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To CREDITORS and DKBTORS. THK Creditorsof WILLIAM WELCH, tif Cludlington, in the Ownty of Oxford,. Cirrirr, are ..

... the Deed of Afltg .mrnt of his Fftstc and EtV. ft ,, in Trvifi fiw the equal Benefit of Ml Creditors, is lei. In the Handt of Mr. Matthews, Attorney at Law, Chi|>|»in|> Norton, for their Infiwftion | and tv whuni all fiich who intend t» take the Benefit thereof m reunited forthwith to ipply. And the federal Per- fi.n _ wlm arif ii .Ma d to the ElUte of rhr Hfilliwi Welch, tte hrrrhv ...

Published: Saturday 25 March 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5510 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

OXFORD RAC-gS, X 79 7. ON TUESDAY next the 1 8th Day of Jvly Inft. wilt be run for on

... PORT MEAJ)OW, near Oxford, the TOWN PLATE of FIFTY POUNDS, for four Yean old Horfe j, &c. -arrying 7ft, 71b. tivc Yean old Bft. 41b. fix Years old Bft. nib. and aged 9ft. alb. with this Condidon, that tha Winner is to be fold, with hii Engagementi, for I Jo Guineas, if demanded within half an Hour after the Race is determined } the Owner of the fecond Hoafe being fitft andtled, *c. The beft of ...

Published: Saturday 15 July 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13123 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SALE POSTPONED, From November 30// to the loth of December Inft. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. TO be Peremptorily SOLD hy ..

... CHRISTIE, Ac the Red Lion Inn, at BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, on WEDNESDAY the aoth of DECEMBER, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, Ute the Property of Sir JOHN DANVERS, Bsrt. deceafed j Confiiting of a capital FARM, called CROCKWELL FARM, defirably fituated in tlie Parifh of CANNONS ASHLEY, Four Miles from TOWCESTER, in the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON } ...

Published: Saturday 02 December 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11203 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

OXFORD, id JUNE, 1797. THE Archdeacon of the Diocefe, as Trea . furer to the Charity for the Relief of

... Clergymen's Widows and Orphans, requefts a Meeting of the Sub* , fcribers at St. Mary's Church, on Wednefday the 14th Inftant, at Twelve ?? ; in order to fettle Accounts, to examine the Prctenfions of thofe who fball apply for further Relief, and to allign them fuch Payment as fliall be judged Proper* WANTED a Pcrfon to maintain, clothe, employ, and take Cara of the POOR of the BOROUGH of ...

Published: Saturday 10 June 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11775 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED in a Gentleman's Family, where a Houfekeeper is kept,— A COOK. She muft undcrftand her Buiinefi, and ..

... will be given. i Apply to Mr. Phippi, Unicorn Inn, Morton- in-Marfli. To be LBTT, AFARM, iituate in the Parilh of Folbrook, in Oxfotdftire, adioining to the Town of Burford, now in the Occupation of John Hill, and which Ii to be entered upon at Old Lady.Day next ; confifting of a fub- ftantial flated Dwclling-Houfc, Four Barns, Two Stables, Cart-Houfes, and other fuitable Out-Buildings j Two ...

Published: Saturday 18 February 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11636 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

COUNTY OF OXFORD. NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Mectirg cf the Lieutenancy of the County of Oxford, wi

... Ibe holJ ( n, by Adjournment, on Wodnrfday next tiie Eleventh Day of |anuiiry, at Eleven o'Clock. in the Forenoon, at the Stat Inn, Oxford. , W. E. TAUNTON, Clerk to the General Meetings. CITY OF OXFORD. Weekly Market fir the Salt cf Live Cattle. IN l'urtliance of an Order of the Council Chamber of thi* City, in Common Council aff-mbled, on Wednefday the 28th Inftant, Nuire is hcrely given, ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11815 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

T; , *r WW • -» -w • 1 0 bp SOLD, by Pxivatb CdeTXAcr, by Order of the Tfl»Rc»*!

