... COMMON CUUACIL. THURSDAY, OCrOBEs !Z. A Court of Cor mmon Council was held in their Co Urt Room this day, on several special matters. . ADDRESS 'IO H9S MAJESTY. Mr. Sheriff. WooD informed the Court, that agree. ably to the Resolution of a former Court, he had yes. terday waited on his Majesty, to know on what daybis Majesty would be pleased to receive the Address of that Court on the occasion ...


... LAW kTiELLIGJNCEN .. COURT OF CIJANCERY. LifcoDn'Xr Ian Hall, oTnday, i 4, xSX PAiTE iOCtEt. Mr. RiCiROs. stated;-that a Pettion had been pie eseted iniihis case foi' liiq cient, prayitig to be discliarged. firom- p~rison, iaring cniopeted the period 'f a etntence of imprisonnefiit, vassed on hirnbyr the Court of Pirng )Bench, on an indidment flied against lim by the At- toriey generl, ...


... LzW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, TeRuSDAY, Nov. 72.. ER5.E V. ROWCROFT'. This was an action upon a policy of insurance; loss bv bar-atry of the master. Thle- barratry l toved was this ;-The master sailed for Cape Coast, to p'rocure slaves ; but findingi them scarce tlnl e, proceeded to Del- mcida, a Dutch fort, where, by the good urdertanding which prevailed amongst the traders of the ...


... .144W IATELLI Bus;R.' . ~ ~ ~ ?? _ ECE COURT OF KING'S BENCH, itrary i. $itging~ lscforeijord.EI bor~uouhassda Speral Jury4K - G, O;DENZI;,ANe, BEWE7RY. , cooPE: ZV TVYYI.,. -This wats a case.'af c'nstdsrable imip~tsarsle, It sas an adticn of .Replevin, brought by the Plainti'asi nder-tenant under tbe Defendant, of a public houise, in i Chirles-street, -uattori-gar- den, which house Mr. Elliot ...


... I7nw-sra- ?? r.orning a ynonur man Of tt~. naame pf rotle, whIiO resides a; Gree ch apfp!isd ah's fl:ee in ?? of the iohovsin7 CirCumsostallre:- ie Si ΒΆ,!I thaL his )rsthen is a Casrpelltar, aln in Cle emoloy of of , i n-yc, Of (Creenwi'h, he ?? homll(e on lsiir-irly last otter dh rter a.n was supposed to go tQ wvork, but heas not :ne heN *sn t s Sundgy last sib rreends becanm uneasy a!outr ...


... COURT OFINQUIVIRTCHIELS~j Co Leo, I . I CO A SIXTH DAY, TtiURSDAY Nov z4 The Board recommnenced its proceedings 500, ten o'clock this morning. Thle Roy1 DLukes D e before enumerated, were again present, and tile General Officers took their seats and their station a the preceding days. 15j The JUDGE ADVOCATE communicated to thle 3, that in consequence of some observations, whicil on, former day ...


... OLD BAILEr. -. Yesterday SAN;. GA1RDNT and ANN his wife were indidted for a burglary in the day time, in a dwelling house, no person being then in the house. Thle sionman through 'hopes of for- giveness pointed out the property and it was restored to the owner. TI'he Jury under the i *ea tha~t it was possible, that the woma might be the guilty rectiver atid not the thief,,and find- ing that ...


... COURT OF CHJ4ANCER2Z, AUGUST 7. LORD CHEDWOR'Iii's WILL. Wll'40%O; V. WRlIGHT'. Two motions, in this case, came on to be argued to-day. The former for a new issue to the Court of King's Bench to try the validity of Lord Chedworth's will, on the point, whether his lordship was in sound mind at the time of executing it. The latter for giving a preference to the case, that it rniglit lhe ...


... 'COUR-MARTIAL ONILORD GAMBIER. FISrTIl DAY-SONDAY, JULY3. T T l An h A T.) IA. . F ?? i)AY-iVJoNJDAY, JULY- 31. Upon the President's desiring the witnesses to. withdraw, as usal, Lord Cochrane suhmitted to tlie Court, that it: was not the custom of Courts-Martial to exclude the wit- nerses From the Court during the defence5 and referred to the ctiye of Adtiralitlarvey i PRLEsa.ENT- ?? Lord, ...


... F.ArTAL EFFECTS OF ,A'TIiNG CHAINPIGNONS. ?? . . . ., . . -1a4*.haim, Qct. 17. -r EJIs day an Inqtust *ar hteld before Charles Jemi- T1 Ieit, . i.s4, Ctwoner Ior the (oputy of Surrey, ?? the (aeathso 'Mary Attwooci, aged fourteelf, Ffzd, agel sed'vej, aid-Sarah, aged five years, d iughi tolrs .,r WViaiairAttwood, of Miichaiii, prim-ceuuer. Air ehrrolt 6ujeoin, deeosed, 4blat on T1uesday the ...


... BURY, ASSIZES. GRAND JTRY. For tler County. For the Librrtil. Sir Itobert HarIenld, Bart. Sir PatricL Blakc, Bart. Sir WIII. midde ton, Burt. Sir William IRowley, Bart. t harles Rcrrncrjun-Esq. B. E. Hloward, Esq. tieorge Wilsun, Esq. William Parker, Esq. '1 J. W1oodvzurd, Esq. J. IL. Powell, Esq. John Verflo.rTrEsq. J. T. 11. EIbvs, ELYI. I)avido Eiisliat l~av,, Esq. Willid, 315thle-, E,(l. ...

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 17, 1801

... IF'rm tim LONDON GAZ.ET 7~,Tf, VI7, 1808. At the Court at the Qean's Houde, the 17th of .March, 1Sos, Prefent thc King's Mort E1cellent Majcity inwCouncil, This day the Right Hoiourable Philip Earl of Hardwicke, and the Right HoQourable George Legge, called Vifcount Lewviflarn, were, by-his Ma- jelly's Commnand, fworn ofihis Majely's moul Honour. able Piivv Council, and took their ...