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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hiadich~7and friend tario'wa -- ?? w4O be ws, Wirn Selfialkie a tO heppjrd a fwinlho ?? kilf ?? . 'ileiJthtee bafti cogufia -edrach, _adi-n00ps 1 l0r lo |QD -i lznd I w. T0bIf Igaj~ M edni atBrid,: at ere4a ?? o,&.ce4 Pthe C ?? ALA lM cl , a ion d cmitno R.ff' 3hee -tullo . - otrlya ftd b nwotW y;iStrM at hkiia his now eight ee nnths I e I Wa tan~ieljv 1. titei dlcpeffihr'y-t'joee e ru i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LAdTE FRENCH SQUtADRON. We have the fatiifia&o.n to announce the fafe arrival of every thip belonging to Sir 1. B. Warren's fquadron, after a pretty fuccefs- ful purfoit of the French Ihips which efcaped on the 12th of O&cober. Of the holflile filua dron two fri-gates and a brig are all that hlivec efcaped ; a thin of the line and fix frigates t were taken in the athion, or in the purfuit, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At his Lordfhip's houfe, in Glouceffer Place, Lon- don, Lady Cathcart, of a daughter. The z4th ult.. in Henrietta-ftreet, Cavendifl-fquare, London, Lady Elizabeth Loftus, of a fon. Same ?? Beckenhamn, Kent, the Lady of Henry Jackfon, Efq. of a fon and heir. MARRIED. The ioth -lt. at Totnefs, Devonfhlire, Baidwin Ful- ford, Efq. of Great Fulford, Devon, to Mifs Adams, eldeft daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IC ?? e BIRTHS. D, i The 4th inft. the Lady of the Rev. 3. Serjeantfon, D' of Kirby Knowle, Lancaifhire, of a daughter. _ Sr ) The rsth hift. at his houfe, in Conduit-ftreet, Han- 'Lf over-fquare, the Lady of Charles Saladin, Efq. of a 'T daughter. . G te_ Me. e ff*h inlE. at St. Mlary- :Bone Church, Capt. H ffl Robert Larnbert, of the Royal Navy, to Mifs Pigou, .X daughtei of Fderick Pigou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M A R R I A GE S. At Carleon, in Monmouthshire, Mr. Isaac Nash, hooper, of this city, to Miss Richards, of Carleon, aforefaid. Monday last, at Walcot church, Bath, Mr. John Draper, brewer, of Lavington, Wilts, to Miss Anne Totterdell, of Walcot. Wednesday, at Worcester, Mr. Wedgewood, of the Hill, Burslem, Staffordshire, to Miss Yeoman of Worcester. Saturday morning last, at St. Mary Redcliff, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *r Y'-d U'Udilup, 5gL; re-b1 - - 5 n On ,; wtefsspjxcer, ofd a, It , The &fmeday, at his feat, -at seamewiL- E ithe mtounvt of SnfIolk.the LadjchR7 M wr kEfq. of a daighter. . -- .,At H.4ghbigry.Grove, the Lady o J. *I Efq. of. a dawughter. r - ,. ~ MARIE.S:- ?? Y On. Monday fe'mlight; at-D um as d Erq. Writer to the Signet, ?? iz 2 ta lh, d youngefi danglhter of the late Da6 i M b d of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aberbem IEDlE at Peterhead, the 7th curt. Jean Petrie, aged 113. Notvithflanding her extreme age, which appears to be fufficiently authenticated, from anfwers (he gave to quef. tions refpealing palt events, and other colla. tcral circumflances, the continued to ttavel through the country as a beggar, until a few days before her death, and feemed perfeffly refigned to her fate, in full ...