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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... S HIP NEWS. The Profelyte of 32 guns, which has been for fome time off Rochelle, watching there, Law, about three weeks fince, three fail com- ing out early in the night, two of them bav- ing French colours, and of; thefe carrying a jack at her main-top-maft head. Our fhip, having all clear for action, manceuvred to ren- der it as advantageous as poffible, and at length, on the point of firing ...


... S' II I P IN E IV - S. Conic,' Nc. S. It is witlh mu..i concern we havr to flatc the lofs of tbe Charles BaEingy, Weft India- man, John Aris, that failed from ;Por Royal, Jamaica, the 6th or September, nd on the Sth of Widlober foilowing fijrung a leak. 'Tlhe unrcmitting exertions of the rCaptain, crew, and paffzngers, kept her afloat, 'until thle 14tb, ali hands being employed in ...


... S-Iur NEWS. CoWESSept. 2. c Came in laft night, the Rodney of London, h Davidfon maller, fromn Jamaica, a miffing iuhip of the laft homeward bound convoy. She p has been tbhte months and twelve days at Jea c fince lhe left Montego Bay. Off the fouth- weft part of Cuba, about a foxtnight after quitting the fleet, (lie was attacked by a Spa- o nifli pi-iva!eer offiix uns, and a Felucca, both ti ...


... ily7, whlch has lott all-. , -SHiP -Y ?? Thurfday, his Majefly's cutter TjTfsiIW ]-ed from' Shields, 'ith the outwa'id bound . Baltic fleet under convoyg. everal-lfips.are loading for the Baltic, and intend going down to Leith to join convoy. t The London Gazette contains i' lift of 6 armed and 90 merchanta ffels, taken, 'deiain- -ed, or deilroyed, by the Britilh fquadron orl ..the Ja'maica ...


... z, I .s I I ._ _. _ WVe have the pleaffre to announce, that par, of the homeward-bound Lifbon fleet, -ader convoy of the Topaze, is arrived at Deal. Six of an American homeward-bound Weft andia fleet were lately taken by a Guada. Ioupe privateer, and liberated after being plandered. A rich Danifh fhip and Portu- a uefie brig with upwards of z lacks of dollars ,n board, have been taken by the ...


... WEYMOUTH, Oatober 20. A French privateer appeared yefterday off Portland, and took a brig, which was foon af- ter retaken by a King's brig, who alfo took tihe privateer. On the 3d in, a hugger French privateer :;;pt~red a brig clofe under Foulkflone bat- t cry, where fhe had run for fecurity it took ob'ace about eleven at night, and being moon- ^ight was plainly feen by many of the inhabi- ...


... i!y fall LO Llit; IUL UI JlUlildlbiby. COF.N EXCHANGE-LONDON, O&. 10. -- T - r-- _-i a 11 r ?? -y _ AA 1_ Wre have had, fince Monday, fcarce a tingle o arrival of grain of any kind. Wheats have, l R econfequcc of the fhortnefs of the fupply, confi. .e derablv advanced ir,. price. C e But fniall demand for Rye, the price of which C n varies little, ad ., Barley and Malt come very flowly to hand ...


... SHrIP NEW7S. A very unfortrnate accident too'k place on board the Queep hired armed cutter yefterday afternoon: In firing the bov gun to bring a veffel to in Calais Roads, the gun unhappily burit, and by the explolion three men were killed, and four wounded, but the wounded are declared out of danger. S ranelsfs, Oclober 26.-Oa Friday lad a Court M-fartial was held on board his Majef- ty's ...


... S HFIP NE WS. After the violent proceeiipgs. of the Spa- nifh iMir.itler, relative to the capzis-e of'the on Spanilh frigates, in Barcelona road, as menti- uJ oned io oar ]aft, our readers will, piutfe, wizth furprifc, ,he folloxiing arcco~nt of this cap- l ?? lv Capt.. Loui, of the Minotaur, tr-an- St ni.6'.I by Loid Ktith, and itifertcd in th--lait to LoIudon Gazette. His L-rrdfhip . ives ...

Published: Monday 20 October 1800
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2201 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S UI P fN E PIYS. II.RT'SmoU-I'l, 'rOV. Ptit back to Spitlcmd, the qvm hirfe, Maid- flone, la Pique, Alliance, and Chichelier, xvitlh the ?? tou, PAluithcvrranei'n and G :bral. tar convoys, ill ail nrnountino, to 3i fail. Various rcports ?? ?? thi. ! If- imlmenfe convoy returning from South Yar- galloi mouth Roais to Spithead. (One thing; is cer- with -is tain, that it was in confequence of ...


... S HIP NEWS. r- The following captures are officially an- .o nounced: ;- By the Thames frigate, L'Aaif French n privateer, of 14 fix-pounders, 2 long brafs if twelves, and 237 men, a fine new vellel, cop- - pered, had been out only one day on her firft rt cruize. By the Brilliant, the St Jago Spa- )r ?? fchooner privateer of so guns and 6o :0 men. :e We learn, but not officially, that the Lur. ...