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Caledonian Mercury



Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury


... - PUKE r,r HXmH-TOW. BIRTH DAT. Lotd Ar ?? I Ha* 777. The rw,7 ' __ The Pnr.c; of Wulrs, and __ the left of th: Royal was 1-icrit in a convivial ar.d agreeable manner. Ami fra reels, wailed nrden. In Italy we woo -flu ihy, ' We fought by the Inn, sort..! Light Df ?? ?? ry. Rubers would on r think etui!-— Crr patr .v Siim*. that never falls Conduct 1 is to i> nun's ele:— Rewarded there bj ...


... On the 1 6th initant, two days before the prefent froit commenced, our old Coirefpondent Whackum foretold to us, ** that in a few days a froit would fet in, which, with little, if any, ir.termiffion, would continue till the beginning of February ; and that, during that period, N. E. E. and E. S. E. would be the prevailing winds. This prediction, which hitherto has been completely verified, he ...

?? ;-v ,v ?? .. 1763. I, Ton-: ?? ?? cc. ?? ?? the ugnct; Whereas I have ?? ned

... tolsobel Mod c „;; ?? ?? al and pc, ?? ?? ?? , ivith the burden 01 certain ?? , mentioned in the difpofi- ?? ?? 01 real fecurirv, at the light, and by the direc- tion ..I Andrew Fletcher, of Miiton, Efcj, one cf the Senators ?? the College ol Joftict, and John IWKenzie, writer tothe figoet, m traftees lor the purposes after, or faeh of _ ?? or non-acceptance, at the fight, and ...

,-;■:■ jf •>

... CONC-ERT 9S34 10Z TtIdE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC KITCHEN. p, geganagers of the Public Kitchen are happy in an- 1r7 ncincng to the Public, that the performers of the al Concert have gener'usly offered their services for f3;Ben' of that Charitable Institution, and that upon that s they wilbe joined by the Band of the Argyleshire c~lttiforwhih Clonl C~upeli onthe application of-the '')th great ...


... HOUSE OF COMMONS— June 27. The bread _.fii;_e bill was re.-.d a Third time, and paffed. A ?? from the Lords announced that th_-y had agreed to the neutral bottom bill, bank building bill, and the torn importation biil; and The A'ITORNKY GENERAL -cave notice, that on Mon- day next he would, move far leave to bring in bills, ill, for al- tering the law of treai'on, fo fer as it rela: es to ...

A N !: C D O T E. A fcrvaql of the Rev. Rojuiand Ti,l!, very lately died, and his

... matter preached his funeral fermon to 'a ■■•sn.erous audience ; in the eomfe of which he-men- tioned the following anecdote, in term; fooiewhat Cmi- Many peifons prcfent Mere acquainted with the de- cerned, and have ba I it in their power to obfeu c bis cha- ra.lcr and conduQ. They ear, 1.-ar wkoeis that I Ipeak the troth, when I affert, that, for aconfiderable num- ber of years pall, he has ...

PLYMOUTH—.March _?!,

... PLYMOUTH — .March ?? I Tehis morning a brig ccrtcl arrived herefrom Mor- latx, and landed eight puffengers, three ot whom, (viz. the Purfer, Surgeon, and Captain's Cicti,) lately be- longed r-e> tbe ?? fioop of war, commanded by Loid l'.'obv. This (hip tra cruizing oo Friday the :41b inft. off Brelr, and at ten o'clock P. M. on that day, the Maf- tcr having the watch on deck, a mutiny broke ...


... It is very eironcoully conceived hy ?? par- ous, that the death of KU-bsr will flrengthen the French in Egypt. Some there arc in France who may perhaps not regret this eves.: ; but rt wiil be greatly refented by a!l the loldiers of the army of Eoypt, sas fee was a Mini and ex- perienced Geneiai. His ?? ia very dif- ferent. This expedition is, we believe, the only cccafion, except the war in La ...


... - Amortgft the viiitors as- the E*_ Portfmdiiith, is the jiiftly .c.clcbraiE- p'rf, William Dacres. of J-ii.g'sOrV tonfhire Ke travel ?? 1 -. ried by mules and r-ffcW a n d &gf with a beard upv.'-rds fix mche'!.i- about 4S years of age, aoc ! It ' ?? 30 and 4.o. cacti. aj-OBgil-J '■ in various parts of lite kin^r'nt.: ?? dace of a fine farm, which l.c MM among the ncghbocring poor famt.'e- ...