Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RITH. On Tueafay, in Hailey-Rreet, the Right Hon. Ladv. Charlotte Lenox, the Lady of Grtscral Ltflox, ,and daughter to the Duke of Goirdon, of a daughter, heing tbe twelfth chiid in, the thirteenth yearvf her marli.&ge. MARRIAGES. On Sunday fe'noight. at Hliackley, Mr. William Turner, bookfelier, of Hill (lately of Nottingham), to Mifs Sophia Hamilton, danghter of Mr. Ilamil- .to, n-annager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -wmn- HER MAJfESTr's BIRTH Ddr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 18oO0 rlflHEIR Majeffies and the Princeffes came to St. AL James 's Palace at half paft twelve, where the Qteen, and her Royal daughters, dreffed for their appearance among the numerous company who attended. The Ode for the new year was performed in the Anti-Room adjoining the grand council-chan- b er. The Archbifhop of Canterbury delivered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at MARRIAGES. [Dt On Tuefday lafl, at the Holy Trinity Church this town, by tihe Rev. James Stillingfleet, Aviton Terry, Efq. merchant., to mhiis Charlotte Jarratt, 0 daughter of the Mte John Jarrartt Efq. of thii place. On Thurlilav fe'nilight, Mr Taylor, of IHolrby, to W Mifs Webiler, of York. rg On Monday laft, at Gainfborough, Capt. irm. A- Andei'ton, ttr Mifs Latighton of the fanm e place ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in, ler MARPiFS. th T- rueiesday Ilst, at Halifax, William-Voaqe, Esq. of this town, wine merchant, to Miss Rawden, dauighter ad of Christl`pher Rawdea, Esq. of Underlsaik, near by Hillitax. On Friday, last-, at Sculcoates, .MrA -Thomas Binning- on ton, 1o Mrs; Dickey, both of tIhis placti' 'he On Monday last, at Sculcoates church,-M^r Nuttell, ras- of this place, to Miss Steel, of Sculcoates. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tgvt . :. iMABi5.5GTS. for Moondsipe'nnigit, at St. Mary's churchib Mr. Henry 1r01t Scobi, to Miss Elizabeth Ricliardscso;othl of trh;splce. irec On Tuesdav last, at -Sculcoate3, Mr. James Innis, hey linendraper, toMvlisfDoikiin, both of this place. On nhurisdik, at the IlotTlimnycehurch, Mir. Geo. no Thompsorij farnicr, to %Nsisi Purvis, daughter of Mr. Thomas Purvis4 all (of Rcedness, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... icr -On Wednefday a diid Beverley- sdel7ffsn - tht pace, ?? Maria Cosvihp onue Aaug trf Mia ; TKl phaiof, r uied &a[ PRidirg of thj Count) and, L~ya Snat' MII filiHn; b~ii np, to M~~AI Moodiiisght-erof M r -homa Moa ?? i~ea-er O-b former Fit;,' Pre- 'lou, the Rev. R Sreele- or Dn ;caller;to MiJ~,Qazr; -o,: only daoghter of t ofh ¢Re William Cadilas f btt 'umigb gh A c a- of She = eld,:e. ?. ou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - -- ?? ?? I Jftb*' 214- I Died here on the x7th February, Mr. Robert Innes, merchant. .- - a {m r s:-. no -. L s l - I- fin Qt2. {net ?? Died at Beaco'nsfield, Bucks, on the 8th inst. J. oitl Turnier, Esq. 'of Turnerliall, in the 77th e. year of his age. ve fe Died kt. Forglen on the 14th curt. Mrs Gor- ?? don of Bidenscoih.l fn - We are happy to learn, that the benevolence is of thie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS. I'sI5 Crinningham, of Craig, nds, a forn and datugh- ter. Mrs Coi. Maitland, a daughter. Mis Dun- can of Parkhill, a daughter. hlic Lady of Sir Hr-c- tor M'Xenzic, of Gacir!oh, a fCn, The Lady of G. H. Rofe, Efq. M. P. alin. MATRRIED. At Ed!inbrgh, Mr Mowhray, writer to the fignet, to Mits Elizabeth Scougall, fecond daughter of the iate Mr John Scoauoall. poirchant in Leith. At ...

! _~~~1141 CiiH - !

... Mrs T. Furner, at Brighb-n. a daughtir her liersts' ! ;surii chii',.-l'he Wyfe G - Fitzhciir a soldier in tie guards, four boys, all still-borri. -MARRIED- At E nlbur.,hl, .. W Fot, Esq. Alloa, to auarjoiy, el ides dii' *er of Mr Ntison, of Greerfi-td.-rhe Rev. I Daid v.allchspe, to Ma.y, eldest daughter of the iate Sir A'Xi. Dick of P.-rnton.ficld.-Mr Andrew Herlot, mer- chant, Glasgow to Ar ...

BIRTHS.- Mrs Menazie

... s, Bifckingham-street, Fitzroy- square, London, a daughter. MARRIED. At Leith, Charles Kerr, Esq. of Calder Banl, Lanarkshire, to Miss Marion Sharp, daughter of Francis Sharp, Esq. Comptroller of the Customs at Leith. At Stitchell House, Archibald Tod, Esq. of Drygrange, W. S. to Miss Elizabeth Pringle, second daughter of Sir James Pringle of Stitchel, Bart. At Inverneil, Argyleshirc, Mrs Jane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . IIthe SOth oft. Mrs J sice, Hil .re'e-,f Wa fafely delive ed of a daughter. w -MARRIED- o M31 day, by the Rev. Mr Dobbie, ?? 'd , ?? ow, X Aca IMACONOCIIE, Efq.11 advocate td o Mif5\x BL.aR, eldeft daughter of Robery Blairs, XFcq. Xontoun* his Masjiely's Solicitor General of At'Milheugi, an the '-'thinlt Mfr J0o Tuoasso~ furteon in Edinbiirgh, to -Mifs MAiGA.RET iM'I.LAR3 daughtereof the ...