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East, England


Suffolk, England

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To be S O X D, ALL that good Filbing Smack, known by the Name of tbe ACTlVE, lpfwich built,

... burthen 30 tons ; not a year old, being a ftrong fubftantial veflel, and welt Known to be in every refpefi a eompleat and very faft fai ier, with ¦II her material, of the firft quality. For particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Mather, St. Pett r's, Ipfwich. C_^ Tbe abovt teas omitted leift 11 ect by m'feke. MECHANISM.— To be SOLD, A Very curious ORRERY, »5 Incbes in Diameter, fitted up in a ...

Published: Saturday 23 April 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15632 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To DEALERS in HORSES BY Defire ofthe Inhabitants of Ipfwich and Places adjacent, there will be a SHEW of HORSES

... on St. Margeret's Green in the faid town, o-i the 41b day ot May next. Many dealers and others have engaged to at- tend on the above day, wiih a variety of ufeful and beau- tiful boifes for fale. The fituation of the above pace is pe- culiarly eligible for trials, entertainment and good ftabiing. T^ be SOLD by Private Sale, THE Ship NORFOLK, of Yarmouth, of the adme-ifuiement ot 325 tor.s, now ...

Published: Saturday 30 April 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14242 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

IPSWICH, April 26, iJ9.»« BY Order of the Bailiffs, Notice is hereby given that in future 00 STALLIONS will be

... permitted to be fhewn upon the Cornhill, or in the poblic-ftreets of this town. T. NOTCUTT, Town Clerk. . CYDER. HAMMOND'S real Herefordihire CYDER m puncheons, hoglheads, and barrels, may be had at his waichoufe in Woocibridge. Tho c who choofe to fe«*l their own calks m y have them filled on the {horteft notice. 10= LONDON PORTER and Bottled PERRY. To he st>l D, A Small Freehold ES ...

Published: Saturday 07 May 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12421 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUMS from 3000^- to 5000/ J. are ready to he ad- vanced on approved fecurity at 4 per cent inte-eft

... Enquire of Mr. Edm. Jenney, at Bungay. DEDHAM Subfcription ASSEMBLY. THE Second Ball will ba held on Frulav the aoth May inft. ROB. BRADSTREET, Efq. 7 Stewards Mr. FIRMIN, 5 StewaraS For the Benefit of Mr. JOHN MILLS. AT the Affembly- room in Ipfwicb, on Thjurfday the 1 9th inftant, will be a CONCERT of Vocal and InSrumental MUSIC, And a BALL. To begin at Six o'cioek. Tickets 3s. each, tea ...

Published: Saturday 14 May 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12957 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE Tenants of the Corporation of Ipfwich and its Charity, are defired to pay their Rents, due at I.ady lift,

... at the Town-hall, on McuttiAr, the 33d day of May intt, at Ten e'clocK in the forenoon, T. NOTCUTT, Town Cieik. ALL Perlons having any demand on the Ellate and Effefls of WILLIAM CLARKE, late of Ipf- wieh, in Suffolk, Efq. deceaffcd, ate dtfired redeliver ti.eir accounts to Mr. Nathaniel Bucke, of Ipfis ich, furgecn, or the Rev. Wm. Colton, of Hollefly, his executes; and all perfons who were ...

Published: Saturday 21 May 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12100 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To We SOLD by AUCTION By RICHARD CARRINGTON, At the Swan, Stratford, on Wednesday, tbe ift day of A June

... next, at Four o'clock la tbe afternoon, Small Freehold Cottage and Garden at Higham in tbe county of Suffolk, occupied by Geo'. Barnh_n*. For particulars enquire of Mr. Leake, Hadleigh | or of ?? Francis, or the auctioneer, Colcheftcr. - To be SOLD, A Freehold ESTATE, fituate at Brampton, near Beccles. in the county of Suffolk, confining of a good farm houfe, nam,, and convenient ...

Published: Saturday 28 May 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11376 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

IPSWICH RACES, 1791, WILL be on Tuelday, Wednefday and Thurf- day, July 5, 6 and 7. Sir JOHN H. D'CVLY,

... Bart. 7 ?? Sir GEO. WOMB WELL, Bart. J ** lewa flS ' _3* Nr dogs will be fuffered on th* couife. The pub- lic are r. quelled not to come within the cords where the horfes run; for if there fhould b; any obftru .tic n, they will be liable to make good the damage. Ordinaries as ufuai, by order of the ftewards. Affemblies at Alderfon's Coffee- boufe. N. B. The horfes to entered at the Ship, ...

Published: Saturday 04 June 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10582 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD cheap, A Strong Light PERCH PHAE lON. built hy Hankins, with hai nefs. Enquire ef Mr. Eatift-

... ;.gn, black-rniih, Darfham. ?? Wo Plumbers, Glaziers, and Painters WANTED immediately, A Journeyman who is a good hand in the above branches, may have Jaor.ftan: work by apply ir_i I* Robert Ailea, Woo-bri_ge_ ?? IHE next General Qtiarterly Meeting of the Trurtee*, fc-r putting m execution the feverai. At?tt> •f Pariianieat. maae tor rtpa ring the rca. .eaaing from Ipfwich to Cl_ydon, the ...

Published: Saturday 18 June 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13484 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To the LADIES- -WILLIAM PATIENCE, Hair-dresser, from London, (late of Ipfwicb) takes the liberty of ac- ..

... Ipswich and its environs, that he purposes tn attend to Dress, during the Races, at the usual price as when in Ipswich. __* Ordeis taken at Mr. Strutt's, on the Corn-hill, and at Mr. Jofeph Cole's, at Mr. Unglis's, St. Clement's Fo.e. ftreet, Ipfwich. N B. The eneft Hard and Soft Pomatums, Cuthions, _cc ~ IPSWICH RACES, 1791. WILL be on Xueiday, Wednefday and Thur_- diy.Joly $. 6snd 7 . Sir ...

Published: Saturday 25 June 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12557 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED immediately, A Perfon from the age of 35 to 40, as Clerk to a houfe in the wine and

... liquor trade, to travel He muft write a j.ood hand, be ready at accounts, and unexception- al.!, character. Apply to* Philip Riches, Woodbridge. f^ Letters poft paid. WHITE HAP.T INN in Stowm -rket-, SAMUEL ELMER begs leave to inform all Gen- tlemen, Travellers and others as well as the public in general, that he has taken the above mo (late in the occu- pation of his ...

Published: Saturday 02 July 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10144 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

' _. COLCHESTER, July 5, 1791. T. WAL FORD, REfpe-tfully informs the Public, That the ES-' TATE at Wormingfoid, ..

... to be Sold bjr turn on the 9th inft. is Sold fay. Private ?? 7 .- . LONDOft PORTER, — SOLD at LUKE SILBURi-'s, Wine and Brandy Merchant, Brook- ilreet, ipfwicb, Barrels 345. ' Half -barrels iS_. No lefs quantity fold. ?? Lately landed, A ?? of „n_ flavoured PORT. To be SG_L D, ?? A BOU T Thirty Couple of excellent Hi-tRRIERS - °f the middle fire, with fome young ones chat* wt.i be fit to ...

Published: Saturday 09 July 1791
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10667 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds