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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... IC FALMOUTH, Auguft IS. Fe Arrived the Walfingharn packet, Captain Roberts, iu 2i days from LifZolh with mails p dated the ajth July. On the day after her g e failing Ihe fpoke his Majefty's flip Mondovi, d I- from Gibraltar bound to Lifbon. On the tl ir 28th in lat. 39. 48. long 13. S9- fhe fpoke II y the Circe and another frigate with a fleet, con. d it fifing of a fleet of 24 Ihips under ...


... SHIIP NEWS. On Sunday nine fail of mren of war, four - ombs, five gun-brigs, two fioops, aid cwo- litters failed from Yarmouth Roads, to join a feet of transports which appeared wvithout - e Sands, under a Ufip of war having an Admiral's flag flyin7. The fleet is corn- - ,anded by Admiral .Dickfon, and has failed en a fecret expedition. The men of war which failed from Yar- -mouth Roads On ...


... A letter from Portfmouth announces the Wafe arrival of the Weft India fleet, nearly So A fail, under convoy of the Invincible, of 74 guns, and the Flirt floop. The fleet from Peterfburgh under convoy tl of the Favourite floop has arrived at Brid- v 1 lington. I A convoy is appointed to fail from Hull for Hamburg, Bremen, and Embden, on the 2d of September. Six veffels havre been gallantly cut ...


... SHIIP NEWS. FAtNIOUTH, Augufi 23. Salled the Walfingham packet, Capt. Ro. berts, for Lifbon, with the mail of the a9th imlu. The Princefs Charlotte, with the Lee- ward IHland mail of the 20th infl. has receiv- ed her failing orders, and will proceed to fea to-morrow. YARMOUTh, Augult 24. This morning the Monmouth appeared at tl'e offing, and boifted a fignal for the Raifon- able to join her, ...


... S OlL? P AN E If S. and We congratulate our readers on the fafe pre arrival of a part of the Jamaica fleet. The ed remaining (hips were well off Cape Clear o d. Saturday ?? of the homeward-bound lou Y Eait Indiamen, alfo arrived at Plymouth, viz. the Mornington, Hercules, Earl Howe, ma Is s and Caledonia, after a paffage of eleven weeks wh dfrom St Helena. .s t d Friday morning the purfer of ...


... S-Iur NEWS. CoWESSept. 2. c Came in laft night, the Rodney of London, h Davidfon maller, fromn Jamaica, a miffing iuhip of the laft homeward bound convoy. She p has been tbhte months and twelve days at Jea c fince lhe left Montego Bay. Off the fouth- weft part of Cuba, about a foxtnight after quitting the fleet, (lie was attacked by a Spa- o nifli pi-iva!eer offiix uns, and a Felucca, both ti ...


... ?? -.7 1-1 ?? I t III I I A17 F 1? I - S. A Leeward Iland mail arrived timis mo. .-1 ina, ibr mc -ht by the 17bi: i-; pacic.S left St Htt'S oII thC 26th or T - , 1: 1a on the o11, III cOmpal. lvltti w ard b c und 1\iTel loia a . t. Fine lettcrs by the mzii ilt' a i nunine~r of French tni-va ee-s ind cii -i I were cliulzing of! the XlX ; ; ii l ao rd| Bcrmudaa, for the pupofe ofl tlo re;ig ...


... 5' ifI P XN E ltJS. The laf Gcrazette contains an account of a r. very gallant fervice performed under the di t rekt- on of Lieut. A!'Cullen of the marines, as Captain Price ofthe Badger, writes, that obferving on the rcth a bog 1uguet be H tween Iligny and St Marcou, and thinking the might be cut off from La Hoguec he di- recced Lieut. IM'C- with 2t picked rien io rI his ten oared ...


... ily7, whlch has lott all-. , -SHiP -Y ?? Thurfday, his Majefly's cutter TjTfsiIW ]-ed from' Shields, 'ith the outwa'id bound . Baltic fleet under convoyg. everal-lfips.are loading for the Baltic, and intend going down to Leith to join convoy. t The London Gazette contains i' lift of 6 armed and 90 merchanta ffels, taken, 'deiain- -ed, or deilroyed, by the Britilh fquadron orl ..the Ja'maica ...


... z, I .s I I ._ _. _ WVe have the pleaffre to announce, that par, of the homeward-bound Lifbon fleet, -ader convoy of the Topaze, is arrived at Deal. Six of an American homeward-bound Weft andia fleet were lately taken by a Guada. Ioupe privateer, and liberated after being plandered. A rich Danifh fhip and Portu- a uefie brig with upwards of z lacks of dollars ,n board, have been taken by the ...


... S HX I P' N7E IFS. 't13 Z I Y I i I'he Qieen and K.rtu V1.a't ?? ar- rived at rt 6alvador on the 11l of 7J1lv tba, Qoeea was deiroy-d by fi-e or; tie 90h, arid the Kent failed on hcr voyagt on the ayth. M fr Hardinge, the Purfer of the Qizen faft Indiamao, arrived yellerday in tow;ij rith the following information ref-p3cing her 1cfs, which was notified at Lloyd's Coffec- boufte :- TIhe hip ...


... i!y fall LO Llit; IUL UI JlUlildlbiby. COF.N EXCHANGE-LONDON, O&. 10. -- T - r-- _-i a 11 r ?? -y _ AA 1_ Wre have had, fince Monday, fcarce a tingle o arrival of grain of any kind. Wheats have, l R econfequcc of the fhortnefs of the fupply, confi. .e derablv advanced ir,. price. C e But fniall demand for Rye, the price of which C n varies little, ad ., Barley and Malt come very flowly to hand ...