... Ruminated anckappointed by and under the WiJJ of Frauds XvfSK**. for- merly of.-Abingdon, Bella, knd Jate of t^idon, Oxford- • Ofire, Gentleman, jieceafed, A FREEHOLD^, ESTATE, ' Confiftin'g of I MESSVAGI.or TENEMENT Reflory or Pn fonage impropriate of Bildon.otherwifc Toot Baldoa, St. Lawrence Baldon, and Marft Baldon, with their Right]! Members, and Appurtenancei, in the County of Oxfori. ...

Published: Saturday 18 March 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13861 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be LETT and Entered on immediately, THE WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY, at Kintbcrv, Berks, including the Workshops, ..

... Machinery ufed in Card- ing, Scribbling, Raifing, Shearing, ?? all in the higher. St.ite of Perfection, and erected in commodious Buildings, with ahout Forty Kir rf.y mere Looms, Twifting-Mill and other Article, iifed in the Making of Cloth. Alfri the DVE-HOI'SE, with every neccflary Fixture for Dying _nd Walhing ; a Dye-Rack under cover and inclofed ; with the Land furrounding the Manufactory ...

Published: Saturday 05 August 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11172 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

NELtilOTT's moft rcfpertful Compli- • incuts wak on the Nobility and Gentry, of the Univcrfity and flßy of ..

... its Vicinity, informing them Jales iir IJl.irringes and Horfes at his Re- politory, at th» Roe-BiKk Inn, in Oxford, will be on Saturday the .23d Inllant, cither by Auftion or Private Contraft, as. may be nioft agreeable to his Employers. Oxford, New-Inn-Hall Lane, Dec. 16, 1797. 83» Some CAPITAL HORSES are expefted. jfyodjlock, Rollrigltt Lane, and Enfloio Bridge, TURNPIKE ROADS. ...

Published: Saturday 16 December 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11331 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... ION. NOTICJE is hereby given, That a General Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of tr-V Oxford Canal Navigation, will be holden, at the Red Lion Inn in Banbury, on Wednefday the 30th Inftant, at Eleven ?? ih the Forenoon. J. Dt/NSFORD, Clerk. Oxford Canal Office, Auguft -jib, 1797. ~JuLr S tb, 1797. EDGE HILL TURNPIKE* TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Tolls arifing at the Toll Gate ...

Published: Saturday 12 August 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8810 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BLENHEIM, wb of Fthruaty, 1797, OFFICERS Being wanted in the PROVI SONAL CAVALRY, To bt raifed for tbe County ef

... Oxford, GENTLEMEN willing to ferve in the above Corps are defired forthwith to tranfmit their Names to the Duke of Marlborough, the Lord Lieutenant, or to W. E. Taunton, Efq. the Clerk of the Peace, at Ox- oni, fpecifying the Rank they are qualified to hold. MARLBOROUGH. COUNTY OF OXFORD. BY Orderof the Lord Lieutenant, and De- puty Lieutenants, the following Times and Places ere, with the ...

Published: Saturday 11 March 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12816 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

OXFORDSHIRE. VT OTICE is hereby given. That the next 7ex 1 . Mcelir >3 t* carrying into Execution the Awts

... parted in thi pref.nt S.Uiai of Parliament, for pro- viding an Augmentation to the Militia, will be JioUen«>n Saturdiy the ?? Day cf Febmary laftant, at Eleven o Clock in tha Forenoon, at tht Star Inii, Oiford. WM. E. TAUNTON, Fth. 3, 1737. Clerk to the Genetal Meeting*. Aylefbury, Tnam, Shnii»?ford, and Pcjhcmb TURNPIKE ROAPS. VTOTICE is hciehy given, That a Meeting ; ?? *! Truftees «f *« ...

Published: Saturday 04 February 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12204 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds