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BATH. Wednesday, Jan. 6

... utmoft propriety, were Sir Charles Afgill and Mr T. fiarham. Laft night the new comedy of The Dramatifl wa; performed at our theatre to an over-flowing houfe, antl met with the molt unbounded applaufe. When the play for iliurfday was given out, a repetition ...

PRIVATE TUITION in Classical Leaknisg, By the Rev. JOHN TOOGOOD, M.A. Rcftorof Kington-Macna, Durfct. _ Kj* ..

... exhibiting in this city. They will be charmed with the niccft reprefentation of the Seven Hills, 1 riumphal Arabics, Circus, Theatres, Amphitheatre, Baths, and all remains of ancient Temples; and leave fuch a lading impreffion on their mind as cannot be attained ...

BATH, Jan. 14th, 1790. MRS. WIGNALL's SCHOOL, removed from Weymouth-Houfe to LANSDOWN-PLACE, will open the 17th ..

... FARCE. Tickets to be had of Mil's Wallis, at No. 31, Rivei's-ftrcct, np- . pnfite Ruflcl-ftreet, and of Mr. Bartlcy, at the Theatre, mid at Mr. M-ylcr's in the Grove, Part of the pit, will, hy particular define, Ie railed in with the hoxci. , WARMINSTER ...

Sunday^ and Tuefday's Polls

... lias given up her boxes at the Theatre Francois and the Theatre Italien. On which the Com- mon Council of Paris, prefented an aildrefs to the Queen, to in- treat her Majefty to retain her boxes at both tliofe theatres. Her Majefty's anfwer was, That ...

BATH, Wednesday, Jan. 27

... week from London and Norfolk. The circumftancca which compel Mr. Bi.i.omkiei.ii fora time to quit his fituation in the Bath Theatre, are cruel indeed. The proceedings again (I him appear to be malicious, or why not have waited the event of his benefit, which ...

BATH. Wednesday, Feb. 3

... death of Mr. Hicks, of Newbury, copied into our laft from another paper, is void of truth. Watton, the manager of Cheltenham theatre, has told his li- cence to Mr. Taylor, the hufband of Mrs. Taylor, who per- formed lately at Drury-lane. At the laft Gloc ...

' ■''■'• ?? ','■'*•• ■ 1. . litjhy Prefs, and Jhortly will be publi/bed, ?? .. . Price Two Shillings,

... tation of Brocketillo, Egyptian, Sienna, and ftituary marbles, quite new, the property of a Gentleman. Apply as above. [3340 THEATRE-ROYAL, BATh! For the BENEFIT of Mr. DIMOND. ON TUESDAY next, February 9th, will be revived a celebrated Tragedy, called The ...

Wednefday and Thurfday’s Polls LONDON x ALL the royal Deptford are under orders of equipment for ferric by the ..

... died Mr Mayfon of hi fe copper (adjofating I s) wUch b f Wator-Cfeftc Will which or N efitfes Ac To A CHIMNEY PIECE in a m THEATRE ROYAL BATH For BENEFIT Mr DIMOND TUESDAY 1 E A Or TUESDAY next oth will be revived catted EARL S S E X) Mr Mr Sir Mk Mr ef ...

GREYHOUND and SHAKESPEARE, MARKET-PLACE, BATH. M WILLIAMS returns her grateful thanks to her • friends for pad ..

... Mifs Summers.— —Tickets to be had of Mr. Floor, at No. 25, oppilicc the Lamb inn, Stall-ftrect ; and at the Box-lobby ofthe Theatre. For the BENEFIT of Mr. KEASBERRY, ON SATURDAY next, the 13th of February, will be performed a nCw.Comedy, called The Dramatist* ...

To the Pftnter of tbe BATH CHRONICLr!

... attempted the follow- ine compliment, Which I (liould be obliged tb you to infert. b r HOSPES. On Mrs. SIMP SO N. IN Britifh theatres, though all do well, And all in different characters excel, We ftill muft have one favourite on the ftage— As Oldfield once ...

Monday was married at the Abbey church, Mr. Samuel Barber, of Biihopfgate-itreet, London, to Mifs Evill, ..

... his late preferment. We hear that the Rev. Mr. Linley, of C. C. C. Oxford, fon of Tho. Linley, cfq j patentee of Drury-lane theatre, will fucceed the Rev. Dr. Harington in the canonry, Saturday a difpenfation paffed the great feal, for the Rev.Wm. Langdon ...

SALE of BLACK LACE. BLACK LACE, for Ladies' Hats. Cloaks, Bonnets, &c. &c. of all breadths and qualitias • ..

... the Libraries • of Mr. Bloomfield, at Mrs. James's, Union-Paflagc, Stall-ftreet ; of Mr. Gye; and of Mr. Bartley, at the Theatre. - [5604 • For the BENEFIT of Mrs. SIMPSON. ON SATURDAY next, the 20th of February,will be performed a COMEDY, (not acted ...