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IbieDsry is PuUiJhett, anst printed fir BELL & BRADFUTE, In Three Large Volumes Octavo, Pi-ice 11. 11 s. 6d. in

... board.,, r. MEMOIRS OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND, From the Diffolution of the laft Parliament of Charles 11. till tin- Capture of the French and Spanifli Elects at Vigo. ?? of Letters from the French AmballU- dcrs in Engbnd to their Court; and from Charles 11. •lines 11. King William, and Queen Mary, and the Mi- ami King William's private 'iibiiiet tit Kenf.ngton. Bj era John DAi.ftv. ...

Published: Monday 28 June 1790
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4597 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The following ESTATES

... 7TI E Anniverfary of the Buckinghamihire Inde- pendent Club will be held at tjie Star and Garter, Pall Mall,, on. Wednefday the 9th of June. JOHN DAS HWO O D, Efq. in the Chair. Dinner on Table at Five o'Clock. To the Worthy an.i Independent ELECTORS of the BOROUGH of EVESHAM. T-T A I' ING now completed my Canvafis, ns far as my Information of tke Refidence of the Electors ex- tended, I beg ...

Published: Saturday 05 June 1790
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 9392 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

ATo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, t*h t that MESSUAGE in Queen- Itreer, Ipf. *lch, iii the occupation 01 Mr

... Wm. Hammond '•Wiled with »•* tui her pau.cunim in ' W lf IPSWICH RACES 1 75 0 ILL be on 1 uelclay, WednefJ iy ami Thurf. ■nv, julyf, j, and S. ('■Rt'./ikli euvV, HOWARD Kfq • lOi. DHERLOCK OOOCH,' 1 ' \ ?? ! ll c ™ Nu de)g» will h** foffVircrrJ on the couil 1)0,1- l '■ ?? not to come within thee.' 1 v , ' ' i fui if theic (hould he any cbil k ?? luM. to make good the damage, ...

Published: Saturday 26 June 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14792 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SPRING /~\N FRIDAY the 4th of June, will be a GRAND \J GALA, in honour of His MAJESTY'S BIRTK-DAY, When

... thefc Gardens will be brilliantly ?? with a Variety of jFANCV PIECES and DECORATIONS fuitable to the occaGon.— The Concert to begin precifely at Seven o'Clock. Principal Vocal Performers, Mifs BRETT, Mr. WORDSWORTH, and Mr. FOX. Firfi Violin, Mr. Brooks I Violoncello, Mr. Herfchcl Oboe, Mr. Alhley | 4c. tci, Aft I. Overture. A new loyal Song, Old England great in Art and Arms, Mr. Fux Glee. ...

THEATRE, DERBT. JUNB ift, 1790. MR. PERO prefents his humble Refpects to the Ladies and Gentlemen, and the ..

... general of the Town and Neighbourhood of Derby, and begs leave to inform them, that as MANY Perfons have exprefs'd a Wifh to fee Mrs. JORDAN, he has, at a very confiderable Expence, engag'd her to perform - SIX of her Principal Characters in Comedy, during the RACE WEEK, in Auguft next : She wiil alfo add fome of her favou- rite Parts in the Farces to each Evening's Entertainment. Ladies and ...

Published: Thursday 03 June 1790
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5630 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

«*> be SOLD liy pmvate Contract, A I'L that Mh'SSUAOK in Qjieen-llreet, Ipl* Mtet '' ?? oceuiiatlon of Mr. Win

... Hammond, In, TK 1,lw ' '' * X c ' ** l usrc s a | -> and wen I ?? n ,c yvds. Thtpremifeiareall freehold, and well •loire I tat cotß *- v *' e f' Zf Further patticuiais en- ■* 1 ?f. '**» Batlaiy,. attorney, Ipfwlih. H IPS WifJH RACES 1790 I ILL lie un I ueklnv, Weiliiil'.lny mid Tlllirf- «.S*M ...

Published: Saturday 12 June 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16346 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CHUrtCH LIVI-NG; | WANTED*. ■'■ • ; | t ;k THE PERPETUAL AdVOWSON, with immolate Pre- fentatidn, to a LIVIN.G>

... well fituated, of the clear yearly Value of 12b to 200 pounds, or thereabout, for which a liberal Price will be given. Addrefs the Particulars to P. Ashtou, Efq. Heaton, near Stockport, Chefhire, which will be duly noticed. WOOD SALE. THE Annual Sale of OAK TIMBER, of the Right Hon. j Lord Rawdon, will be this^T^fc- in Melbourn Coppice, in the County of Derby, and begin on Weinefday next, the ...

Published: Thursday 24 June 1790
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5617 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To the FK.iNTh.kS

... SIR* Wfc*t Sin and a Sbame it is to fend fucb a man Sir Gerard to parliament, a'«:nft whom every thiHK that has and can be f«id is fo fligrant, and deferving joor moft ferirus attention at this moment. Amot.gft the catalogue of his dimes, 1 know of one that happened at Nat borough in the county Norfolk, d I cannot for my foul help telling it. as it tends rb the depravity of hit mind mote than ...

Published: Saturday 19 June 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 2355 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

T 'DEDHAM SUBS .'KIPTION ASSEMBLY •HE Second BALL will buna Friday, the*sth of June 1700 Ri'.ii. BR A.DSTREET, ..

... . Mi 1 .CMIW. Jun. jStew.rdi. ATo be bDi. I) hy PRIVATE CONTRACT, LL that MEIBUAOI* in Queen Itreer, Ipl attsr UtCU M 'cn of Mr Wm. Hainmond, PaveH^ l v 'b a good and fquare ga len, and well Ln? Nt '' ' h isremifei tre all freehold, and ivell ?? i,h u **'»aiir. ft Further pa.tit.uian tn g[MMr, Bauey, attorney, Ipfwich. 1 1 tl , J '^WICH RACES 1790 IA, ILI , c on 1 uelday, Wetinefday ...

Published: Saturday 19 June 1790
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12702 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds