... [ m0; tEVERLEY RACES. Tue(flay, May , a weepflakes of zogs. each, for -tree-year olds, colts 81L. ?? 'fl. ?? miile and a half. Mt. G. Crompton's filly, Anrifeed, by Coriand er beat Sir T. Gakcoigne's baycolt by Delpini, out of a Garrick mare, and Mr. Artley's grey filly fifter to Mifs Beverley. Wednefday, $ol. given ?? the Members, for mal- den horfes of all ages; three-year olds to carry a ...

Published: Tuesday 03 June 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 355 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... On Sunday a battle was fought on Wormwood Scrubs, ;eir the Edgwcware Road, betweeni George. Ciements, a fawyer, and Duoovan, an Iruhman, two wve-known pugililta, tor Twenty Guineas. The concojrie -r people affemrnbled on this occalion was iln1meufe, Sa it was eflinsated at zooo ?? rs.- Tiie com'atants fet too about two o'clock; and both .ausht wavih gr.t courage till a qt:arter paft thrce. ...


... Tuefday, September %3.-A fweepflakes of 20Qgs s. ~ I . I I . I hf ft four miies. r Ld Fitzwilliam's Idler, by Overton, 8, 822b b i Mr Wentworth's Roxana, 8sn - 2f Sir C. Turner's Zachariah, 811 61b pd r The St. Leger's flakes of zqgs each, for three year s olds; colts 8A 21 b; fillies 81G-Two miles-(I7 Subfcribet s.) r Mr Wilfon's Champion, by Potso's - I Sir H. T. Vane's Rolla,by Overton - z ...

Published: Tuesday 30 September 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 684 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... E- . - - IS I _ . i I . I ' ~ 'a , iM tbinZ the Amateurs of t1i~s ?? 'will be gratifled with the follozvidi,'aciouoti of d mostbeautiful move at Chsfs. Theiae of it/elf is iat,-restitif, and has been put into m sverf by no vu gar pen. THE STORY. 5' 'WO Perfians had engaged in fsich deep play, J fhat thewbole fortune dfone of them wvs sgainled -by his-opponenit. ,He w'ho played the vi'~itew~as ...

Published: Tuesday 04 November 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 473 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... Before ten clock yefterday ?? above fixty poll chaifes and hackey coaches, containing in the former two or three, and in the latter five or fix well drflid Gentle- men, paired Hyde Park Turnpike, to be prefent at the pu- giliftical confli&l between two Gentlemen-not of Verona, but of England and Ireland, by names Belcher, a noted pugilift from Bril'roi, and Gamsble, in Iriflman. The number of ...

Published: Saturday 27 December 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1137 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... ? - - .? , ,- li - ? ? ?? - - 1? I NE',-WtA8'PLE iftACEI, 03%. A Sweepflakes of zogs. each, p. p. for three year- A olds; colts, 8(t. fillies, jtt. hilb. Two mil, Mir Brandling's b. c. by Pegarusr ; Lord Darlilng- tofl's Muley IMloch, 2- Lord SLratlirnoie's b. c. by Sp2dille, 3; Sir H. Williamnfoo's LancaRter, 4 ; Mr W. Hutchifiori's Earby, 5; Lord Caffllis' b. c. by Pegaflus, 6; Mr G. ...

Published: Tuesday 07 July 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 697 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... Tuefday, yune 30. T HE town plate of Sol. 'Three year-olds to carry 6a1. s2b. four year-olds, 811. 71b. five year-olds, 9f1. 31b. fix year-olds, 9I. 81h. and aged, 9 l. iolb. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. The beft of three heats; twice round for a heat. Mr Girdler's hr. h. Capricorn, i z Mr Heathcoate's gr. h. Trufs, 3z Mr Filher's b.g Griffin, , 3 6 to 4 on Trufs, 5 to z agil Capricorn, 4 ...

Published: Tuesday 07 July 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 530 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 

Sporting Intelligence

... ftorting -%utelligence. DERBTYRACES. TURSDAr, Auguft 18.-4oI. given by his Grace the Duke of Devonfbire, for maiden horfes, &c. all ages. Sir W. WV. Wkynne's b. f. 3 yers old 5 5 I Mr Carr's ch. f. 3 years old I- 2 2 MrFiiber'sb. g. Young Griffin,5 yrs old 4 6 3 Mr Sitwell's b. c. Lamplighter, 3 yrs old 3 4 4 Mr Bolton's ch. m. by John Bull, 4 yrs old 5 3 dr Mr Cholmondeley's br. h. Mobberly ...

Published: Tuesday 01 September 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1224 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... I . .. .C !' SPO~rTING INTEt.1IGECk-l I BftlDoEoa¶'U RA;;CES. *W-~edJ~y, -Aweg. sS>a Maiden Plate oC~ot?*. Mr.- T. Bar gham's b lg ty Minilter 2 Z s Nr. i.'B.,Whitebead't bay-mkire ' . ' 3 ! -P. B I ts bm by 0tmit ' 4 Sl 27 r H Hi~lrond's bay O s * t lr Mr. J §its an, mat ,,, - , >^ 2r. Joaes bay nhare * dr. , -, XoTs lthufrfday,- aipujle Sot -M-r. gmith's gsey horle aplD. ; Mr-., - cersan ...

Published: Thursday 03 September 1801
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1125 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... :O ?? . I 5,ftIEI,, of all the inanilces related of the hagacitybof Dogs, nonea: are more wotcidlerful.than'thofe'recordcd by Sir oinb 4Hlrring-: ton, ig the reign ofjames t. Of is dqg B Pigy, co'itained in a letter to Priiice Henry, fon of le'aboveI 'onarih,. Sir J]ohn writes~- I did once relate to your iignels aftcr' 'what M forte his tackliizge was- wherewithe tie di4 ;ojourti 'iom ryi -f ...


... : ?YrcdiIYa Septi. 9.-The King's Plate for mares of four arid five-year olds. Iwo-mile beats. MTr G. Crompton's b f A nnifeed, by Coriander 1 I Sir G. Heathcote's 'b f by Buzzard 3 2, Mr Butterfield's chefnut filly, Emprefs I ?? RICHMOND RACES. ltiefiay, Sept. 8 -Sweepflakes of logs each, with ,5l. added by the Corporation, for bouifes, &c. all ages. Three-mile heats. (7 fubfcribers.) I\P: ...

Published: Tuesday 15 September 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 656 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games