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November 1799
1 1-7 1 8-14


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Police Intelligence

... 1police -qr# once. FORGER? iOM THE BANK OF. ENGLAND. Carpmeal, theipolicr arrive& at the Public-Office in.Bow-fireet, London, ori Saturday laft, from an excurfion in whic-he anied V Mr. Blifs, 'a gentlenian' belingirsg-'to the anka of -England>-. It- had -been Bifcovered that a B great numniberoff6r'ed Bank ?? Notes had been, circulated--near Leeds, and ?? larly at Otley, in Yorkihire, as well ...

Military Courts Martial

... w0-maitarp airtz partiat. I ,Yudge ?? Ofer, sif, OH.a o; 1799. I have had the honour to lay before the e Ring the proceedings of a General Gpurt_' r. Martial, held in the city of York on Monday el the' 23d day of laft& months and on- feveral fubfequent days) for the trial of John Worth- A, ington, Efq. Major of the Suffex Regiment of ?? Fencible Cavalrv, upon feveral articles of E charg6 ...