be would ...


... London Tavern, Plymouth one xg. Benjamin Feraifs, of Addingham, Yorkshire, racer, at the George Ina, Coney ftreet, York. une John Peters and Alexander Feters, of the Bo- roogh, Southwark, linen drapers, at Guildhall, London. uly 2. Heary Cole, of II's Buildings ...


... gallant yeomanty of Ireland, but could not acquiefce in a motion which feparated their glory from thole of their brethren in arms, the regnlats and militia; nor would they themfelves, he was confident, accept compliment paid them at the expence of a gallant ...

LONDON. wr) Feb. 23 HOUSE of LORDS. ‘The Lagds progeeded to heat the and John- Caufe; Curtis and Co. Affignees

... LONDON. wr) Feb. 23 HOUSE of LORDS. ‘The Lagds progeeded to heat the and John- Caufe; Curtis and Co. Affignees of Git = oft fa fon, againft Chi ndale a Co. of M‘Calpin an Co. when, atter..hearing thee the Court of Seffion.—Adjourned. Chancellor’s opinion ...


... Juu. Golddone John Holnefi, Wingham ohn Cowell, Margate R. Nilbetr, A 0» C. Matfon, Wingham Wra, Hawlta, Wingham -Bethia Cofnan, ditto John Sot toe, Moningtoa W. Hall, ditto , Chandler, ditto , John Brown, ditto Steph.'Paine, ditto . John Eaftet, dino ...