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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser


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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser


... *r.d (hall detached for that That arms, accoutrements, and cloathing, (hall forthwith be ptovidcd for man raifed by virtue this aft, according to the eftabliflimeot the militia force*; and that one fixth part of the arms and cloatblng lo provid'tl, much ...

AV «ot PjUtn*rf>n.prett% St. Mar -U-Pcnr, Dec.%i% It'lll TE's CIIYMICU. FEVER TISCTVRE,

... Indies, where inhabitants inG& upon the eftablithment of new Coenftitution. former they h the Governor. taken up arms and which is now arm will confit of this al difpatch,, fix of the line, “6 nl ap each, of fri This fleet is expefted to be re: fas fea ...

wounded feveral, and effectually deitroyed the &e. The ihip anda fehooner were in the time boarded and brought ..

... employed on t vice. Lam happy to Oy TWO at cafion. corporal were wounded on the oc a pr e ww. “2s R. W. OTW. OUP shes Wve of armed captured and deftroyed by lear; ‘e so {quadron under my cummand, firce the rath o ruary, 1799- . By the Mat dftone—A French ...


... Liltlh|ow, Hon. John (lope Orkney di Balfour Peeblci, William Mootfnmrry fcrlb. Colonel Thomas Graham Renfrew, 4Boyd Alexander *Sir Cbarlea Rofa Rnakurjh, Bit Grorgt Dnoglai SeJtirk. Mark Pringle ?Admiral Sir C. Keith EJpWnone Soinerland. *Sir John Sinclair ...

So FOR THE CUMBERLAND PAC! EPIGRAM RIES Arcus, fore teiz’d by the Joy of his! Op: ray forfooth, to go

... fcholars, &c. withdrew, and 1 to Hyde’s coffee-houfle, where Thomas Moore being called to the chair, they agreed toan a to Mr. Grattan, to exprefs their approbation condu&t and principles, and thofe of the late niftration.—The addrefs to be prefented on 7 day ...


... «go, at Hridckirk, Mrs. tis age. —At Wood End, near Egremont, Mes. Borrow maiden lady.- Monday laft, in King-ttreet, alter a John Vebay, plumbe nk- ficknefs, Mrs. Vebay, wile of Mr. and giazicr.—At Ulver! the ult. Thomas Nowth. ot Dockers in the 68:b year ...


... piftol t& breaft of Mr. Dixon, who endeavoured to it away, but without effeét, as the piliol wer and fhot him through the left arm.—They ~knocked him off his horfe, robbed him of upy of gol. and left him for dead upon the road. Chefter, April2g. The perquifites ...

The Lrith loan of 399,000!. is taken by Roberts, By aletter lately received from Botany are informed, that the ..

... eldeft fon Sir William Forbes, Bart. of Piflign, to Mifs Belfch ulars in Mr. Grattan’s{peech in the H. of C.on ', [le was on the motion of an amendment daughter of Sir John Withait Belfches, Bart. of Deaths —— of the Addrefs ; the original Addrefs was ...


... ceiving the same, Wilh De he Payment thereof, without further Notice. CARTMEL COMMONS. 1 O be SOLD, in Public Sale, at th of Arms, in Flookburgh, in the Parith of Ca cafhire,on FRIDAY the 12th Day of October, 9 of in the Evening, (cither all together or ...

he General Kellerman tock the commend of the erm Sevoy oa the soth of ember, aud immediately if. nto winter

... we the materials tqr anew and tom of oher fartsble preparations for beginning | he neceflary work. hat A few days go, one John Mulluwerry, Ballaugh, i the Ifle of ann, was found di ay the fide of a mountain, a few miles from dwelling He was 78 years ...

Thur rd Hope toun’s fencibles m arched into Edin- verpoo on Saturday fe’enni ht. Prod h Caftle, o an approaching

... {tate paper. [es evidently founded upo n principles of mutua Ge will, as well as upon th — ofe 0 reciprocal ec £. aie a con cc arm , l- ni to bind the two coun faithtully o' bferved, is likely {t to the end c tries in amity and mutua 1 intere '- A time. fuch ...

4- Crops. —In Cornwall, in Chethire,i he neighbourhood of Londot Lancahhire, and int two have been oO btained ..

... into the meaiures above plough in the fubjcG, mav t oiled. Anv letters upe ght on air, Bart, M.P. Lo es from | drefied to Sir John Sincl or toany other member ofthe Hoard. rg; but ! Amore enlarged paper, } € ut the in- for burgingth | tional experiments ...