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1790 - 1799
3 1799




Hampshire, England


Portsmouth, Hampshire, England

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Police Intelligence

... 1police -qr# once. FORGER? iOM THE BANK OF. ENGLAND. Carpmeal, theipolicr arrive& at the Public-Office in.Bow-fireet, London, ori Saturday laft, from an excurfion in whic-he anied V Mr. Blifs, 'a gentlenian' belingirsg-'to the anka of -England>-. It- had -been Bifcovered that a B great numniberoff6r'ed Bank ?? Notes had been, circulated--near Leeds, and ?? larly at Otley, in Yorkihire, as well ...

Military Courts Martial

... w0-maitarp airtz partiat. I ,Yudge ?? Ofer, sif, OH.a o; 1799. I have had the honour to lay before the e Ring the proceedings of a General Gpurt_' r. Martial, held in the city of York on Monday el the' 23d day of laft& months and on- feveral fubfequent days) for the trial of John Worth- A, ington, Efq. Major of the Suffex Regiment of ?? Fencible Cavalrv, upon feveral articles of E charg6 ...


... LAWP INTJELL IGENCE. to y( COURT OF KING'S-BENCH, NOv. 30. gcne - plac l5OOPER 5J. SUTTON, POP AN ASSAULT, verp It was flated on the profecution, that Plaintiff conf vwho is an old pyeman, was, without provocatiorij foiu ftruck by Detendant, who cut his face, and knocked Erle, out one of his teeth. It was on the other hand at Ih flated, that whilft Defcndant flood with his wife at his door, ...