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LADIES' NIGHT. BATH CATCH CLUB. TTHE Second LADIES' Kight will be at the 1 TOWN-HA1.1,-, cm PRIDAY Kvenlng the 14th

... inltant. Major BROWNI, I'reliilcnt. Kcv. Mr.l'OWl I.L. ■\i.i--l'uliilciit. SlrC'H \Kl.l-.s ?? Mr. ?? RICHARDS, f . , Rev. Mr.«ARURNER.,f' 3,ew ' ,r ?? s ' Mr. 1.1.0, .) Thr Prcfident will ijko the Chair a* Seven o'cloclc. Cat' Ins and ('.lees to begin ?? at half paft 7. ?? ; ' A Cominiitee will he h:ld ?? at one o'clock. |. BROOKS, Secretary. BATH, Januiry n, i;-; 4. Post-Horses, Chaises, He. ...