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Ipswich Journal




Ipswich, Suffolk, England

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Ipswich Journal

A FOOTMAN and COOK. TOGuineata Year, with the cuitomary Liveriis, 1 .fc ill!*** giver, to i reputable, ftcady ..

... Man » WVlnt. who can drefs hair well, and it thoroughly «c with the ordimry buftnefs of a Ft*imtn, Alfo, 10 Guineas a year to a COOK, who is rteady.fobe , no. **», irugil ,nd cleanly, and perleftly Under tlindl eookini none need apply in either capacity, who ctnnot be well '^commended. Apply to the printers Letters poft.paid. ?? near Halefworth, Suffolk .in. * nrt ' A UOHTCHESmfT GkLDINO. t ...

Published: Saturday 06 March 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18404 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SHOULDER oTIvIUTTON INN, LAVENHAM. June 4,1795- T^MES EAST (from the Black Lion) ?? acquaints his friends and ..

... he. is removed to the above inn, and has laid in an affort- ment of the beft wines and fpirituous liquors. Cood beds and flabling for gentlemen travellers and others. Evcrr attention will be paid to merit the continuance %f 'isLMt favors, and moil gratefully a«ka»wl«dged. SUFFOLK.. HUNDREDS of BOSMERE and GLAYDON, and STOW SOCIETY, for giving Additional. Boun- ties to Volunteer Seamen ...

Published: Saturday 20 June 1795
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14683 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DANIEL OAT 1-1 W A ITE BLYTH refpeafully in- form-. the S'riends of his !a*e father, and t!;e pub- lic

... in general, that the buiincfs vvill be carried on as ufual, S'or the benefit of the family, and he takes the liberty of foliciiing a continuance of their lavors. lly /be, CJ. b.jtcr, June 1 799. _ To he SOLD, Or LET on LEASE, In the VILLAGE of KOLBROOK, Six Miles from Ipfwich, \ Modern- fronted HOUSE, in good Repair, and fit lor the immediate reception of a final] gen- teel family ; ?? oi 2 ...

Published: Saturday 29 June 1799
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17470 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD, AN exceeding good plain Town-built COACH, with a box to take oif, wheels almoit new, a very

... handfome hammer cloth and holders, a fai fc lining, fpring blinds, two coach feats, and a trunk. &_3* Enquire of the Printer. Letters poft paid. To be LET, And rsriuii cfon at Michaelmas next, A Neat and convenient Dwelling-Houfe, at ICaft Bridge, in 1 heberton, in the county of Suifo lk ; compriiing a kitchen, parlour, 3 chambers, cellar, hackh.oufe, pantry, and other conveniences, with a ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1798
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6533 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LOST between the Pariihes of Brampton and Wangford, a Black Leather POCKET BOOK.. Its content* are of no ..

... owner. Who- ever brings the fame, with the accounts, to Mifs Howard. Halcfworth, fhall receive Two Guineas re- ward. Jan- 24. 1799- ALL Pcrfons indebted to the Eftatc and Effects of ROBERT TURNER, late of Ipfwich, in the county of Suffolk, rope-maker, deccafed, arc requeft- ed to pay their Refpeciive debts to Frances Turner, his widow and administratrix, or to Benjamin Brame and Wm. Laws, of ...

Published: Saturday 02 February 1799
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10555 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE PORT PACKET, of Ipfwich, will fail again for Oporto, fome time in March, and will make Ipfwich the firft

... port of delivery. All orders direct- ed to Capt. Thos Lafton, Ipfwich, will be duly at- tended to. Ipftuicb, Jan. 20, X 797. ~ LIVING to be SOLD. TO be Sold, an Advowfon of a Rectory in Norfolk, within two miles of a large market town, and of the annual value of about acol. For further par- ticulars apply by letter, poft paid, to Fofter, Son, and- U ll thank, attornies, Norwich. ! To be ...

Published: Saturday 04 February 1797
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9364 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SERVANTS WANTED. A Groom and Two Footmen in the fame Family. None need apply who have not lived in refpec-

... table families, and continued fome time in their places. Strict enquiries will be made into their cha- racters. The groom will have thecarc of'fome fport- ing dogs, with a lad to afiift him. Enquire of the printers. Letters poft paid. To be SOLD or L£T, And Entered upon at Michaelmas next, TWO very defirable and improveable FARMS, fituate at Woodbridge and Stow-Upland, in the county of ...

Published: Saturday 24 February 1798
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9514 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

POINTER. LOST. LOST at Yoxford, on Thurfday Evening, the 17th inft. A Liver-colour'd and White POINTER DOG, ..

... old ; an-fwers to the' na'mc'ftf Carlo, Whoever will bring him to Dartham-hall near Yoxford, lhal-1. receive Two Guineas ?? (f$F He wiil be no more advertifed. To -be- S O -L D, 7 A Dwelling Houfe, with a Barn, Shed, and Gar- den thereto belonging, and a Pjghtle of very rich land adjoining, containing nearly 3 acres, in. Yaxley, now in the occupation of Robert Ev'erfon, tenant from year ...

Published: Saturday 26 November 1796
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9837 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

.•woyli..** lll Sheriffs appointed for 1799. Cambridge ar.d titiKtjngdonfljire. Postponed. Effex. Postponed. ..

... Motteux, ot B_-auciiair.p Weils, Ei'q. Sujfotk George Rulh, or Benhaii, Efq. Bankiupts. Tho;.. Bevau, Portfea, bookfeller. G. Bailey, Mark-lane, mcalman. Jas. Phillips, White Crofs-ftrcer, butcher. Chas Pafley, ani |ol;n Fine- gan. Bull's Head-court, merchants Chrif. Ibberfon, fen. and Chrif. Ibberfon, jun. High 1101-ourn, liable keepers. Thos. Coote, Arundle, SuliVx, merchant. Tho. Andrews, ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1799
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9516 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

DEALS by AUCIION. •!»taei : iv, I, !,«, 0, Ariel latitat, tetta ' '•; MARHIKtVi, t.q, co tlievsnt (I '

... hi 'h VYaMi Va mouill •Onfilaaiag 1 1 ia Feet | Inch White WonH DEALS, !lsi:1 ■ . I iti ■ 1 iiij. .j, -i :; , i,an . a.., JJ ?? ' * ?? 1 't> i' 3 inch 10 lee: rdwo d .ft'i i-' .i,J uaiitf ict weed ditto, wah fctM ' ■•■ ■ rw.,l, tar. - tttH ?? nil It. l . \i. .Wti, :! ■ ftiecen, I..AW.SUIT CAUTION. WIIKREAS the Poll-Windmill, and Dwelling- Houfr, oruatt in Biuifytm, Suftbia, inttieoctu ...

Published: Saturday 21 August 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11373 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD by AUCTIO N By ROPER and DOUGHTY. On Thurfday, Aug. 8. 1799, and following Day, ALL the

... Houfhold Furniture, &c. of Mr. RICH- ARD SCRIVENER, dec. at his late dwe.ling- houl'e in Framlingbam, Suffolk ; confittiiig of bed- ttcads, with morine and other furnitures, and exceei. - ing good bedding ; mahogany chairs, tables, elicits ol drawers, bureau and book-cafe, 8-day clock, good kitchen furniture, brewing uter.lils, and feafoned brer cafks. ( r -j~ Catalogues may be ha* on Tuafday ...

Published: Saturday 03 August 1799
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14450 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

.♦«*.— — To be _ O L D, A Newly erected Bricked Freehold D welling- Houfe. fituated in Wangford, with

... a ftable and other convenient outbuildings in good repair, with a gar- den, containing 26P. late in the occupation of Mr. lames Spencer; deceafed. For particulars enquire 1 btThoS. Mill Bat d Well. fVangfotd, 08. 30, I7QB. JAMESSMITH of Walpole, and ROBt. BACK- HOUSE of Rendhairt, In Suffolk, Rat Deftroyers, refpectfully beg leave to acquaint their friends, and the public in general, that they ...

Published: Saturday 10 November 1798
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10980 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds