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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal



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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal


... fnitable efForts meet the meditated blow. Their armies are in motion Various direftions, and the hodile cloud now tooverfhadow the whole face of the Continent.— The former datement, of the Neapolitan army having entered the Roman terrircry, advices received ...

STRAYED, Pnm Barham Do%e*j, tn Wtim/day Morning lafi, TWO Bac Horfea belosgiag to Capt. Macleod, of the Firft ..

... forward at fooo our cavalry are landed.” Stocks experienced a fall on the prevailing fupppofition that the Impenaltflain Switzerland have been defeated in a general battle by Army of the Danube. A letter from the Britiih Army in Holland, dated the 31ft iaft ...


... bring in Bill for dividing and incloftog the whole of the King's Porrfti and the Crown Lands. If, in the firft place, thefe were.inclofcd, then the whole of the Wade Lands might in lime be, in the fame manner, improved. But till this were done, it was in ...


... that I (aw the woman purfuing. I (aid (o him, you are prifon*r, and vou (hall back the woman. In going bark, he faid, I ran from her becaute (he was mad. (aid, what need you deny that you was on that fide of the Gardens We then met the woman. I (aid, this ...


... Alvinzy, whofe head quatters are at Trieflt, tflemblei an army ;c,coo men in the environs that plsce, and until this army completely organized, Genetal Dauidovich covers the Tyrolefe country with an army comprfed of so.oco troops of the line, and mil ...

pf?A »nuodnce the faJcefi the Britifh ih~ Corfica. The is cfhfhd, arid fort Moitella taken, io an attack fea and

... hazard, the French army of the North, can aiTure cuf countrymen, that it is’ in a date of great didrefs, from the want of every necedary of life. The coracnon allowance one pound of bread per day fir a man, and half pound for a woman, which they are obliged ...

•ntbrti. »nd gfe»t rf horfe fam.edff, *•* (he it very deep in the wtter. Oeneral mede »n » - tempt

... Immortalite, was one of the fliips that landed the French conriAt in Wales, in the fpring of laft year. She was (hen called La Refinance. Her name was changed to that of the Filhguard, on account of the landing having been eflefled in the neighbourhood ...

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... Bate, midlhipmen ; 10 fcamen, woman, and John Jellico, cullom houfe officer, who are fuppofed to have been in the gun room at the time the accident happened, and of whom remains have yet been found. Three men and one woman were picked up, and carried to ...

T'W-rtic /

... againft the army in Ireland, that their demeanor futb •e to render them form dr.hle to all bnt the enemies of the eonntrj, it coo loofe and general. It is faid, and, we hope, with truth, that there are feveral regiments in the filler illand who (land exempt ...

THE nine iriSHES. One female companion talottenmy cares. Two thoufand a year fupport afair* ; Three dogs and a gun

... Cabinet Vienna, tnade |t j on 0 f ru (2 ln Army, tbc command of flight of two miles, was knocked down an o. '• tepiefeillations upon the co-bineJ D B , u(lfw , |ck- thllrd vili of S|1)(t0 , , army. nwiihcd lor banks ol flic Wrier ~. , ...

posrscßjpt. P R A Y, May London gazette extraordinary. Wb-'lehntl, April 11. Al.rnrr (of wlvrli the folj.minp ..

... of Major Genetl Dundas, and an army hftfpjtal thip and vietuallera, to tite road Bailiff, rear tl>e town of Baffecerte,. and the day afterwards I followt in the Boyne, accompanied the InfpeQor a«d Bull Dogffuops, feme army vi»t&|lef», two hofpital (hips ...