Advertisements & Notices

... . . ' i ?? L C At Y:le/frs Lid (I,; for SR;Ie9 Sc.' .TherSpaiPah Ship,_ . -joVN'MARIA JQSEPHA$ . liernhne, wind ari4 .wea~tler permit-, .tsipg, th~e jdis,,f Nove'nbe~r. ?? ' ?? T *- .3'he.S~panitii Ship; A Li^RTiA,,.Caet,&i'Iu JOsEPC. ; MA^Nn ?? R3SEAtN EF ; afO jrsivdfidwual^a free 7Pafi- ,peri'from it& ?? eyq.Gop rnmi,*til, ?? fnpm hence, wipd tahd .wather permitting,* the ff ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tk.e il 'If YUL r, The' IRISH STATE-LOTTERY Begins Draiving,. lbs qgicb are PRIZ ES of tlefsotoqaini. vtaue: 20,9001. I5,0001. T0,OOOL .5,0o0i, 3,0001. ,ooi Sool. and 1803? from icol. to 81. The Tickets, Halves, Quarteis, Eighth's, & Sixteenth Shares, Duly flamped, purfiant to Aa of Parliameent, AKE SOLD AND REGISTERED BY Mr. NICHOLSON, At his StatiLottery Orce, No. is, Cornhbll, LONDON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YINGSTON- UPON-HULL. , Teeting of the.Inhabitants of this Town, held at Ile ulildhall, the z If( day of Oaober, 1803, in ronf-quence of a requifition to the Woribipful ,,It 31gayoT, to confider the propriety of imme- diately forming an !NDEPENDeNT Coars Or IKCAOTRY for af7tfing ill the Defence of the Town and Neighbourhood )OHN WRAY, Efq. Mayor, int te Chair; RESOI.VED, , qf HAT iat irtb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW: SO, Ic iNEW STAN.MP-DUzTIES ON DEEDS; &'C. Stamp-Oflice, Somerfet-Place, 3.d July, r8o0. T N-Pc 7ton e f Direr6iona recrivedfvorn the Right 1Honozrabte the Lords Co~nmm§zonersof his MajeJ4's Treafztry, his Majely's Comnm1tronders for snanaging tze Stainp Duties do hereby give Abtice, That, in order to prevent any inconvenience to thofe.Perfons in the different Parts of the Kingdom, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reoj ofeS W the R i lvorfaifulthebMaer, LOG uf Friee ansd Agccepted MASONVS.: 3;iet . . qer M. NI MPs. DUL7NN refpe6lfully beg leave to aqquaint ?? sicTLadts, and Gentlement of H'oL1, itnd its * vrr,,tey. that their B1enefit is fixed for Tnefday 'J).cernber gth, 1So0; drhen will be, priferted ' P LA Y.iRCc, and ENTEUTrANmENT s as vwill be C~prreffed]in the bills of the day. T ickets as tfiuai, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. MAS9OV~ CELEaH ItrsTD. BELLE'ISLE CONVENT SQAZ, , F SURPRISING QUALITLES, 'No. i1i6, PALL MALL, L6NDOM THE Ptecipe hin mnking-this extraordinary T SOAP was given by the Lady Abbefs of the Convent at-PAL-Us-, thle caitkl of Belleile, to the wife of an officer..of rank, who was with her hullanrd after the taking of that iliand in the year 7f6r. -She has nfei it he1felf2 end dift-ibuted it' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H' U LEDr .or MA4TA and MITESSINA, (Arnd. will taken in Goods for PNi.ERMo, to be for. _ .warddd-at the Ship's expence, but at the rifle of nd the Owners of the Goods; warranted to fail with, I Xd Convoy from England, cxpe~ted to depart in all I Ad May, or early in June.) a :0 _ , T le fal-failing ship, ADVENTURE, Captain fiHOMAS 0. MEDLEY, A nd lavirg the greatefl part of her d, Cargo enoaged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For the FACE and SKIN. A pleasing appearance is the best letter of t recomrikendation. D No. 55. Long-Acrt. an G OWILAND's LOTION, (prepared by R. c k- DICKINSON, Sole Prrpiiutirr Of the Original Pa Recipe,) has been eflablilired, in the flr(t circles of fit faflhion, for upwards of ?? years, and as the moil an eflltual eleanfer of the Skin arid ibeaotitier of the qu Complexion, in all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r o:J The ettraordirsry 'Benefits which a great number or perfons have derived firom .Dr. BRODUMS ME-DICI[NES, By the li!s.s RoYAL LEI as PATENT, Have caufed a monI rqspd and conliant demand for 'therm * -their univerfal efficacy i; all Hypo- chibsdriacal`' Hyfterical, Paralvtic, and Con- fuisnstive Cafes, harii g long promoted their fale to an unprecedented degree,-as appears fron many well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o WINE-NM&C-HiANTS and Others. 'e0 BE DISPOSSP1D jOV rpHiE S rOC I-txN-T7R, AD.E)7t ?? Fextvivff , .J aild ITTENS11,801f W1NE-;MBR0HA;Nilahdti DeAL~ i FORiEI,0N SPIRITUOUS' iQ-IORS' b,;ng an ?? Brlfinefs, in a g.dx Maket_ i'lon, l the C0>ostity-of Ysoik For particuradrS apply to~ p ; iCK NstN :, ?? I ?? . ?? To be SOL( . by. AUCTTION, (3r order oftle eesf Mahew'Hnt~eri1i .4j ErWTON. in ste P- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k HULL - _,for NrEW-rORK, The. American Bilig - s r _C.MM tC ?? * PAUL DELANO. Maller. Fiveyearr old, 6urthetn i44 Tons, witl be ready tor tlie if( November, greateli past ot ear Cargo being engaged. KNOX & HAY. OCaober 6, (Soo. ?? - -For HAMB UR G, The CER1VS, JAMES MAX-MELL, : (A confant Trader) Is now ready to load, and will fail with thle convoy appointcd for the a~th irilant. R: SOUTHERN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7- 0 BE SOLD,' ; BY RETA;L, At WENTWORTH 'CAASTLE, hner Barnfley, Large i13f: excelient AAlOAiTi & POLES, , b, ~~proper, for Eiighce'eans, Stock, k wF ~Backs, Mil AxleD Trces,; Ship asd; 'i Hout' l~e Buildinrg &c; The-1aie to r JW, One Ihilling in'the pound wili be charged o t the amount of each-fale for felling wages. t For further particulars inquire of Mr. JOSEPH t ELLIS, Flockfoaneari ...