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Bath, Somerset, England

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MARRIED. At St. Panc

... Maryanne Freemantle, youngest daughter of the late John Freemantle, esq. Mr. James Dickenson, master carver in his Majesty's Dock-yard, Plymouth, to Miss Pain, daughter of Mr. Andrew Pain, of Plymouth-dock.* John Johnson, esq; of Lon- don, to Miss Smyth, daughter ...

Sunday’s LONDON advice from Madrid Vatl 9 appear the Spanifh Court ill declaration figned bv Count Blanca ..

... Mr Hon Mrs Goulburn Mils Clietwynd Hon Mr Domftr Mifs Dormers Hon Mr Littleton Sir John MifsGuife Sir George and Lady Richardfon family Throekmorton Mifs H Duke Sir John Rous Sir George Paul Col Laurie Colonel and Mrs Byron Sir Gilbert Affleck Mr Mr Naper ...

Sunday's and Tuefday's Tofts

... Won. Mr. Donritr, lton. Mifs Dormers, Hon. Mr. Littleton, Sir John, Lady, and MifsGuife, Sir George and Lady Richardfon and family, Lady Throckmorton, Lady Dyke, and Mifs H, Duke, Sir John Rous, Sir George Paul, Col, Laurie, Colonel and Mrs. Byron, Sir ...

ESSAYS EDUCATION in laid V I own fee other ) acquiring underftanding df anyone language without knowing little ..

... Tucfttay night without Icaft previous notice very (without regard river night wenred Mrs Makeig Cardigan— Daftw Tertn 1 UMAXKIFD Mr Mitchd Abtrvftwlth Cardigan— Mr Dickina Mifi At BriftoLMr Lawrence Mifi Elis —Henry Mifs Eleanor of Mifi WUUam Mifi Winchriter ...

9 Wcdnefday and Thur

... return my itiwcre for favour don fa giving me your drops which cur me every one given arm five running all once my down the with purple break after your drop my arm I entirely ditto 1 1 recommendation your not my purchafc on worth kind taken mH 0 111' ...

Sunday and Tuefday’s Polls LONDON Monday 20 the Moft Noble Order of Garter this at which his Serene High-ncfs the

... Belgic provinces have entirely fubmitted to the Emperor aud all is harmony and joy The whole of the troops laid down their arms and dif-banded Itcad quarters is in Bruxelles in the name the Emperor general pardon for all the delertcrs who went over Imperial ...

WEDNESDAY THURSDAY' it April 16 THE Marauis de la Fayette Cotti-mand of the National Troops amidft moft ..

... wound on the arm Janies Smith Thomas Burgftiot contufedfldot Robert Pratman confuted wound on tlw arm William Wittick lacerated wound in the occafioncd of a John Whiting coiitulions the violent contufions of and Johh Taylor con-tufsd hand’ John Bollenconiufed ...

Sunday and TuefdayV Pofts LONDON GAZETTE ' - 6 r'H Sweden fummoned II to meet Gene inftant Intelligence ..

... Ripple Wiltlire Humphreys of Chippenham efq SOUTH WALES Carmarthen George Morgan Abercrothy John Matthias of Llangwarren efq Cardigan Wm Uannerchteiron efq Glamorgan John Lewcflyn of Ynifygtrwn Morgan James of Pool-lull Radnor Lewis of Harpton Sheriff R H Pr ...

Sunday and Tueiciay _ Polls

... of Ahercrothy, efq. Pembroke, John Matthias, of Llangwarren, cfq. (Cardigan, Win. Lewis, of Llanm-rchteiron, cfq. Glamorgan, John Leweflyn, of Ynifygerwn, efq. Brecon, Wm. Morgan James, of Pool-hall, efq. Radncr, John Lewis, of Ilarpton, elq. Sheriff ...

''ti- Sunday and Tuesday's MONDAY FEB 11 ILLIAM DOWNES member for the Court Ireland room of Hon Mr Bennett dcteafed

... debt in the event totally it Mr Grattan for applying the furplus revenue to repair of great roads to incrcafe income of Prelbyterian Diflenting Clergy and to free from the opprcflion of hearth-money itatea 1 -yMrs Berney John nation avjjx6ool Brirloi Mr JoT ...

Ir'fh Hoifc qfCotnrnjns, Jan. rs

... live* were loft. Cambridge, Feb. 10. The Rt. lion. Lord John Thynne, thin! fon of the Marquis of Bath, and the Right Hon. Lord V-lEers, cldcft fon of the Earl of Jerfey, are admitted noblemen of St. John's college. G/orejfer, Feb. 13. Sunday the sth inft. ...


... efs make*. Certificate. March 6. John Wright, of Briftol, h'n- n-dr. STOCKS. Bank ftoek, z\q. 5 per cent. arm. 1785, s 1 ? ?i x x ?? 4 per cent * la * O *!■ 3 P* l cent * red * 9° %*»*• Dittoconf.o6^4. Bank long arm. 27. Ditto Ihort, 13^. India bonds ...