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Bath, Somerset, England

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... Nathaniel Wade, of Hurley, York-hire. Silvanus Howells, efqj of Morvu, to MH's Morgans, third daughter of John Morgans, efq; of Kll- pill, Cardigan.— Mr, Richard Stecdc, lurgedn, of Win- tcrhourne, to Mil. Charlotte Clrav.illi,, daughter ofthe late Mr. ...


... lii|inir-mcrchant. Adam Scott and John Robfon, of MahMatie, Southwark, bri wen. wm. Cough, of Kingfwoud, Wilti, maltfler. John Oregory, oi Froine-Selwood, collar-maker. Rob. Remington, of Maidilnnc, fliocmakcr. John Oilman, of Fu.iiival ...

'i wutnixstk HIS cum i'ccrs Jur tceulatifli r tlie Bill teidee-ftmt UUekrrur Su ' fwHavimf Htaft loulca of ..

... tbc Arm priacipta lite ' iK of work can ettiaucrd barren i tocuriufiiy af action Iburce eur ot ca-iMcj tallc ab-iul amSe or will uicraturci careuuiy will fmall library I - - prwduow tunjeu are scnorani trom part otour of of jufttfy cmnpilatioB Arm kf: ...

Sunday and Tucfday's Toils

... al fare! ij, Sir John Sinclair, bt, rr-ilt-i . ,-d ?? l.e.ri of Wintllelfea, bail of Hardwicke', Lord Dundas, Sir W. W.Wynne, bart. and Kobe-.: Smith, efq; el idled ordinary members, Wah-Oh in., Maid s's. 6th reg, dragoons, Major John Prince, to be lieut ...

I BOARDINfi and TUITION. At Mr. ST£VENSs ACADEMY, No. 7, llarton.Huildini(s, QueethSijiuire, llath, YOWG ..

... debts at either the above places.—- Dated the ?otb June, r 79f. JAMES CARPENTER, Mitnefs, JOHN PARSONS, Thomas BuariTT. CHARLES PERKS. BATH, ill Juty, 1795. JOHN PARSONS refpeiflfully inform, his O Friends and the Puhlick, that he purp.fes Continuing the ...

FELL PARKER, AthisOki-Fflablifhetl Cninmiflinn WINE VAULTS, No, ?? Wapping Ntw Stairs, Lunook, HAS now on board ..

... Polt-Chaifes, -Sec, Sec. NOI'ICF to CREDITORS. TIIE Creditors 0! JOHN BOULTON, lite of, in the county of Gloceflcr, Miller, de- cc.if.d, are requefted to meet the Executors of tie faid John iioult.rii, on Wednefday the lit day of July next, at the ...

FELL PARKER, .. AtliisOlil.rn.hlilliitl Cuniniiirinii WINK VAULTS, No. 2/9, Wnppins Neil Stairs, London, HAS, ..

... young Gentlemen whofe health may if quire it. For 1 card of the terms, anil information of other particulars, apply to Mr. John Breach, hatter and fur- rier, in Bath-|t reet, Bath. [Alll ~TO I'HE FACULTY. HTO be DISPOSED of, the STOCK and SHOP 1 of the ...