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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


... Elders rcjc.vd the fmpoft on Salt by a majority of ij. The French armies are already even' where in motion. The army ot Mentz is fuppreffed, and is replaced by three other oreat armies, confifKnp; of about er.r-i m-n each; and .ill of them are daily receiving ...


... The artillery of both armies was numcrouibeyondtny precedent. P'Arcon, one of the Members of the Military Committee, formed by the Directory for the pur- pofe of conducing the war, was one of the moll a- ble officer* of the old army, and is well known Car ...

Jrfnap ano fedtiiroap'jJ pottjj

... miles to the fouth-caft from tin: ope- rations now puriuing in the county ot Tyrol. Bcfides thf above three armies, the French have alfo the army which has conquered Naples, at pre- fent commanded byiOuhem. Thcic troops are now engaged in, rcprefling the ...


... acres of land round his feat in the county of Surry. Paul I. has written the following letter to Mar- fhal Suarrow, announcing his nomination to the chief command of the Army of Italy; — The Emperor of the Romans requires you to command the Army of Italy ...

jfrfDap ano feattirOap'sJ |»otti>

... wcil-dreflcd woman, who fome time fince left it to be nurfed by Mrs. Couch- man, at!), benevolently leleafed them from their meritorious charge Ly taking the infant under her own protection. The Oxfordlhire regiment of militia landed fafe in Ireland ...


... compelled the French army, that laid Francfort and other places under contri- bution, to retreat acrofs the Kbine. Mirfhal Su- warrow was every day -expefted to attaqk Gen- Championet, and prevent his junction with the remains of Joubcrt's army, defeated at Novi ...

feun&a? anU tCuesTMP'oi jPotTs

... tant advantages. A letter trom Dnhem to the commander in chief of tlie army of Italy, dated Foogia, March 19, (rates, that he had defeated a body of .ihoitt 1,0,000 ot the coalelccd army of Apulia and Abruzzo, (whom he calls rebels and .difaffecled perfons) ...

JfctOap ano _&atucoap'o potts'

... e in. ?? *^ ■* ?? ' ' ,aye ' wen rece ' Vfl ' V O ?? Cuvliav.n, of new fucreftes * S!j_S *wJ\~V ' obtained bf thu Allied Armies in SJ , I'~V»!IM_J_B-_-k lt.ily; among others, (Icnoa is ** repotted to have- fin-rendered. — But thi« intelligence it premature ...


... ih!>--nnc child In tlm »inu of .i young woman, uttracled the attention f a gentle- man neat tlie corner of Nonon-ltriit, in the New-Road j he flopped to f).iak to it, when the .nfant llr.-tchec! ?? in tittle l»and», and inviin! him to ?? it j he acccrd- ...

jfeuntu? anf U«iMii»a?'o fPoila

... Qimwlr ard his fuite. with Cipt. Witter and all the MBwt and crew nf the Profrretnt, with the rtceptinn of Rfteen men, one woman and a ehlM, rot fafe on ftiore kt a fmall ?? railed Nemrh, not Ur d'ftant from Cuihrvrn. Tbe diftance, front wbere the (hip ...


... part of Bambarra. They are not planted hy the native!, but are found glowing naturally in the woods j and, in clearing wood land fur cultivation, tvtry tree il cut down but the Shea. The Tree Itftlf very much refemblel the American Oak ; a:-d the Fruit ...

fetmOa. and riicgfiau'o

... the 14.!. inft- in the Champ de, hut without ctTet't. At tlteheatl-ipiai lers of ?? grand army, has been publiihed the following maniftfto: '1 he army i, on tbe eve of entering the territory of the Republic of (ieiioa; il Jut. not cunir as an enemy ...